Cyber Safety

You are playing an online game with your school friend Tara. Suddenly a message pops up on your computer that says Click here to win a Million dollars!!! What do you do?
Click on the message
Ask Tara what to do
Close the window
Ignore the message
Stop Close You just got a new text on your mobile phone. Take a look at who it’s from and decide whether to respond or not.
Reply to the message
Delete the message
Save the message and tell your parents or school teacher
You are about to join a new website that your friends at school say is really cool. What information do you think is OK to give online?
Last name
First name
Nick name
Credit card number
Someone on a safe site that you use has emailed you to ask for your opinion on their site. You don’t think it’s very good. How do you reply to this person?
Your page is terrible
I really like your site
I hate your site
Yuck! This page is really bad
What would you do if your friend offered you their username and password for a safe website that you both use?
Log on pretending to be your friend. That would be funny!
Tell some of your other friends the password
Let your teacher know that your friend has been handing out their password
Tell a parent and your teacher that your friend has been handing out their password
Stop Close You are on the computer when suddenly an advertisement for Free Ring Tones pops up! Cool!!! All you have to do is enter your parents Credit Card number. It says it’s free. Hmmm... What would you do?
It’s a great ring tone! It’s also FREE! Click on it.
Ignore it, ring tones are never really free.
Click on it, you need a new ring tone
All your friends have crazy ring tones so it will be OK for you to get this one.
You have just seen a video online that was very violent and it has upset you. What would you choose to do about it?
Close the page and pretend you haven’t seen it
Tell someone you trust – like a teacher or your parent
Forward it to a friend, they might like it
Minimise the screen and then tell a parent or a teacher
{"name":"Cyber Safety", "url":"","txt":"You are playing an online game with your school friend Tara. Suddenly a message pops up on your computer that says Click here to win a Million dollars!!! What do you do?, Stop Close You just got a new text on your mobile phone. Take a look at who it’s from and decide whether to respond or not., You are about to join a new website that your friends at school say is really cool. What information do you think is OK to give online?","img":""}
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