Fist Cert MQF level 3

A military strategist analyzing battlefield plans, surrounded by maps and tactical equipment, in a dimly lit command center.

Tactical Mission Mastery Quiz

Challenge your knowledge and understanding of military tactics with our Tactical Mission Mastery Quiz. This engaging quiz consists of 74 carefully curated questions on tactical mission tasks, defensive and offensive operations, and support relationships. Whether you're preparing for a certification or just want to test your skills, this quiz is for you!

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  • 74 comprehensive questions
  • Multiple choice format
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74 Questions18 MinutesCreated by StrategicEagle247
Tactical mission task in which a commander integrates direct and indirect fires, terrain, and obstacles to upset an enemy's formation or tempo, interrupt the enemy's timetable, or cause enemy forces to commit prematurely or attack in a piecemeal fashion.
The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that diverts attention.
Tactical mission task that results in in rendering enemy personnel or material incapable of interfering with a particular operation.
Tactical mission task that results in temporary degradation of the performance of a force or weapons system below the level needed to accomplish the mission.
Activity that neutralizes, destroys, or temporarily degrades surface-based enemy air defenses by destructive and/or disruptive means.
Immediate Suppression
Destruction Mission
SEAD Suppress enemy air defense
Offensive Task
A___________ is a tactical plan for using the weapons of a unit or formation so that their fire will be coordinated
Scheme of manuever
Fire plan
Annex D
Offensive plan
A_______________is a target whose loss to the enemy will significantly contribute to the success of the friendly course of action
High value target hvt
High value individual hvi
High payoff target hpt
High yield target hyt
A _________________ is a target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of the mission
High payoff target
High yield target
High value individual
High value target
_____________________ is normally a high volume of fires delivered over a short period of time to maximize surprise and shock effect.
Suppression fire
Offensive fire
Destruction fire
Preparation fire
________________________ is an offensive task that is designed to develop the situation or regain contact.
Preparation fire
Deliberate contact
Movement to contact
Scheme of maneuver
__________________ is an offensive task that destroys or defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain, or both.
Movement to contact
Deliberate attack
__________________________ is an offensive task that usually follows the conduct of a successful attack and is designed to disorganize the enemy in depth.
Deep fires
____________________ is an offensive task designed to catch or cut off a hostile force attempting to escape, with the aim of destroying it.
Movement to contact
A ______________ is a task constructed to defeat an attacking enemy force, retain key terrain, gain time, economize forces, and develop conditions favorable for offensive or stability tasks.
Defensive tasks
Offensive tasks
Concept of fires
Scheme of maneuver
______________________ is a defensive task that concentrates on denying enemy forces access to designated terrain for a specific time rather than destroying the enemy outright.
Area defense
Deception defense
Mobile defense
Mobile strike
__________________ is a defensive task that concentrates on the destruction or defeat of the enemy through a decisive attack by a striking force.
Area defense
Deception defense
Mobile defense
Mobile strike
______________________ is a defensive task that involves organized movement away from the enemy.
_______________ are those operations undertaken by a commander to provide early and accurate warning of enemy operations, to provide the force being protected with time and maneuver space within which to react to the enemy, and to develop the situation to allow the commander to effectively use the protected force.
Passage of lines
Security operations
Signaling operations
Force protection
_____________________ is an operation in which a force moves forward or rearward through another force’s combat positions with the intention of moving into or out of contact with the enemy.
Forward passage of lines
Movement to contact
Position exploitation
Passage of lines
____________________ occurs when a unit passes through another unit’s positions while moving toward the enemy.
Hasty attack
Movement to attack
Forward passage of lines
Enemy passage of lines
_________ is a tactical mission task in which the unit employs all available means to break through or establish a passage through an enemy defense, obstacle, minefield or fortification.
_____________________ is the act of designing an operating force, support staff, or sustainment package of specific size and composition to meet a unique task or mission.
Task organizing
Coordinating fires
Mission organizing
______________ is assigned to and forming an essential part of a military organization as listed in its table of organization for the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and are assigned to the operating forces for the Navy.
Task organized
__________ is to place units or personnel in an organization where such placement is relatively permanent, and/or where such organization controls and administers the units or personnel for the primary function, or greater portion of the functions, of the unit or personnel.
______________________ is the authority to perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission.
Tactical control
Operational control
Organizational control
Positive control
________________ is the authority over forces that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions or tasks assigned.
Positive control
Operational control
Organizational control
Tactical control
____________________ is a support relationship requiring a force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly to the supported force’s request for assistance.
General support
Operational support
Direct support
_____________________ is a support relationship requiring a force to support another supporting unit.
General support reinforcing
Indirect support
General support
______________ is that support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not to any particular subdivision thereof.
