Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Wed, 15 Dec 21
[2112.06952] Antoni Ramos-Buades, Alessandra Buonanno, Mohammed Khalil et al.: Effective-one-body multipolar waveforms for eccentric binary black holes with non-precessing spins
[2112.06957] L. Filipe O. Costa, José Natário, N. O. Santos: Spinning cylinders in general relativity: a canonical form for the Lewis metrics of the Weyl class
[2112.07078] Érico Goulart, Santiago Esteban Perez Bergliaffa: Non-linear electrodynamics non-minimally coupled to gravity:symmetric-hyperbolicity and causal structure
[2112.07186] Kartik Prabhu: A novel supersymmetric extension of BMS symmetries at null infinity
[2112.07310] Nandhida Krishnan.P, Titus K Mathew: Barrow Holographic Dark Energy Model -- A new Perspective
[2112.07336] Li-Ming Cao, Liang-Bi Wu: A Note on the Strong Hyperbolicity of $f(R)$ Gravity with Dynamical Shifts
[2112.07388] Oliver Schön, Daniela D. Doneva: Tensor-Multi-Scalar Gravity: Equations of Motion to 2.5 post-Newtonian Order
[2112.07442] M. Shafiee: Correction to black hole radiation due to pair annihilation
[2112.07455] Cheng-Yong Zhang, Qian Chen, Yunqi Liu et al.: Critical phenomena in dynamical scalarization of charged black hole
[2112.07490] Quentin Baghi, Natalia Korsakova, Jacob Slutsky et al.: Detection and characterization of instrumental transients in LISA Pathfinder and their projection to LISA
[2112.07550] Donato Bini, Bahram Mashhoon, Yuri N. Obukhov: Gravitomagnetic Helicity
[2112.07581] Piyali Bhar, Pramit Rej, M. Zubair: Tolman IV fluid sphere in f(R, T) gravity
[2112.07600] Carlos Aráoz Alvarado, Celia Escamilla-Rivera: Modified Yang-Lee theory for nonlocal gravitational potential and their phase transition
[2112.07608] Robertus Potting, Paulo M. Sá: Coupled quintessence with a generalized interaction term
[2112.07626] Xiao-Xiao Kou, James B. Mertens, Chi Tian et al.: Gravitational Waves from Fully General Relativistic Oscillon Preheating
[2112.07635] Simon M. C. Yeung, Mark H. Y. Cheung, Joseph A. J. Gais et al.: Microlensing of type II gravitational-wave macroimages
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Wed, 15 Dec 21","img":""}
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