Quiz Fake or Real

What month is Safe Internet Day celebrated each year?
Which of the following should be a strong password?
Upper Lowercase
Password consisting of information about ourselves
Consecutive Numbers
What is Cyber ​​Bullying?
Bullying done electronically
Harming someone unknowingly
Online purchasing
Do you share everything on the Net?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
Do you accept every friendship request?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
1. What would you do when you recieve a message from one of your acquintances which says that “It is your lucky day. You earned 10000 dollars, click on the link below to get it”?
a. I would be very happy as a rich person and click it immediately.
b. I would accept it and send it to my friends,too.
c. I would immediately delete the message and ban the site.
2. When you are not sure if it is a fake news or not, what should you do?
a. Ask a librarian or consult a fact-checking site
c. Ask my friends about their opinions
3. While you are on the Internet visiting a site you have never visited before, you get a number of clickbaits appearing on the screen. What would you do?
a. I click on it out of curiousity.
c. I don’t click on it as it can be a virus or a malware
{"name":"Quiz Fake or Real", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QBLVBVJ5H","txt":"What month is Safe Internet Day celebrated each year?, Which of the following should be a strong password?, What is Cyber ​​Bullying?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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