YPP Practice Quiz
YPP Practice Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
This quiz is designed to help you understand the essentials of Results Based Management and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). It consists of 22 carefully crafted multiple-choice questions that cover key concepts, definitions, and principles.
Key Highlights:
- Test your knowledge with 22 questions.
- Focus on Results Based Management principles.
- Understand evaluation, accountability, and operational strategies.
What are the 3 (three) key principles of Results Based Management?
Accountability, National Ownership, Inclusiveness
Accountability, Evaluation, Engagement
Framework Adherance, National Ownership, Engagement
Accountability, Engagement, Evaluation
What is a "result" according to Results Based Management?
Measurable change that is derived from a cause-and-effect relationship
Output of a program
Pre-agreed upon deliverable
Any output (good or bad) from a set of programmes and policies
What is the difference between "action" and "change" language?
Action language uses verbs while change language uses nouns
Action language talks about future plans and change language talks about past actions
Action language focuses results and change language focuses on methods to achieve those results
Action language is not specific and focuses on activity whereas change language is specific and focusts on results rather than the methods to achieve those results
What tool does the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) use to plan, monitor, evaluate and report on UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)result areas?
Output matrix
Results vendiagram
Output plot
Results matrix
What are the 5(five) underlying programme principles of the United Nations (since 2007)
1. Respect for diversity; 2. Ethical fidelity; 3 Environmental Consideration; 4. Robust Flexibility; 5. Timely implementation
1. Ethical Fidelity; 2. Gender Parity; 3. Strategic Sensibilty; 4. Cost conciousness; 5. Inclusiveness
1. Results-based management; 2. A human-rights based approach; 3. Gender equality; 4. Environmental Sustainability; 5. Capacity Development
1. Output-driven approach; 2. Ethical Fidelity; 3. Impartiality; 4. Accountability; 5. Programme efficacy
What are the four main steps of the UNDAF Process?
1. Roadmap, 2. Oversight, 3. Evaluation, 4.Human Rights Assesment
1. Roadmap, 2. Country Analysis, 3. Strategic Planning, 4. Monitoring and Evaluation
1. Roadmap, 2. Reporting, 3. Resource Aquisition, 4. Resource Distribution
1. Roadmap, 2. Review historic implementations, 3. Evaluation, 4. Dispursion
According to Results Based Management, what is the difference between an "output" and an "outcome"?
An output is a result and an outcome is a change in culture
An output is a physical tangible item and an outcome is a non-physical intangible item
Output refers to changes in skill or ability, or the availibility of new product or services that are achieved from the resources provided by a program; while outcomes refers to intended changes in development conditions
Outcome refers to results produced by a local field program and an outcome refers to results produced by a regional programme office
According to Results Based Management, what are the three (3) key functions of programme evaluation?
1. Budget adherance 2. Corruption prevention 3. Timeline assessment
1. Reporting 2. Staff evaluation 3. Efficiency Improvement
1. Programme review 2. Programme updating 3. Programme Improvement
1. Programme Improvement 2. Accountability 3. Organizational Learning
According to Results Based Management, what are the five (5) quality criteria for results reporting?
1. Brevity, 2. Succinctness, 3. Easy to read 4. Highliting only the main points 5. Focus on the positives
1. Brevity, 2. Succinctness, 3. Clarity, 4. Grandiloquence, 5. Thoroughness
1. Completeness, 2. Balance (good and bad), 3. Consistency (between sections), 4. Substantiveness and Reliabilty, 5. Clarity
1. Completeness, 2. Clarity, 3. Reliability, 4. Brevity, 5. Balance (good and bad)
What is the most reliable method of collecting data during monitoring process?
Interviews: because they offer first-hand account of the situation
Surveys: because it eliminates interviewer bias
Sourcing government records: because governments tend to be accurate in collecting data
Field Assesments of tangibles/observabiles; becuase having tangible, measurable criteria virtually eliminates perception bias
When is a Request for Proposals (RFP) used?
When goods and services have a well defined set of criterion
When goods and service are not easily quantifiable and have no well defined criterions
When goods and services cost less than 15,000 USD
When goods and services are only availible from one vendor
What is the difference between "lowest cost" and "best value for money"?
There is no difference
"Lowest cost" is used in low value aquisitions only
"Lowest Cost" refers to the overall price and "best value" takes into consideration not only the cost, but also the useful life of the product
"Lowest cost" takes into account only the price and "best value for money" takes into account ONLY the useful life of the product
What is the threshold amount for a product or service to be considered a "Low Value Aquisition"?
Under $20,000USD
Under $1,000 USD
Under $10,000 USD
Under $15,000 USD
The UN's Report on Gender Parity notes that gender parity is most unbalanced in...
Lower grade staff members
Higher grade staff members (D1 and up)
There is no gender disparity within the UN system
There is significant gender disparity at all levels of the UN staff hierarchy including G,P and D level staff
The two phases of UN's gender parity strategy include:
Phase 1, which focuses gender parity for higher level and international staff and Phase 2 which will target G level and national staff
Phase 1, which will focus on G level staff and Phase 2 which will focus on national level staff
Phase 1, which will focus on D1 and up cetegory of staff and Phase 2 which will focus on P level staff
There is only one phase and it focuses only on G level staff
Who prepares the Programme Budget for the United Nations?
General Assembly
International Court of Justice
Under-Secretary General
Secretary General
Which are the only official non-member States within the UN?
Kosovo and South Sudan
Palestine and Vatican City
Donetsk People's Republic and Northern Ireland
Goland Hights and South Osetia
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining the UN's Bank accounts?
Secretary General
General Assembly
Finance Department
Under-Secretary General
Are Member States reimbursed for contributing resources to peacekeeping operations?
How is depreciation of a UN asset assessed?
Curved Line method
Logarithmic method
Straight Line method
Least of two squares method
Activities undertaken by the UN must use the following instruments:
1. Capacity Building Framework, 2. Programme Evaluation, 3 Environmental Reports, 4. Oversight Comittee Input
1. Strategic Frameworks, 2. Programme Budgets, 3. Reports on programme performacne. 4 Evaluation Reports
1. Budget Evaluations, 2. Reporting Analysis., 3. Environmental Reports., 4. Peace and Security Assesments
1. Assessments of baseline conditions, 2. Peace and Security Assessments, 3. Environmental Impact Assessments 4. Budget Reviews
1. Testing for causal effectiveness, 2. Normal continuous delivery, 3. Dessemination and Replication; are parts of a Programme Lifecycle. In which one of our readings was this mentioned?
Planning Evaluation Through the Program Life Cycle
The Results Based Management Handbook
Financial Rules and Regulations
Procurement Manual
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