Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 10 Sep 20
[2009.03923] N. S. Srivatsa, Julia Wildeboer, Alexander Seidel et al.: Quantum many-body scars with chiral topological order in 2D and critical properties in 1D
[2009.03924] Arijit Haldar, Omid Tavakol, Thomas Scaffidi: Variational wavefunctions for Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models
[2009.03941] F. A. Gómez Albarracín, H. D. Rosales, Pierre Pujol: Chiral phase transition and thermal Hall effect in the anisotropic kagome lattice
[2009.03950] Y. Yang, Yi-Pu Wang, J.W. Rao et al.: Unconventional Singularity in Anti-Parity-Time Symmetric Cavity Magnonics
[2009.03965] Rajiv G. Pereira: Critical dynamics of non-conserved strongly anisotropic permutation symmetric three-vector model
[2009.03982] T. Guillet, A. Marty, C. Vergnaud et al.: Electrical detection of magnetic circular dichroism: application to magnetic microscopy in ultra-thin ferromagnetic films
[2009.03995] Chengkun Song, Nico Kerber, Jan Rothörl et al.: Commensurability governing skyrmion diffusion in confined geometries
[2009.04033] Liangxu Lin, Chan Wu, Juntong Huang et al.: Unzip chemical bond of non-layered bulk structures to form ultrathin nanocrystals
[2009.04043] Mitchell M. Bordelon, Chunxiao Liu, Lorenzo Posthuma et al.: Frustrated Heisenberg $J_1-J_2$ model within the stretched diamond lattice of LiYbO$_2$
[2009.04045] Ganesh Sivaraman, Leighanne Gallington, Anand Narayanan Krishnamoorthy et al.: An Experimentally Driven Automated Machine Learned lnter-Atomic Potential for a Refractory Oxide
[2009.04056] Alwin Daus, Sam Vaziri, Victoria Chen et al.: High-Performance Flexible Nanoscale Field-Effect Transistors Based on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
[2009.04086] Yu-Hao Deng: Analysis of misidentifications in TEM characterization of perovskite material
[2009.04106] S. Banerjee: Two Dimensional Polarons with Linearly Dispersing Self Energy and Other Novel Features in the Study of Bi/Single Layer Graphene, and Semi-Dirac Semi-metals on Polar Substrates
[2009.04111] Y R Kartik, Ranjith R Kumar, S Rahul et al.: Topological quantum phase transitions and criticality in long-range Kitaev chain
[2009.04116] Toru Nakanishi, Takeshi Miyajima, Kenta Chokawa et al.: Negative-charge-storing mechanism of potassium-ion electrets used for vibration-powered generators: Microscopic study of a-SiO2 with an...
[2009.04123] D. K. Yadav, S. R. Bhandari, G. C. Kaphle et al.: Structural, Elastic, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of MnNbZ (Z=As, Sb) and FeNbZ (Z=Sn, Pb) Semi-Heusler Alloys
[2009.04124] Indranil Mukherjee: Multibalance conditions in nonequilibrium steady states
[2009.04129] Hui-Ke Jin, Hong-Hao Tu, Yi Zhou: Density matrix renormalization group boosted by Gutzwiller projected wave functions
[2009.04134] Dominique Chatain, Saransh Singh, Blandine Courtois et al.: Influence of step structure on preferred orientation relationships of Ag deposited on Ni(111)
[2009.04140] Ruie Lu, Hongyi Sun, Shiv Kumar et al.: Half-Magnetic Topological Insulator
[2009.04149] Lukas Wawer, Rui Li, Michael Fleischhauer: Quantized transport induced by topology transfer between coupled one-dimensional lattice systems
[2009.04162] J. A. Haigh, R. A. Chakalov, A. J. Ramsay: Sub-pico-liter magneto-optical cavities
[2009.04163] Alexander Kiligaridis, Pavel Frantsuzov, Aymen Yangui et al.: Are Shockley-Read-Hall and ABC models valid for lead halide perovskites?
