Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Thu, 3 Feb 22
[2202.00672] Asghar Ali: An Apparent Inconsistency in the Partial Derivatives of the Kinetic Energy in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalisms of Dynamics
[2202.00724] David Clemens-Sewall, Matthew Parno, Don Perovich et al.: FlakeOut: A Geometric Approach to Remove Wind-Blown Snow from Terrestrial Laser Scans
[2202.00730] Kyle A. Hamer, Francois Mauger, Aderonke S. Folorunso et al.: Characterizing Particle-Like Charge Migration Dynamics with High-Harmonic Spectroscopy
[2202.00752] Han-Fei Li, Artem R. Oganov, Haixu Cui et al.: Ultrahigh-Pressure Magnesium Hydrosilicates as Reservoirs of Water in Early Earth
[2202.00778] Nilamoni Daloi, Partha Das, Tarak Nath Dey: Pulse amplification in a closed loop $Λ$ system with permanent dipole moments
[2202.00784] Gerald Hechenblaikner: Analysis of performance and robustness against jitter of various search methods for acquiring optical links in space
[2202.00811] T. N. Bernard, F. D. Halpern, M. Francisquez et al.: Kinetic modeling of neutral transport for a continuum gyrokinetic code
[2202.00816] Dimitri R. Dounas-Frazer, Daniel Gillen, Catherine M. Herne et al.: Increase Investment in Accessible Physics Labs: A Call to Action for the Physics Education Community
[2202.00832] John L. Weber, Hung Vuong, Pierre A. Devlaminck et al.: A Localized-Orbital Energy Evaluation for Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo
[2202.00833] Alkim Bozkurt, Chaitali Joshi, Mohammad Mirhosseini: Deep sub-wavelength localization of light and sound in dielectric resonators
[2202.00869] Anthony Annerino, Michael Faltas, Manoj Srinivasan et al.: Towards skin-acetone monitors with selective sensitivity: dynamics of PANI-CA films
[2202.00887] Tomislav Begušić, Xuecheng Tao, Thomas F. Miller III: Equilibrium-nonequilibrium ring-polymer molecular dynamics for nonlinear spectroscopy
[2202.00921] Gian Paolo Papari, Anna Lucia Pellegrino, Graziella Malandrino et al.: Sensing enhancement of a Fabry-Perot THz cavity using switchable VO2 mirrors
[2202.00927] J.P. Panda, B. Kumar, A.K. Patil et al.: Machine learning assisted modeling of thermohydraulic correlations for heat exchangers with twisted tape inserts
[2202.00939] Alessio Monti, Stefano Vellucci, Mirko Barbuto et al.: Quadratic-Gradient Metasurface-Dome for Wide-Angle Beam Steering Phased Array with Reduced Gain-Loss at Broadside
[2202.00945] Jan Frederick Unnewehr, Eddy Jalbout, Christopher Jung et al.: Getting more with less? Why repowering onshore wind farms does not always lead to more wind power generation -- a German case study
[2202.00946] Anis Allagui, Hachemi Benaoum: Power-law charge relaxation of inhomogeneous porous capacitive electrodes
[2202.00949] Eleonora Macchia, Liberato De Caro, Fabrizio Torricelli et al.: Why a diffusing single-molecule can be detected in few minutes by a large capturing bioelectronic interface
[2202.00952] H. Tunç Çiftçi, Michael Verhage, Tamar Cromwijk et al.: Enhancing sensitivity in atomic force microscopy for planar tip-on-chip probes
[2202.00958] Niels C. M. Martens: Dark Matter Realism
[2202.00960] Simon Hettler, Raul Arenal: Aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy with Zernike phase plates
[2202.00976] Yichao Yang, Kohei Yamamoto, Miguel Dovale Álvarez et al.: On-axis Optical Bench for Laser Ranging Instruments in future geodesy and gravity missions
[2202.00983] V. S. Mikhailenko, V. V. Mikhailenko, Hae June Lee: Anomalous convective transport of the tokamak edge plasma, caused by the inhomogeneous ion cyclotron parametric turbulence
[2202.00984] Fam Le Kien, Sile Nic Chormaic, Thomas Busch: Optical force between two coupled identical parallel optical nanofibers
[2202.00995] Ryo Kawada, Katsuhiro Endo, Daisuke Yuhara et al.: MD-GAN with multi-particle input: the machine learning of long-time molecular behavior from short-time MD data
[2202.01019] Huihuang Xia, Marc Kamlah: An improved Coupled Level Set and Volume of Fluid (i-CLSVoF) framework for droplet evaporation
[2202.01049] Josin Tom, Maurizio Carbone, Andrew D. Bragg: How two-way coupling modifies the multiscale preferential sweeping mechanism
[2202.01053] Reda El Mansy, Wasim Sarwar, Josep M Bergada et al.: Square cylinder in the interface of two different-velocity streams
[2202.01056] Sergey Ershkov, Dmytro Leshchenko: Analysis of the size of Solar system close to the state with zero total angular momentum via Sundman inequality
[2202.01057] Oyvind Gron, Eirik Berntsen: Rod-ring collision paradox
[2202.01058] Ugur Tirnakli, Mauricio Marques, Constantino Tsallis: Entropic extensivity and large deviations in the presence of strong correlations
[2202.01060] Wen-Xiang Chen: The Schwarzschild black hole in f(R) can exist superradiation phenomenon
[2202.01063] Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira, José António Filipe: Ethical Considerations on Nanotechnology
[2202.01075] Neeraj Jain, Patricio Muñoz, Meisam Farzalipour Tabriz et al.: Importance of accurate consideration of the electron inertia in hybrid-kinetic simulations of collisionless plasma turbulence: 1....
[2202.01084] S. Basnet, E. Cortina Gil, P. Demin et al.: Towards a portable high-resolution muon detector based on Resistive Plate Chambers
[2202.01122] Alfonso M. Ganan-Calvo: The ocean fine spray
[2202.01137] Giulio Iannelli, Giordano De Marzo, Claudio Castellano: Filter Bubble effect in the multistate voter model
[2202.01146] Xiang Yuan, Lucas Visscher, Andre Severo Pereira Gomes: Assessing MP2 frozen natural orbitals in relativistic correlated electronic structure calculations
[2202.01148] Layton A. Hall, Ayman F. Abouraddy: Canceling and inverting normal and anomalous group-velocity dispersion using space-time wave packets
[2202.01165] GP Benham, JA Neufeld, AW Woods: Axisymmetric gravity currents in anisotropic porous media
[2202.01166] Jake Langham, Andrew J. Hogg: General linear stability properties of monoclinal shallow waves
[2202.01175] Abhishek Ranjan, Anowarul Habib, Azeem Ahmad et al.: Surface acoustic waves inside polystyrene microparticles through photoacoustic microscopy
[2202.01194] Eduardo Rodriguez, Wrick Sengupta, Amitava Bhattacharjee: Phases and phase-transitions in quasisymmetric configuration space
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 3 Feb 22","img":""}
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