General support
General support reinforcing
Direct support
Close support
____________ is the delivery technique of applying accurately computed corrections (not determined by firing) to standard firing data for all nonstandard conditions (weather, weapon, ammunition, rotation of the earth) to deliver accurate surprise, nuclear, or nonnuclear fire on any known target in any direction from any weapon limited only by the characteristics of the weapon and ammunition used.
Accurate fire
Predetermined fire
Responsive fire
Predicted fire
___________________ is the specific targeting of enemy indirect fire systems including their command and control, sensors, platforms, and logistics before they engage friendly forces.
Reactive counterfire
Proactive counterfire
Deliberate counterfire
____________________ provides immediate indirect fires to neutralize, destroy, and suppress enemy indirect fire weapons once acquired.
SEAD mission
Reactive counterfire
Immediate suppresion
Proactive counterfire
_____________________ is the related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, air and missile defense, and joint fires through the targeting process.
Offensive fires
Deliberate targeting
Fires warfighting function
Joint fire support
What is NOT a method in which to achieve responsive fires?
Planning fire support requirements in advance
Streamlining the call for fire by shortening the number of transmissions
Continually training observers in all aspects of fire support
The goal of the Field Artillery is to achieve ____________________. This enables greater effectiveness and a reduced logistical footprint. It requires that all five of the requirements for accurate fire are consistently being met.
Accurate and sufficient fires
Lasting operational effects
First round fire for effects
Fires that support scheme of maneuver
The ___________________ is an Army coordination organization that provides selected operational functions between the Army and the air component commander. Its mission is to provide Army forces liaison at the joint air operations center. They provide the critical and continuous coordination between the air and land commanders.
Ground liaison detachment
Battlefield coordination detachment
Fires and effects coordination cell
Joint fires cell
The __________________ plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes and deconflicts the employment and assessment of fires for both current and future operations. They’re generally organized with a fire support officer and assistants, an air defense airspace management element (ADAM), an electronic warfare element, a targeting element, and digital systems operators.
Battalion fires cell
Joint fires cell
Division fires cell
Brigade fires cell
A _____________________ is a subordinate operational component of a tactical air control system designed to provide air liaison to land forces and for the control of aircraft.
Joint fires observer
Tactical air control party
Joint terminal attack cell
Terminal attack control element
________________ is the detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons.
Target acquisition
The targeting process
Attack guidance
Target exploitation
______________ typically neutralize or incapacitate a target or modify adversarial behavior without causing permanent injury, death, or gross physical destruction. At times a target may return to pre-engagement functionality as part of the desired effect. Assessment of this effect is usually measured by time and level of effort required for recovery of the target.
Nonlethal effects
Suppression effects
Influencing effects
Nonkinetic effects
________________is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff, and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commander’s desired results without further orders, even when the operation does not unfold as planned.
Operations order
Commanders intent
Scheme of maneuver
Concept of operations
The _____________ is the detailed, logical sequence of targets and fire support events to find and engage targets to accomplish the supported commander’s intent. It’s planned to support the commander’s scheme of maneuver and is built on the fire support tasks developed by the FSCOORD/FSO.
Commanders intent
Concept of manuever
Concept of fires
Scheme of fires
______________ is the commander’s guidance to his staff, subordinate commanders, fire support planners, and supporting agencies to organize and employ fire support in accordance with the relative importance of the unit’s mission.
Scheme of fires
Priority of fires
High payoff target list
Concept of fires
_________________ is the continuing process of analyzing, allocating, and scheduling fires to describe how fires are used to facilitate the actions of the maneuver force.
Fire support planning
Fires processing
Fires synchronization
A _______________________ is a plan that addresses each means of fire support available and describes how Army indirect fires, joint fires, and target acquisition are integrated with maneuver to facilitate operational success.
Concept of operations
Scheme of fires
Fire support plan
Fire support execution
_____________ is the planning and executing of fire so that targets are adequately covered by a suitable weapon or group of weapons.
Fire support coordination
Fire support planning
Joint fires coordination
Fire support execution
_____________ is the process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities.
Proactive counterfire
Target execution
Target prosecution
______________ are criteria applied to enemy activity (acquisitions and battlefield information) used in deciding whether the activity is a target.
Target selection standards
Attack guidance matrix
Target synch matrix
Task execution
_________ is the first step in the targeting process. It begins with the military decision-making process (MDMP). It does not end when the plan is completed; the decide function continues throughout the operation.
The second step of the targeting process, ___________, directs how and which target acquisition assets find the specified targets to the requisite level of accuracy.
