The Sorting Hat in Real Life's Official Quiz

What do you think is the worst way to live your life?
Sitting around and never doing anything
Living day to day without ever thinking there might be something else
Complete self-indulgence at the expense of others
Following the dreams of other people
Someone tells you that you're a horrible person, what do you do?
Take it hard at first, but really think about whether it's true, and if you can improve upon it
It depends who has told you and your history with them, if their opinion has proven to be reliable previously
Figure out whether you agree with what they're saying, and if not, try to show them how you're not
Literally need to know what you did wrong and try to fix it
How likely are you to be honest about how you feel?
Honesty is always the best policy, and I shouldn't need to fake what I think
I might lie in order to save people's feelings and be socially correct
A child is about to be hit by a car. There is no way of knowing if the child will survive, and if you jump in front, you'll most likely die.
I have to try; I can't live with knowing I did nothing
I don't want anything to happen to them, but I can't risk it unless it's someone I'd die for
It doesn't matter who it is, if I'm going to die, that doesn't change and neither should the choice not it
Probably would be calling 911 or jumping
Would you die for your beliefs?
Yes. I don't choose loyalty lightly and a symbolic death would only further the ideas.
No, staying alive is the most important thing. What good is it to the cause if I'm dead?
If it meant that other people would get to live because of my choice
Not really, I don't hold firmly enough to them to be sure mine is the one, right way.
If you were suddenly famous, what would be the most important thing you'd want to do with it?
Go out into the world and be an example by DOING things, such as volunteering in the hopes of inspiring others to be like you.
Use it to bring awareness to a topic by verbally talking about it
Choose one
Choose one
Endless Work
Endless Leisure
How do you tend to debate?
Usually, I feel like it's a fun game of getting people to see what I suggest, and all's fair.
I don't particularly enjoy it, because I would rather talk it out without feeling like an argument
I typically don't get really into it unless I want to win or it's something I believe, in which case, watch out
I want to win, and honestly my personal beliefs on the topic don't matter much.
Choose one
Slow and Steady
Intense but Inconsistent
Choose one
A world where everything is completely fair
A world where no one is harmed but there is a bias in your favor
Do you think people deserve second chances?
Not really. If I've cut someone out, it's a lifetime decision that took a lot of consideration; I'm not making the mistake again, but I will be cordial.
I mean, if they've really changed their behavior, maybe, but I'll still be suspicious
No way, and I'll make that clear to them. I gave enough chances and they deserve whatever they get from me.
Yes, because people do change, but we'd need to make sure the same things don't happen again.
Yes, you have a clear moral code, but which would be most likely to cause you to go over that code?
A cause for the greater good (The guy who kills an oppressor so that all others can prosper)
A cause that you personally think would benefit the world (The guy killing a certain type of people who contradict their idea of a perfect world (anyone who goes against them))
Going against it in order to avoid negative repercussions that would keep you from reaching your personal goal (Not standing up for what's right because you don't want a setback)
Going against it in order to get rid of personal bias and discover as much as you can on every topic (reading about something you disagree with because you MUST know)
What is the most important part of school (in your opinion)?
Retaining as much information as I can, and adding it to my 'database'. Grades don't prove as much as what I take from it.
Get the grade. The final result matters because it proves to everyone my level of mastery
The participating and getting the grade I deserve. I either apply myself or I don't.
I apply myself always and try my best. I want grades, but I try to learn from it as well.
How willing are you to consider things that go against your beliefs?
If I see others accepting it, I'll consider it
I'll definitely consider it, even if all it does is reinforce my thoughts
Not really, my thoughts are already formed, and if it goes against my beliefs, I already know that there's a reason I decided not to follow it in the first place
Perhaps, more likely on things that I was already questioning, but the idea needs to prove it has a point before I accept it
Loyalty to ideas
Loyalty to groups
Loyalty to personal beliefs
Loyalty to self/loyalty to those close to them
There is something you truly believe/think is right that goes against what people are saying. What is your response?
Weigh in by asking others why, but after you feel like you've made a decision, you'll stick with what the data has shown you
I'll do what my 'family' is saying, because that's what I'm supposed to do, and no one else really matters. They know best.
Only I can know what's correct for me, and if you're insistent on harassing me, then perhaps you shouldn't be involved.
The majority tends to be right, and they want the best for me.
You meet someone who has completely differing views on things that are important to you. Thoughts?
We should exchange thoughts. Maybe I can prove my point or perhaps I'll get a new perspective
I don't care what you believe as long as you're not forcing it on me
I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't cause a bunch of trouble with it and don't hurt anyone
I know what I believe and it's important to me that you agree or at least admit that my thoughts are valid
External Validation?
I care about the opinions of the people I highly respect. Besides this, not particularly
I want positive validation because it means I am doing things correctly and all is well
Doesn't really matter too much to me, I'll just keep doing my thing. I'll find people to fit in with if that's not you.
I want to be liked or admired in general, but the people I care about/respect are the ones I really want to ensure I have.
Live forever
Die tomorrow
Choose One
Free will
Secret Fear?
That I'll never be happy/satisfied
That there will never truly be peace or kindness
We will naturally always segregate based on beliefs instead of join
There is no truth or justice in the world/what I thought was right was really harming more people
Is it better to tell someone a terrible, blunt truth or to soften it into something different?
The truth is the truth whether it hurts or not
Buffer the truth. Some things are too much for people to handle
Choose One
Die for someone you love and have them spend the rest of their lives plagued by the fact that you did
Have someone you love die for you and live the rest of your life wishing they hadn't
Credit for a project?
The main focus should be on the project, not on me
Credit really should be going to me if I did it
In the end, everything for you tends to come back to
Helping people
Acting on my system of right and wrong
Truth and logic
Doing SOMETHING worthwhile with my life
Someone is really insulting you, what do you do
Laugh it off even though it's really hurting you. You do remember how people treat you though
Immediately bring it up to them
Pretend it's all ok because there's no need for trouble
Try to figure out if the problem is you or them, and if it's them, discuss it with them later
How frequently do feelings cloud your judgement
Pretty much never
I am usually in touch with my feelings, so it all works together very well
It's pretty rare, but when I'm set off in the moment, I explode
Very rare, but when I have a very strong feeling, I usually wait and act later
If your family was clearly in the wrong when arguing with someone, what do you do?
I'll side with my family, but try to diffuse the situation/leave
I'll side with the other guy because they're right, and I want to get everyone calm enough to just talk
I don't care who's right, I just need to keep it from escalating.
Side with my family, and I'll fight for our side
{"name":"The Sorting Hat in Real Life's Official Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What do you think is the worst way to live your life?, Someone tells you that you're a horrible person, what do you do?, How likely are you to be honest about how you feel?","img":""}
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