What does Eli the Eevee think of you
{"name":"What does Eli the Eevee think of you", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Me: well, good morning and how do you do. So the first one your going to meet Eli the Eevee, Eli? whats the question? Eli: w-well. um. how about, what is your favorite eeveelution? Me:*smake my face* really Eli, thats so original. Eli: sorry it was the only thing that i could think of :(, Me: okay know im going to ask a questin. if you had to send a valintine to one of this four eeveelutions who would you chose? Eli: w-wait, what! that is a very porsonale Jewel, why are you asking them that? 0\/\/\/0 Me: i need to make shore whether they like you or not. Eli:*bang her head on the wall* I am the only one they know Jewel! Me: oh ya, Me: well, Eli, its your turn now, what are you going to do? Eli: uh okay, which of this food do you like the best?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/86-4177087/images-1-.jpeg?sz=1200"}