ATC Basics - Knowledge Checks

What are the ATO service areas? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
The safe, secure, and efficient management for the NAS is the responsibility of which division? (Select the correct answer.)
Air Traffic Services
Technical Operations
System Operations
The ATO is managed by a(n) _____. (Select the correct answer.)
Vice President
Chief Operation Officer
What is the first duty priority of the ATC system? (Select the correct answer.)
Provide weather information and issue clearances
Separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts
Expedite flow of traffic and monitor vectoring
What are the primary purposes of the ATC system? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Provide additional support to the extent possible
Separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts
Provide support for National Security and Homeland Defense
Provide a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic
Prevent a collision between aircraft operating in the system
When should nonradar separation be used?
When workload permits
When an operational advantage exists
When equipment permits
What are the primary functions of an FSS? (Select all the correct answers that apply.)
Provide pilot briefings
Create flight plans
Receive flight plans
Process flight plans
When NO supervisory personnel are available, who is the designated person in charge? (Select the correct answer.)
Senior Controller
Air Traffic Manager
Match the term that identifies each operating position in an FSS with its associated function. Enter your answers in the spaces below
Issues airport advisories; relays ATC clearances, advisories, or requests to pilots; monitors and restores NAVAIDs; activates and closes flight plans; assists pilots of lost aircraft.
Flight Data/NOTAM/Coordinator
Briefs pilots on weather, NOTAMs, and restrictions along proposed route; applies VFR not recommended (VNR) procedures
Disseminates IFR and VFR flight plans, initiates SAR, disseminates NOTAMs, performs customs notification.
Records and disseminates weather and flight information through the AFIS.
What is/are the function(s) of an ATCT? (Select all the correct answers that apply.)
Authorizing aircraft to land or take off on the runway
Providing ATC services to aircraft at an airport
Transiting aircraft through tower control
May provide approach control services to aircraft
Match the term that identifies the operating positions with their associated functions. Enter your answers in the spaces below.
Issues clearances and ensures accuracy of pilot readback.
Clearance Delivery
Initiates control instructions, has responsibility control of aircraft and vehicles on taxiways and runways that are not active, ensures separation.
Flight Data
Compiles statistical data, processes and forwards flight plan information, reports weather information.
Local Control
Performs interfacility/intrafacility coordination, advises the Tower positions of actions required to accomplish objectives
Tower Coordinator
Assists the Tower positions by performing coordination and helps to ensure separation by maintaining awareness of tower traffic.
Ground Control
Initiates control instructions, has responsibility for control of active runways, ensures separation.
Tower Associate
Which of the following are function(s) of a TRACON? (Select all the correct answers that apply.)
Processing and forwarding flight plan information
Providing control services to aircraft
Transiting terminal area airspace
Initiating search and rescue
The primary function of an ARTCC is providing ATC service to en route __________. (Select the correct answer.)
IFR/VFR aircraft
VFR aircraft only
IFR aircraft only
Match the term that identifies the radar or sector team operating positions with their associated functions. Enter your answers in the spaces below.
Responsible for ensuring separation, initiating control instructions, managing flight strip information, and assisting the Radar position with coordination
The position that is in direct communication with aircraft
Radar Flight Data
Responsible for compiling statistical data and forwarding flight plan data
Radar Coordinator
Responsible for interfacility/intrafacility coordination
Radar Associate
The mission of the TM system is to balance air traffic _____ with system _____. (Select the correct answers.)
Demand; capacity
Clearance; delivery
Control; demand
Towers; availability
The operation of the TM system is the responsibility of the _____. (Select the correct answer.)
Monitoring and balancing air traffic flows within their area of responsibility is the primary function of the _______. (Select the correct answer.)
Match the element of the TM system with its description. Enter your answers in the spaces below.
