Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in math-ph on Thu, 30 Dec 21
[2112.13887] Marcelo Epstein: Double groupoids in the theory of material uniformity
[2112.13908] Benoît Collins, Colin McSwiggen: Projections of Orbital Measures and Quantum Marginal Problems
[2112.13913] Chen Jia, Ziqi Liu, Zhimin Zhang: Some mathematical aspects of Anderson localization: boundary effect, multimodality, and bifurcation
[2112.13976] Anilesh Mohari: $SU_2(\mathbb{C})$ symmetry in quantum spin chain
[2112.14118] N.I. Stoilova, J. Van der Jeugt: A Klein operator for paraparticles
[2112.14202] Mattia Cafasso, Di Yang: Tau-functions for the Ablowitz--Ladik hierarchy: the matrix-resolvent method
[2112.14235] Anastasia Chernyshenko, Vyacheslav Pivovarchik: Cospectral quantum graphs
[2112.14250] A. Mazel, I. Stuhl, Y. Suhov: Kepler's conjecture and phase transitions in the high-density hard-core model on $\mathbb{Z}^3$
[2112.14274] Karol K. Kozlowski: Bootstrap approach to 1+1 dimensional integrable quantum field theories: the case of the Sinh-Gordon model
[2112.14475] Tadahiro Miyao: A finite temperature version of the Nagaoka--Thouless theorem in the $\mathrm{SU}(n)$ Hubbard model
[2112.14575] Petr Braun, Nico Hahn, Daniel Waltner et al.: Winding Number Statistics of a Parametric Chiral Unitary Random Matrix Ensemble
[2112.14595] Di Yang, Chunhui Zhou: Gelfand--Dickey hierarchy, generalized BGW tau-function, and $W$-constraints
[2112.14625] Riccardo Conti, Davide Masoero: On solutions of the Bethe Ansatz for the Quantum KdV model
[2112.14684] Etienne Granet: Regularization of a strong-weak duality between pointlike interactions in one dimension
[2112.14686] Henning Bostelmann, Daniela Cadamuro: Fermionic integrable models and graded Borchers triples
[2112.14741] A.Yu.Orlov: New solvable matrix models III
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in math-ph on Thu, 30 Dec 21","img":""}
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