______________ occurs throughout the operations process. Targeting is continuously refined and adjusted between the commander and staff as the operation unfolds. Combat assessment measures how effectively attack systems and munitions functioned, effects on the target, and a recommendation as to whether the target should be reattacked.
Tactical risk assessment
Measure of effectiveness
_________________is the geographical area where high-value targets can be acquired and engaged by friendly forces.
Target area of interest
Named area of interest
Known area of interest
Series of targets
The ______________ is the operation that directly accomplishes the mission.
Shaping operation
Direct engagement
Decisive operation
Strategic operation
A _______________ is a criterion used to assess friendly actions that is tied to measuring task accomplishment.
Collateral damage estimate
Measure of performance
Effects assessment
Measure of effectiveness
A ____________________ is a criterion used to assess changes in system behavior, capability, or operational environment that is tied to measuring the attainment of an end state, achievement of an objective, or creation of an effect.
Measure of effectiveness
Measure of performance
Patterns of life
________________________ is the process by which the supported commander ensures that fires or their effects will have no unintended consequences on friendly units or the scheme of maneuver.
Collateral damage estimation
Fire support coordination measures
Airspace coordinating measures
Clearance of fires
Permissive fire support coordination measures ____________ the attack of targets by reducing the coordination necessary for the clearance of fires.
True / False: Restrictive fire support coordination measures are those that provide safeguards for friendly forces and noncombatants, facilities, or terrain.
A _______________ is a line that delineates surface areas for the purpose of facilitating coordination and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units, formations, or areas (JP 3-0). It divides up areas of operation and define responsibility for clearance of fires. It is both permissive and restrictive in nature.
Coordinated fire line
Phase line
Fire support coordination line
A ___________________ is an area assigned to an artillery unit where individual artillery systems can maneuver to increase their survivability.
Free fire area
Position area for artillery
Firing point
Firing area
A _______________ is an area, usually a friendly unit or location which the maneuver commander designates as critical to the protection of an asset whose loss would seriously jeopardize the mission.
Critical friendly zone
Censor zone
Artillery target intelligence zone
Call for fire zone
A _______________ is an area from which radar is prohibited from reporting acquisitions. Normally placed around friendly weapon systems to prevent them from being acquired by friendly radars.
Artillery target intelligence zone
Call for fire zone
Critical friendly zone
Censor zone
A ______________ is a line beyond which conventional, indirect, surface fire support means may create effects at any time within the boundaries of the establishing HQ without additional coordination.
Fire support coordination line
Coordinated firing line
Restrictive firing line
A ______________________ is a specific designated area into which any weapon system may fire without additional coordination with the establishing HQ. It is used to expedite joint fires and to facilitate emergency jettison of aircraft munitions.
Restrictive fire area
Coordinated firing area
Coordinated firing line
Free fire area
______________ facilitate the expeditious engagement of targets of opportunity beyond the coordinating measure. It applies to all fires of air, land, and maritime-based weapon systems using any type of munition against surface targets.
Coordinated firing line
Free fire area
Fire support coordination line
phase line
A __________ is a three-dimensional area used to facilitate the integration of joint fires and airspace.
Kill box
Airspace coordination area
Free fire area
No fire area
A _____________ is a land area designated by the appropriate commander into which fires or their effects are prohibited.
No fire area
Free fire area
Restrictive fire area
Impact area
A ___________ is an area in which specific restrictions are imposed and into which fires (or the effects of fires) that exceed those restrictions will not be delivered without coordination with the establishing HQ.
Restricted area
No fire area
Restrictive fire area
Restrictive firing line
The _____________ is a line established between converging friendly forces — one or both may be moving — that prohibits joint fires or the effects of joint fires across the line without coordination with the affected force. The purpose of the line is to prevent friendly fire and duplication of engagements by converging friendly forces.
Restrictive firing line
Coordinated firing line
Phase line
A three-dimensional block of airspace in a target area, established by the appropriate commander, in which friendly aircraft are reasonably safe from friendly surface fires. It is normally established using lateral, altitude, or time separation, or a combination thereof.
Airspace coordination area
Kill box
Air corridor
Airspace coordinating measure
What format would an observer use when the decision has been made to attack a target using CAS?
Cas 9 line
Cas brief
Jfo target brief
Joint tactical air strike request
Additional airspace coordination planning for GMLRS and ATACMS may be necessary due to their long ranges and high __________ ____________.
Maximum ordinate
Large caliber
Gps guidance
Dud rate
The _____________________ summarizes naval gunfire support (NGFS) capability when unknown to an NGFS station.
Naval gunfire support
Naval surface fire support
Guns up ready to fire GURF
Message to observer
The NSFS Call for Fire is sent in ___ transmissions.
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