Assigns departure times that will facilitate integration into the en route traffic stream
Routings other than the filed flight plan; designed to keep aircraft clear of special use airspace, congested airspace, or weather areas
Normally done when the operating environment supports holding and the weather conditions are expected to improve shortly
Ground Delay Program (GDP)
Overrides all other TM system programs. Aircraft remain on the ground until the program is terminated
En Route Sequencing Program (ESP)
Term to indicate aircraft will be cleared to an altitude lower than their requested altitude until they are clear of a particular airspace
Airborne holding
Aircraft are held on the ground until a specified time
Ground Stop (GS)
Which of the following are components of NAS? (Select all the correct answers that apply.)
Airport and landing areas
Airspace and ATS routes
Rules, regulations, and procedures
Aeronautical charts
Why are NAVAIDs a vital part of NAS? (Select all the correct answers that apply.)
Navigate from point to point
Involved in the movement of aircraft
Establish and maintain positive control among aircraft
Provide approach aids for landing
What do VFR and IFR describe? (Select all the correct answers that apply.)
Locations and directions of airports
Flight plans that pilots should file
Instructions for operating aircraft
Weather conditions
Flight rules that pilots must follow
What responsibility does ATC have with an aircraft during an IFR flight? (Select the correct answer.)
Provide communication between the pilot and, when required, issue clearances
Ensure aircraft is able to approach and land safely on runways
Maintain separation from other aircraft, terrain, and man-made objects on the ground
At an airport with a tower, when is movement permitted in a designated movement area? (Select the correct answer.)
Only after obtaining approval in areas not visible to ATC
Movement can occur at anytime
Only after obtaining approval from ATC
How would you designate a runway with a magnetic heading of 094 degrees? (Select the correct answer.)
RWY 90
RWY 09
How would you designate a runway with a magnetic heading of 005 degrees? (Select the correct answer.)
RWY 6 or 10
RWY 36 or 1
A runway with a non-precision approach does NOT have which of the following runway markings? (Select the correct answer.)
Touchdown zone
Aiming point
Where are displaced threshold markings located on a runway? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
At a point on the runway other than the designated beginning of the runway
Extending the full length of the runway
At the end of the non-landing portion of the runway
Which surface on a runway is marked with large yellow chevrons? (Select the correct answer.)
Blast pad
Closed runway
Displaced threshold
Which markings indicate that the pavement is NOT intended for use by aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
Runway holding position markings
Taxiway shoulder markings
Surface painted holding position sign
The centerline of a taxiway is marked with what type of line? (Select the correct answer.)
Dashed yellow
Continuous yellow
Continuous white
What is indicated by a taxiway direction sign? (Select the correct answer.)
Alert pilots where the demarcation line exists
Which taxiway the aircraft is on
Which direction the aircraft must turn to get to the desired taxiway
What does the orientation of the letter “H” indicate on a helicopter landing area? (Select the correct answer.)
Aligns with the intended direction of approach
Informs the pilot of the distance of landing
Indicates area where an aircraft is prohibited from entering
Match each classification of airport with its airport beacon.
Lighted water airport
Flashing white and green
Military airport
Flashing white, yellow, and green
Lighted heliport
Flashing white and yellow
Lighted land airport
Two quick white flashes and green
Which lights consist of two white flashing strobe lights located on each side of the runway threshold? (Select the correct answer.)
In-runway lighting
Runway edge light system
Runway end identifier lights
Which lights mark the beginning of the runway for an approaching aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
Threshold lights
Runway edge lights
Centerline lights
Which type of lighting consists of two rows of lights on each side of runway centerline lights? (Select the correct answer.)
Runway edge lights
Touchdown zone lighting
Threshold lighting
Which light system provides visual descent guidance during runway approaches? (Select the correct answer.)
In-runway lighting system
Approach light system
Visual glideslope indicators
Which lights are used to confirm ATC clearance to enter the active runway? (Select the correct answer.)
Threshold lights
Stop bar lights
Runway guard lights
Match each taxiway light with its designated color.
Taxiway edge lights
Lead-on lights
Runway guard lights
Yellow and green
Stop bar lights
Taxiway centerline lights
Which type of lights tell pilots and vehicle operators to stop when runways are not safe? (Select the correct answer.)
Runway status lights
Stop bar lights
Runway guard lights
Match the terms associated with separation with the definition of the term.
