Define postmortem
End of perimortem
Define perimortem
Begins with individual and their cause of death
Define antemortem
Beginning of perimortem
Define PMI
Time since death
What are the five stages of decomposition
Fresh, early decomposition, advanced decomposition, skeletonization, and extreme decomposition
Describe the fresh stage of decomposition
Fresh appearance and no discoloration
Describe the early decomposition stage of decomp.
Skin slippage, hair loss, and skin discoloration
Describe advanced stage of decomp.
Caving of abdomen, loss of internal organs
Describe the skeletonization phase of decomp
Greasy bones, most of skeleton exposed
Describe the extreme decomp. Phase of decomp.
Bleached skeleton, exfoliation, and cancellous bone exposed
Define algor mortis
Define livor mortis
Pooling of blood and discoloration
Define rigor mortis
Body becomes stiff for a period of time
Describe other taphonomic processes that could occur
Disarticulation and scavenging
Explain why sexual dimorphism occurs
Females mature earlier than males, and sexual selection
Compare and contrast growth patterns of females and males
Females stop growing earlier and males grow longer and bigger
How do you estimate sex using the skull
Females are more gracile, low brow ridge, and wide pubic angle
Which methods can you use to estimate sex?
Phenice method, pre-auricular sulcus, pits of parturition and subpubic angle
Which methods would you use to estimate stature?
Regression equations, fragments of bone, femur, and fully method
Which of the stature methods is the most effective?
Fully method
What is normal variation
Features present in normal bone
What are the types of normal variation
Sinus shape, cranial suture shape, and trabecular bone patterns
Normal variation in sinus shape?
There are 4 major sinuses. Large sinuses in both frontal and maxilla separated by a septum
Normal variation in cranial suture patterns?
The general pattern, no extra bones
Examples of skeletal anomalies?
Accessory teeth or bones, accessory foramina, and non-fusion anomalies
Wormian bone?
Extra bones within a suture
Inca bone?
Extra bone pieces within the lambdoidal suture
Os japonium
Extra bone within the zygoma bone
Types of pathological conditions?
Proliferated lesions, lytic lesions, and deformation lesions
What causes proliferated lesions?
Increased osteoblastic activity
Types of osteoblastic activity?
Osteosclerosis, osteomyelitis, periostitis, periostoses, and osteitis
Heterotopic ossification?
Proliferative, ossification of soft tissue
Lytic lesions?
Increased osteoclastic activity
{"name":"Define postmortem", "url":"","txt":"Define postmortem, Define perimortem, Define antemortem","img":""}
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