Buzzfeed Presents - Which Nurgle Warrior are You?

A whimsical illustration depicting various Nurgle warriors in a vibrant, chaotic environment, filled with flowers and magical elements.

Which Nurgle Warrior Are You?

Ever wondered which warrior embodies the essence of Nurgle? Dive into this whimsical quiz to find out your Nurgle alter ego!

  • 10 engaging questions
  • Fun and light-hearted scenarios
  • Discover your own unique warrior personality
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ChoppingMist101
Aliens have contacted you. What would you rather do? Learn about their advanced technologies or hang out together at a gala event that's out of this world?
Advanced Technologies
Suppose that we lived in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere, with only a wood stove for warmth. How would you rather chop wood: all at once, or little by little, every day?
All at Once
Little by Little
If we were sent back in time, would you try to blend in with the locals, or profit from your knowledge of the future?
Blend in
If we were planning a cross-country roadtrip together, would you rather drive a limo with extra cushy seating, or ride a motorcycle with a sidecar?
If we had to go on a quest to defeat an evil magician, would you rather take him on in melee or ranged combat?
If we were co-founding a community garden, would you rather be in charge of deciding which flowers to grow or how to punish people who steal the vegetables?
What magical illusion would you most like to perform if we were doing a stageshow together? Sawing a person in half or levitation?
Saw in Half
Criss Angel baby, Levitate
Imagine we were trying to solve a murder mystery. Once we're ready to name the killer, how should we point them out? Throw water in their face, or with a laserpointer?
Your friend is moving across town! Do you help move the refrigerator, or do you show up with snacks?
Move Fridge
If we were in the finals of a cake-baking competition, would you want us to try a weird new flavor, or stick to your nana’s famous recipe?
Weird Flavor
Nana's Recipe
{"name":"Buzzfeed Presents - Which Nurgle Warrior are You?", "url":"","txt":"Ever wondered which warrior embodies the essence of Nurgle? Dive into this whimsical quiz to find out your Nurgle alter ego!10 engaging questionsFun and light-hearted scenariosDiscover your own unique warrior personality","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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