A level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of mercury
Vertical separation
The spacing of aircraft to achieve safe and orderly movement in flight and while landing and taking of
Separation between aircraft expressed in units of vertical distance
Flight level
The minimum longitudinal, lateral, or vertical distances by which aircraft are spaced through the application of ATC procedures
Separation minima
The ATC system is required to apply separation between an aircraft operating in the system and which of the following? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Protected airspace
The environment
Other aircraft
Reported bird activity
All aircraft operating at or above __________ shall have the altimeter set to ______, regardless of the local altimeter settings at stations they fly over. (Select the correct answer.)
17,000 MSL; 29.99
FL 180; 29.29
FL 170; 92.29
18,000 MSL; 29.92
Which of the following column(s) displays less than minimum vertical separation occurring between flight levels? (Select the correct answer.)
A and B
What is the basic minimum altitude for vertical separation between IFR aircraft at FL 390? (Select the correct answer.)
5,000 feet
1,000 feet
2,000 feet
4,000 feet
What is the minimum longitudinal separation required in miles and in minutes with both aircraft using DME? (Select the correct answer.)
23 miles/ 12 minutes
20 miles/ 10 minutes
30 miles/ 15 minutes
Using the Word Bank, label the courses appropriately
The minimum terminal radar separation required for two aircraft 30 NM from the antenna is _____. (Select the correct answer.)
1 mile
3 miles
5 miles
10 miles
The minimum en route radar separation required for two aircraft below FL 600 is _____. (Select the correct answer.)
1 mile
3 miles
5 miles
10 miles
What are some of the factors that should be considered during visual separation? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Closure rate
Flight plan type
Aircraft performance
Radar location
Wake turbulence
Under which conditions can you clear an aircraft for a visual approach? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
The pilot reports the preceding aircraft in sight and is instructed to follow
The aircraft is in the approach sequence on course with the runway
The pilot reports the airport or runway in sight but NOT the preceding aircraft, as long as radar separation is maintained until visual separation is provided
The pilot reports the runway is in sight with NO preceding aircraf
On the same runway, what conditions must exist for the preceding departing aircraft before allowing another aircraft to takeoff? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
The aircraft must cross the runway end
The aircraft must stop at the end
The aircraft must touch down
The aircraft must turn to avert a conflict
Which conditions must exist for preceding departing aircraft before a takeoff roll begins for another aircraft on nonintersecting runways? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
The runway end has been crossed
Takeoff roll has been initiated
Has departed and crossed the departure runway
Match the terms associated with holding procedures with the definition of the term.
A predetermined maneuver that keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance from ATC
The time a pilot can expect to receive clearance beyond a clearance limit
Holding fix
A specified fix identifiable to a pilot by NAVAIDs or visual reference to the ground used as a reference point in establishing and maintaining the position of an aircraft while holding
Hold procedure
The fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance
Clearance limit
What must a controller ensure when directing aircraft to hold over different fixes at the same altitude? (Select the correct answer.)
All aircraft are turning left
Time of leg lengths are equal
Holding pattern airspaces don’t overlap
Aircraft are using the same NAVAID to hold from
Which of the following procedures are applied by ATC for a typical holding pattern with a standard pattern? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Two-minute legs above 14,000 MSL
DME leg length
One-minute legs
Left turns
Right turns
What are the two subsystems for disseminating aeronautical information? (Select the correct answer.)
Aeronautical Charts and AIS
NOTAM System and Flight Information Publication
AIS and NOTAM System
Which subsystem is used for disseminating aeronautical information? (Select the correct answer.)
Jeppesen Database
Technical Operations Services
Who submits a NOTAM to the NS using an approved direct entry tool or interface? (Select the correct answer.)
NOTAM Office
Airport Management
Certified Source
Who is responsible for reporting a condition considered hazardous to flight? (Select the correct answer.)
All air traffic personnel
Technical Operations Services
Airport Management
Why are NOTAM Ds issued? (Select the correct answer.)