[2009.04169] Bernard Derrida, Ori Hirschberg, Tridib Sadhu: Large deviations in the symmetric simple exclusion process with slow boundaries
[2009.04196] Henrik Jacobsen, Hai L. Feng, Andrew J. Princep et al.: Magnetically induced metal-insulator transition in Pb2CaOsO6
[2009.04205] Zhiyue Zheng, Yuhao Pan, Tengfei Pei et al.: Local probe of the interlayer coupling strength of few-layers SnSe by contact-resonance atomic force microscopy
[2009.04206] Suman Sarkar, Indrajit Maity, H.L. Pradeepa et al.: Anharmonicity in Raman-active phonon modes in atomically thin MoS$_2$
[2009.04210] Robert Mangan, Michel Destrade, Giuseppe Saccomandi: Strain energy function for isotropic non-linear elastic incompressible solids with linear finite strain response in shear and torsion
[2009.04220] Kazuki Yokomizo, Shuichi Murakami: Non-Bloch Band Theory and Bulk-Edge Correspondence in Non-Hermitian Systems
[2009.04221] Yipin Su, Weiqiu Chen, Luis Dorfmann et al.: The effect of an exterior electric field on the instability of dielectric plates
[2009.04225] Fangzhou Zhu, Bin Wu, Michel Destrade et al.: Electrostatically tunable axisymmetric vibrations of soft electro-active tubes
[2009.04226] Claire Donnelly, Konstantin L. Metlov, Valerio Scagnoli et al.: Experimental Observation of Vortex Rings in a Bulk Magnet
[2009.04235] Sascha Wald, Raul Arias, Vincenzo Alba: Closure of the entanglement gap at quantum criticality: The case of the Quantum Spherical Model
[2009.04236] M. A. Ali, M. M. Hossain, M. M. Uddin et al.: Physical properties of new MAX phase borides M2SB (M = Zr, Hf and Nb) in comparison with conventional MAX phase carbides M2SC (M = Zr, Hf and Nb)...
[2009.04250] Julian Kappler, Ronojoy Adhikari: Sojourn probabilities in tubes and pathwise irreversibility for Itô processes
[2009.04267] A. Bafekry, M. Faraji, Do M. Hoat et al.: MoSi2N4 single-layer: a novel two-dimensional material with outstanding mechanical, thermal, electronic, optical, and photocatalytic properties
[2009.04268] N.W. Hendrickx, W.I.L. Lawrie, M. Russ et al.: A four-qubit germanium quantum processor
[2009.04270] Etienne Wamba, Axel Pelster: Exact $\mathcal{N}$-point function mapping between pairs of experiments with Markovian open quantum systems
[2009.04304] Maria Chatzieleftheriou, Maja Berović, Pablo Villar Arribi et al.: Enhancement of charge instabilities in Hund's metals by the breaking of rotational symmetry
[2009.04314] Khang Hoang: Tuning the valence and concentration of europium and luminescence centers in GaN through co-doping and defect association
[2009.04329] Hiroyuki Tajima, Yuriy Yerin, Pierbiagio Pieri et al.: Rise and Fall of Pseudogaps Throughout the Two-Band BCS-BEC Crossover
[2009.04333] Ismail El Baggari, Nikhil Sivadas, Gregory M. Stiehl et al.: Direct Visualization of Trimerized States in 1T'-TaTe$_{2}$
[2009.04337] Chuyao Tong, Rebekka Garreis, Angelika Knothe et al.: Tunable valley splitting and bipolar operation in graphene quantum dots
[2009.04339] Panpan Liu, Mason L. Klemm, Long Tian et al.: In-plane uniaxial pressure-induced out-of-plane antiferromagnetic moment and critical fluctuations in BaFe$_2$As$_2$
[2009.04341] Salvador Barraza-Lopez, Benjamin M. Fregoso, John W. Villanova et al.: Colloquium: Physical properties of group-IV monochalcogenide monolayers
[2009.04376] Nahuel Statuto, Jamileh Beik Mohammadi, Andrew D. Kent: Micromagnetic instabilities in spin-transfer switching of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions
[2009.04391] D. Reig-i-Plessis, T.A. Johnson, K. Lu et al.: Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of nearly-ideal $J_{\rm eff}$ $=$ 1/2 iridium halides
[2009.04423] Mostafa Tanhayi Ahari, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak: Superconductivity-enhanced spin pumping: The role of Andreev bound-state resonances
[2009.04440] Joannis Koepsell, Dominik Bourgund, Pimonpan Sompet et al.: Microscopic evolution of doped Mott insulators from polaronic metal to Fermi liquid
[2009.04457] Robert E. Throckmorton, S. Das Sarma: Studying many-body localization in exchange-coupled electron spin qubits using spin-spin correlations
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 10 Sep 20","img":""}

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