Viologia 1-20

1. The protein chain is supported by:
1.phosphodiester bonds between amino acids
2.covalent bonds between nucleotides
3.covalent bonds between monosaccharides
4.peptide bonds between amino acids
2. The molecule of alpha amino acids carries:
1.phosphate group, nitrogenous base and ribose
2.monosaccharide, nitrogenous base anda phosphate group
3.hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tails
4.amino group, carboxyl group and a side chain
3. The peptide bond is formed between:
3.amino acids
5. Amino acids in polypeptide chains are bound by:
1.covalent bonds
2.ionic bonds
3. hydrogen bonds
4. disulfide bonds
6. The primary structure of proteins is related to:
1.formation of alpha helix
2.folding in a beta sheet
3.the sequence of amino acids
4.formation of phosphate and hydroxyl ends
7. Disulfide bonds take part in:
1. primary protein structure
2.alpha helical and beta sheet folding of the protein
3.tertiary structure of the protein
4. secondary structure of the protein
8. The linear sequence of amino acids in the protein determines:
1.its primary structure
2.its secondary structure
3.its tertiary structure
4.its quaternary structure
9. Which protein structure requires covalent bonds only?
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Tertiary
4. Quaternary
10. Which protein structure requires hydrogen bonds only?
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Tertiary
4. Quaternary
11. Which function is performed by specific proteins?
1.Templates for RNA synthesis
2.Support and motility apparatus of animal cells
3.Storage of genetic information
4.Templates for DNA synthesis
12. Which function is specific for enzymes?
1. To carry oxygen in blood
2. To bring amino acids to the ribosome
3.To catalyze reactions in the cell
4. To store energy
13. Which of the following proteins is an enzyme?
14. Denaturation is a process in which proteins:
1.are misfolded
2.are synthesized
3.remain unchanged
4. are degraded to amino acids
15. Renaturation is a process in which proteins:
1. are synthesized
2.remain unchanged
3.are misfolded
4.recover their native state
16. Which of the following combinations of bases is NOT present in DNA?
1.thymine and adenine
2.uracil and adenine
3.cytosine and guanine
4.guanine and cytosine
17. Which of the statements below are valid for both DNA and RNA?
1.They form alpha helices and beta sheets
2.They are made of nucleotides
3.They are double helices
4.They are made of polypeptide chains
18. Which nitrogenous base is NOT found in RNA?
19. The DNA of prokaryotes is:
3.In their nucleolus
4.In their nucleoid
20. The DNA of eukaryotes is:
3.In their nucleus
4.In their nucleoid
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