To cancel an FDC NOTAM
To disseminate information over a wide area
To highlight or point out another NOTAM
What NOTAMs are used to report the surface conditions on runways, taxiways, and aprons? (Select the correct answer.)
Unverified NOTAMs
What type of NOTAM is issued for aerial demonstrations? (Select the correct answer.)
Pointer NOTAM
What type of radar display is shown in the image?
Radio Detection Display
Digitized Radar Display Depicting Weather
Primary Radar Display
Secondary Radar Display
Which of the following define how primary radar works? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Sends out a signal which is reflected by anything with mass
Signal is a pulse of radio energy similar to an x-ray
Requires no equipment in the aircraft
Reflected signal is timed, processed, and presented on a radar display
What are the components of a primary radar system? (Select the correct answer.)
Weather display, receiver, transmitter, and target
Radar display, echo, antenna, and azimuth
Transmitter, antenna, receiver, and radar display
Which primary radar component depicts the position and movements of objects that reflect radio energy? (Select the correct answer.)
Radar display
Which primary radar component focuses and broadcasts radio energy, then collects the reflection return? (Select the correct answer.)
Radar display
Which primary radar component amplifies and converts the reflected energy into video? (Select the correct answer.)
Radar display
Which component of the secondary radar system is located on the aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
Radar display
What are the five major components of the secondary radar system? (Select the correct answer.)
Decoder, antenna, receiver, transmitter, and transponder
Interrogator, transponder, antenna, decoder, and radar display
Transponder, control beacon, receiver, decoder, and radar display
The ____________ processes the transponder replies and sends them to the radar display. (Select the correct answer.)
Radar display
Which component is mounted on top of the associated primary antenna, unless it is a secondary-only site? (Select the correct answer.)
Which of the following are advantages of a secondary radar system? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Not degraded by weather echoes or ground clutter
Less vulnerable to blind spots
Reflected signal is timed, processed, and presented on a radar display
Provides longer range
All of the above
Which of the following are disadvantages of a secondary radar system? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Not degraded by weather echoes or ground clutter
Does not provide weather information
Return is affected by aircraft orientation
Only displays aircraft with transponders
All of the above
Airspace boundary
Airway intersection
ADS-B is a surveillance system in which the aircraft is fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a _________. (Select the correct answer.)
ADS-B transponder
Navigation system
Flight management system
The ADS-B system relies on information from _______. (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Ground stations
ADS-B transponder
Internet communications
GPS satellites
How does ADS-B information reach ATC? (Select the correct answer.)
Aircraft sends info to GPS; GPS sends info to ground stations; ground stations send info to ATC
Ground stations send info to GPS; GPS sends info to aircraft; aircraft sends info to ATC
GPS sends info to aircraft; aircraft sends info to ground stations; ground stations send info to ATC
Which feature does ADS-B In offer that ADS-B Out does not? (Select the correct answer.)
Provides better area coverage and accuracy than the current transponder/radar system
Receives position information from other ADS-B-equipped aircraft
Transmits surveillance information about an aircraft in flight or while on the ground
FAA orders are updated by which documents? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
When a change is issued to an order, how are new pages marked? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Bold line next to change in margin
Change number is listed
Change is underlined
Change version is listed
Effective date of change listed
To whom is an FAA order with a prefix of “JO” directed? (Select the correct answer.)
Western Service Area
Eastern Service Area
Central Service Area
Air Traffic Organization
Match each JO numerical identifier with its title.
JO 7350.9
Facility Operation and Administration
JO 7110.65
Air Traffic Control
JO 7360.1
JO 7340.2
Aircraft Type Designators
JO 7210.3
Location Identifiers
Which document prescribes ATC procedures and phraseology used by the FAA? (Select the correct answer.)
FAA Order JO 7110.65
FAA Order JO 7210.3
FAA Order JO 7340.2
Which document provides direction and guidance for operating and managing air traffic facilities and offices? (Select the correct answer.)
FAA Order JO 7110.65
FAA Order JO 7210.3
FAA Order JO 7350.9
Which document contains aircraft type designators? (Select the correct answer.)
