Do You Know Ruddy Turnstones?

A colorful depiction of a Ruddy Turnstone on a beach, turning stones while foraging, with a clear blue sky in the background and other shorebirds in the distance.

Test Your Knowledge of Ruddy Turnstones!

Are you a bird enthusiast or just curious about the fascinating Ruddy Turnstone? Take this quiz to challenge your knowledge and learn more about this incredible shorebird!

  • 11 engaging questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Discover fun facts about Ruddy Turnstones
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by FlappingWings347
In which part of the world do Ruddy Turnstones breed?
South America
Which feeding techniques do Ruddy Turnstones use?
Turning stones
All of these techniques
What is the conservation status of Ruddy Turnstone?
Least Concern
Near Threatened
What is the scientific name of Ruddy Turnstone?
Charadrius interpres
Arenaria interpres
Tringa interpres
Calidris interpres
How many subspecies of Ruddy Turnstone are recognized?
What do Ruddy Turnstones eat?
Molluscs & worms
Human corpses
Fish 'n' chips
All of these
What is the name of the other species of Turnstone in the world?
Ashy Turnstone
American Turnstone
Black Turnstone
Pacific Turnstone
In which continent has Ruddy Turnstone NOT been recorded in?
South America
What is the maximum longevity recorded for a Ruddy Turnstone?
9 years
19 years
25 years
35 years
Where do Ruddy Turnstones nest?
In a scrape on the ground
In trees
On a cliff face
In a burrow
{"name":"Do You Know Ruddy Turnstones?", "url":"","txt":"Are you a bird enthusiast or just curious about the fascinating Ruddy Turnstone? Take this quiz to challenge your knowledge and learn more about this incredible shorebird!11 engaging questionsMultiple choice formatDiscover fun facts about Ruddy Turnstones","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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