Hirohito WW2

When was Hirohito born?
April 29, 1901
April 1, 1901
April 29, 1880
December 15, 1901
How did Hirohito become emperor?
The Church told him to
His mother told him to
When his older brother was killed November 12, 1910
When his father died December December 25, 1929
What was the Tripartite Pact?
An allegiance between Japan, the United States, and Germany to destroy Italy
A type of sandwich
An allegiance between Japan, Germany, and Italy to aid eachother
An allegiance between Japan, Germany, and Italy to destroy the Soviet Union
What did Hirohito do in response to the United States' embargo on oil and steel?
Consented to his government's fight with the Americans
Advised against starting unnecessary conflict with the US
Demanded these materials be sought out on Japanese soil
On August 15, 1945, how did Hirohito declare Japan's surrender?
Radio Broadcast
A League of Nations conference
How much power did the emperor hold after the war?
All of it; he became a powerful dictator
Some of it; he only held power over the military
Some of it; he only held power over civilian life
None of it; he became merely symbol of the state
Hirohito's death on January 7, 1989 made him what?
Worm food
Japan's longest reigning emperor
Japan's shortest reigning emperor
Japan's most mediocre emperor
{"name":"Hirohito WW2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When was Hirohito born?, How did Hirohito become emperor?, What was the Tripartite Pact?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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