Computer Ethics Final Exam

Create a visually engaging image of a person thinking deeply with a laptop in front of them, surrounded by symbols representing topics like privacy, intellectual property, and digital ethics.

Computer Ethics Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge on computer ethics with our comprehensive quiz! This exam covers a wide range of topics within computer ethics, including privacy laws, intellectual property, software quality, and more.

Challenge yourself and see how much you really know about the ethical considerations in the digital world.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Score yourself on completion
  • Ideal for students and professionals alike
45 Questions11 MinutesCreated by BrowsingEagle42
It occurs when someone steals key pieces of personal information to impersonate a person
Identity theft
Privacy act of 1947
According to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, a website that caters to children must:
A. Offer comprehensive privacy policies
B. Notify parents or guardians about its data collection practices
C. Receive parental consent before collecting any personal information from preteens
All of the above
Which of the following is not a technique frequently employed by identity thieves?
A. Hacking databases
Trap and trace
The most basic legal guarantee to the right of freedom of expression in the United States is contained in the:
A. Bill of Rights
Fourth Amendment
First Amendment
U.S. Constitution
The best filters rely on the use of:
A. URL filtering
Keyword filtering
Dynamic content filtering
All of the above
Which of the following statements about Internet censorship is NOT true?
A. China has the largest online population in the world and perhaps the most rigorous censorship in the world
B. The Brazilian government places little, if any, censorship on the use of the Internet by its citizens.
C. Access to the internet in Cuba requires the permission of the Communist party.
D. There are concerns over Internet censorship in the United States
Which of the following is an example of Intellectual Property?
A. A work of art
A computer program
A trade secret of an organization
All of the above
A _________ is a form protection for intellectual property that does not require any disclosures or filing of an application
A. Copyright
Trade secret
Which of the following is NOT a major cause of poor software quality?
A. Many developers do not know how to design quality into software or do not take the time to do it
B. Programmers makes mistakes in turning design specifications into lines of code
C. Software developers are under extreme pressure to reduce the time to market of their products
D. Many organizations avoid buying the first release of a major software product.
A form of software testing that involves viewing a software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings are unknown is known as:
A. Dynamic testing
White-box testing
Integration testing
Black-box testing
The provision of multiple interchangeable components to perform a single function to cope with failures and errors is called:
A. Risk
Which of the following statements about the standard of living is not true?
A. It varies greatly from nation to nation
B. It varies little among groups within the same country
C. Industrialized nations generally have a higher standard of living than developing countries
D. It is frequently measured using the GDP per capita
. A study of 527 large U.S. Firms from 1987 to 1994 found that the benefits of applying IT grow over time and that an IT investment can take:
A. One to three years to break even
B. Three to five years for its users to become efficient in its use.
C. Five to seven years to result in a substantial increase in productivity
D. Over seven years to fully recover the initial investment costs
Which of the following is a valid reason for trying to reduce the digital divide?
A. Health, crime and other emergencies could be resolved more quickly if people in trouble had access to a communications network
B. Much of the vital information that people need to manage their retirement, health and safety is increasingly provided by the Internet
C. Ready access to information and communications technology can provide a country with a wealth of economic opportunities and give its industries a competitive advantage.
D. All of the above.
The country with the highest percentage of Internet consumers visiting a social network, at 86% is ____
A. Australia
United States
_______ encourages individuals to pass along a marketing message to others, thus creating the potential for exponential growth in the message’s exposure and influence as one person tells two people, each of those two or three more people and so on.
A. Direct advertising
B. Viral marketing
C. Indirect advertising through groups
D. A company-owned social networking web site
Which of the following measures is employed by social networking web sites to avoid the posting of objectionable material
A. The terms of use agreement for most social networking web sites states that the website reserves the right to delete material or terminate user accounts that violate the sites policies.
B. The web sites employ people to review material submitted
C. Other users sometimes report objectionable material
D. All of the above
. Which of the following is not an advantage for organizations that employ contingent workers?
A. The firm does not have to offer employee benefits to contingent workers.
B. Training costs are kept to minimum
C. It provides a way to meet fluctuating staffing needs
D. The contingent worker’s experience may be useful to the next firm that hires him or her.
Which of the following statements about whistle-blowing is true?
A. From the moment an employee becomes known as a whistle-blower, a public battle may ensue, with negative publicity attacks on the individual’s personal integrity.
Whistle-blowing is an effective approach to take in dealing with all work-related matters, from the serious to mundane
C. Violators of the False Claim Act are liable for four times the dollar amount that the government is defrauded
D. A whistle-blower must be an employee of the company that is the source of the problem
Which of the following are desirable characteristics of a “green computer”?
A. It runs on less electricity than the typical computer
B. It contains a high percentage of reusable or recyclable materials
C. Its manufacturer has a program to help consumers dispose of it at the end of its life.
D. All of the above.
A term used to describe the works of the mind such as arts, books, formulas, inventions, music and processes that are distinct and owned or created by a single person or group.
Intellectual Property
Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following does not represent intellectual property?
Trade Secret
None of the above
An exclusive right to distribute, display, perform or reproduce an original work in copies
Trade Secret
An agency of the United Nations dedicated to the use of Intellectual Property as a means to stimulate innovation and creativity
A property right to an inventor that permits its owner to exclude the public from making, using or selling a protected invention, and it allows for legal action against violators.
Trade Secret
An act of stealing someone's ideas or words and passing them off as one's own
Reverse engineering
Intellectual theft
It is the process of breaking something down in order to understand it, build a copy of it or improve it
Reverse engineering
Transverse engineering
Inverse engineering
It refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see fit.
Open source code
Competitive intelligence
Industrial espionage
A logo, package design, phrase, sound or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's product from anothers
Trade secret
A software defect is any error that, if not removed could cause a software system to fail to meet its users' needs
Software quality is the degree to which a software product meets the needs of its users
The ISO 9001:2008 standard serves as a guide to quality products,services and management
_________ is a work arrangement in which an employee works away from the office - at home , at a clients office, in a hotel - literally in anywhere
Home based
Online job
A term used to describe the gulf between those who do and those who don't have access to modern information and technology such smartphones, perosnal computers and internet
Digital divide
Progressive management
_________ is the amount of output produced per unit of input
Digital divide
Product liability
The ________ program was designed to eliminate the digital divide in the United States by helping schools and libraries obtain high-speed Internet connections
One Laptop per child
A _____ is a summary of health information generated by each patient encounter in any healthcare delivery setting
Electronic health record
A ________ is a text file that a Web site can download to a visitors hard drive to identify visitors on subsequent visits
The liability of manufacturers, sellers, lessors, and others for injuries caused by defective products is commonly known as ______________
Product liability
Quality assurance
Failure mode and effect analysis
A standard proven work process for the development of high-quality software is called ___________
Software development methodology
Software development life cycle
ISO 9001:2008
When discussing system performance, the terms reliability and safety mean the same
One of the most important and difficult areas of safety-critical system design is the system human interface
A reliability evaluation technique that can determine the effect of system and equipment failure is _____________
Product liability
Failure mode and effect analysis
Dynamic testing
Quality assurance
To date,no practical business applications of online virtual worlds have been implemented
The cost advantage for Indian workers over U.S. Workers continues to increase
{"name":"Computer Ethics Final Exam", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on computer ethics with our comprehensive quiz! This exam covers a wide range of topics within computer ethics, including privacy laws, intellectual property, software quality, and more.Challenge yourself and see how much you really know about the ethical considerations in the digital world.Multiple choice questionsScore yourself on completionIdeal for students and professionals alike","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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