Telepathic-2Answer the questions below to find out. 

Does the name of the person calling you pop into your mind before you look at caller ID?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
Do the words someone is about to say come into your mind before they actually say them?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
Have people you are emotionally close to you come to mind when they are in danger or pain?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often - When It Happens
Do you seem to know people's state of mind before they talk?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
Do you experience a tingling between your eyes which indicates your third eye chakra is active?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
As a child did you know things where there was no logical reason you should know them?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
Do you seem to know what is ailing a person or animal because you sense their pain in yourself?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
Do you know what is going to happen before it ocurs?
Never Or Rarely
Very Often
{"name":"QUIZ: Are You Telepathic? What level telepathic are you? Click to find out.", "url":"","txt":"Discover if you are a telepathic and find out how strong your telepathy is. You may be surprised.","img":"","accounts":"@energyartistjulia","hash":"#telepathic, #telepathy, #psychic,, #spiritual, "}
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