Initial Induction Quiz

What is your job title? (If you are on a volunteer, on a placement or work experience, please write that here)
Start date:
Please tick the 4 foundational principals that guide work our at Lambourne End Centre? Please tick 4 boxes
Belief in people’s potential
Respect (for people and the environment) Belief in people’s potential
Where should you go to sign-in on the fire check sheet when you arrive on a morning?
The Blue Hut
The Staff Room
The Training Room
All of the above
What should you do if you are sick and have to take time off? Please select two answers
Don't turn up but put a text in the group chat by midday at the latest
Complete an absence form when you return to work
Contact your line manager by 8am on the morning of your absence, or sooner if possible
True or False? Lambourne End Centre is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all staff and users of the centre.
At what time do most staff and volunteers usually arrive on site for work?
Whenever they feel like
What should be worn at all times while working on site?
Your staff or volunteer identification badge
Sandals and open-toe footwear
Who is responsible for following Lambourne End Health & Safety policy and guidance for their own safety and others?
The H&S manager only
All employees, volunteers and users
An outside body writes our policy, so we don't have to worry about Health and Safety
In the event of a fire or fire drill, what should NOT be done when a fire alarm sounds?
Shut off air by closing windows, doors and ventilators
Re-enter the building to get your bag and check that all persons are out of the room
Assemble in the car park
Which of the following statements apply when working with children and vulnerable adults? Please select more than one answer
If abuse is disclosed to you by a young person you should keep it secret so they don't get in trouble
Staff and Volunteers must never use their position to form a relationship with a child, young person or vulnerable adult to satisfy his/her emotional needs
Any abuse disclosed, discovered or suspected should be reported immediately to the lead safeguarding officer
If you suffer an injury while working on site what should you do?
Report it to a staff member who is a qualified first aider
Walk it off, but tell someone if it gets worse
Go straight to the CEO and complain
{"name":"Initial Induction Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Name:, {answer to = 4364667} What is your job title? (If you are on a volunteer, on a placement or work experience, please write that here), Start date:","img":""}
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