General Intelligence Test

A brain composed of colorful puzzle pieces, symbolizing intelligence and problem-solving, with mathematical symbols and ethical scales in the background

General Intelligence Test

Test your cognitive abilities and reasoning skills with our General Intelligence Test. This quiz challenges you with a variety of questions ranging from ethical theories to mathematical dilemmas.

  • Assess your general intelligence
  • Explore different fields of knowledge
  • Engage with thought-provoking scenarios
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ThinkingTree321
A new medical treatment is becoming popular. There is a website containing over 30000 testimonials of people claiming that they tried the treatment and that it works. Assume that the testimonials are honest. What can you conclude about this new medical treatment?
We know, for all intents and purposes, that the treatment works.
We have zero evidence that the treatment works.
We don't know for certain that it works - there could be some unknown variable. But it's very probable that it works
All the testimonials are from confused people - the treatment doesn't work.
Rule: If a card has a vowel on one side, it must have an even number on the other side. Four cards are shown: (E) ( K) (2) (7). Which card(s) do you need to turn over to test if the rule has been followed?
E and 7
E and 2 and 7
E and 2
7 and K
K and 2
All of them
K and E
Why is utilitarianism (or, at least, some form of consequentialism) a preferable normative ethical theory?
Kant was a dumbass
It's not. JSM was highly influential, it's more of a historical phenomenon that anyone prefers consequentialism.
Consequentialism, when tested against our intuitions, fairs better than rival theories. Ethical intuitions are our only way of testing normative propositions, given that these are not empirical claims.
Some form of consequentialism is the only way to make normative propositions theoretically verifiable.
It's not. Utilitarianism has been influential, but deontology is almost universally accepted as a better theory.
It's not anymore. Parfit's 'On What Matters' changed everything.
A rock is dropped off a height h. As it falls, billions of photos are taken at random intervals. On each picture I measure the distance it has fallen. What is the average of all these distances - in other words, what is the time average of the distance traveled. Don't worry about difference between finite sample and 'true average.' If you haven't had physics yet: x(t)=(1/2)g*t^2
14.333 m
Impossible to determine exactly, but it's < h/2
Say you have a room of students of different ages, ranging from 12 to 21. An age is not necessarily unique. Say you sum up the probability of each age j, p(j). What is the total sum of the probabilities, P? Also, what is the average age, <j>?
P = 1/9, <j> = Σp(j)
Impossible to determine the average. P = 1/9
P = p(j)/16.5, <j>  = 1
P = 1, <j> = Σ(j*p(j))
Humans have superior mental abilities when compared to non-humans. Therefore, non-humans do not deserve equal moral concern. Is this a good argument?
No, the moral relevance of intelligence would have to be demonstrated and, of course, marginal cases disprove it regardless.
Yes, our higher mental capacities - ability to feel love, develop bonds, reason, remember, have purpose and meaning, etc, make moral concern over humans more important. But this doesnt exclude non-humans from moral concern.
No, mental capacities, by definition, cannot have moral relevance.
Yes, but more specifically, non-humans fail the mirror test and, as such, are not self-aware, meaning giving them rights makes no sense.
d(fg)/dx = f(dg/dx)+(df/dx)g. Both f and g are functions of x. Which of the following can you derive? If you haven't had integral calc yet - remember the derivative dx/dt is the change in x w.r.t t, and ∫ is simply the anti-derivative.
-∫(df/dx)gdx + fg (fg evaluated from a to b, and limits of integral a to b) 
-∫(df/dx)gdx - fg (evaluated from b to a) 
X + Y = 1.10 and X is 1.00 more than Y.
Y = 1.10
X = 1.05
Y = 0.10
X = 1.00
Y = 0
Y = x/2.5
Say you have a fair coin. First you flip it 10 times. Next, you flip it 1000000000 times. Which of the following is true?
The entropy is higher for the second case, so the results are less predictable
The average results are much more predictable in the second case.
It's a fair coin, so the probabilities, expectation value, and averages will be the same.
The harmonic oscillation of the first case is far more random, therefore its hamiltonian can't be derived.
You roll a fair die. The results: 4 3 2 2 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4. Which of the following are true?
4 is being favored, >50% chance to be 4 again. Ride the 4 train!
The probability of the next result being 4 is (1/6)^6 = (1/46656), as that would be a 6th 4 in a row.
The probability of the next result being 4 is 1/6
The probability of next one being 4 is 4*5-1/6 = 119/6
{"name":"General Intelligence Test", "url":"","txt":"Test your cognitive abilities and reasoning skills with our General Intelligence Test. This quiz challenges you with a variety of questions ranging from ethical theories to mathematical dilemmas.Assess your general intelligenceExplore different fields of knowledgeEngage with thought-provoking scenarios","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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