The geographic condition of New England
Rocky Soil, Harsh Winters, Short Growing Seasons
Finshing trade etc.
What did New England due to climate
Rocky Soil, Harsh Winters, Short Growing Seasons
Finshing trade etc.
Triangular Trade Life in the north
Cooler temperatures
Added 10 years to their life span
Trading things like sugar from West Indies
New England depended on______________
King Philips war
They didnt get along with Indians
John Winthrop
Led Massachusetts Bay Colony
Mayflower Compact
Social contract
Good of the colony
Seed of democracy
Rule by majority
House Of Burgesses
1st elected representative
1st Permanent English Settlement
Northwest Passage
Water route to Asia through North America
Middle colonies was founded for
Trade and profit
New England colonies was founded for
Religious freedom
Middle colonies geographic conditions
Mild climate,fertile soil, Longer growing seasons
Great Awakening effects
Political power resided in their own hands rather than the English KING
England had royal gov but still got handle gov in their own ways
Self rule
Magna Carta
Limited government
English Bill of RIghts
Voting rights
{"name":"The geographic condition of New England", "url":"","txt":"The geographic condition of New England, what did New England due to climate","img":""}
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