FAA Order JO 7350.9
FAA Order JO 7360.1
Which document lists the location identifiers authorized by the FAA? (Select the correct answer.)
FAA Order JO 7350.9
FAA Order JO 7340.2
Which document provides the aviation community with basic flight information and ATC procedures for use in the NAS? (Select the correct answer.)
FAA Order JO 7350.9
FAA Order JO 7340.2
The responsibility for approval of an LOA rests with the_______. (Select the correct answer.)
Service Area Office
Flight Inspection Field Office
General Aviation District Office
Which of the following may be delegated the authority to approve an LOA? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Air Traffic Representatives
Air Traffic Managers
Region Air Defense Liaison Officer
What is the purpose for having an SOP? (Select the correct answer.)
Specify jurisdictional boundaries for each position/sector
Establish coordination between facilities
Coordinate between government and nongovernment facilities
Which of the following would NOT require the development of an LOA? (Select the correct answer.)
Interfacility coordination
Intrafacility coordination
Airport emergency services
Which of the following examples would NOT be contained in an SOP? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Local procedures for food and beverages
Equipment usage
Define roles and responsibilities with airport management
Position/Sector descriptions
Internal coordination procedures between positions
Approach control services
Position relief briefing
Which of the following material or content would appear as part of an LOA? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Equipment usage
Tower en route control service
Position/Sector descriptions
Internal coordination procedures between positions
Special VFR operations
Position relief briefing
The primary source of lift on an airfoil is created by a differential in _____. (Select the correct answer.)
The statement “the internal pressure of a fluid decreases at points where the speed of the fluid increases” is a part of _____. (Select the correct answer.)
Bernoulli’s Principle
Newton’s Law of Motion
Hindenburg’s Theory
What is the curvature of the airfoil from the leading edge to the trailing edge? (Select the correct answer.)
Airfoil line
What are the three principal airfoils? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Horizontal tail surfaces
Tail rudder
Match the terms with the definitions
The shape or form of a wing as viewed from above.
The characteristic curve of an airfoil’s upper and lower surfaces.
Angle of attack
The direction of the airflow produced by an object moving through the air.
Relative wind
The angle at which relative wind meets an airfoil
Wing planform
The key properties of the atmosphere that affect air density and aircraft performance are: (Select all correct answers that apply.)
What is the result of the weight of the air above the measurement position? (Select the correct answer.)
What are some of the ways increased density altitude can reduce aircraft performance? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Longer takeoff roll
Shorter landing roll
Slower climb rate
Reduced engine power
Increased landing speed
How would temperature affect aircraft on a hot day? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Longer takeoff roll
Faster landing speed
Increased engine power
Slower rate of climb
How would increased humidity affect aircraft performance? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Longer takeoff roll
Faster landing speed
Increased engine power
Slower rate of climb
The three rotational axes on an aircraft are: (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Which two movements are controlled by the control yoke? (Select the correct answer.)
Pitch and yaw
Roll and pitch
Yaw and roll
Which of the following is a primary control surface? (Select the correct answer.)
Variable pitch propeller
The extension of flaps causes an increase in _____. (Select the correct answer.)
Stall speed
Helicopter controls include: (Select all correct answers that apply.)
The most common cause of light aircraft accidents is: (Select the correct answer.)
Mechanical failures
Engine fires
Pitot tube icing causes which of these instruments to become unreliable? (Select the correct answer.)
Vertical speed indicator
Airspeed indicator
Fuel level indicator
The greatest wake turbulence is associated with which aircraft configuration? (Select the correct answer.)
Heavy, clean, fast
Heavy, dirty, slow
Heavy, clean, slow
Assuming similar aircraft, which aircraft would create a greater wake turbulence effect? (Select the correct answer.)
Aircraft cruising en route
Aircraft on approach to the airport
Aircraft on takeoff from airport
Which one of these has the greatest impact on wake turbulence? (Select the correct answer.)
What is/are the name(s) given to the circular patterns created by wake turbulence? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Wake vortex
Wingtip vortices
When do vortices begin for a fixed-wing aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
During approach while landing
As soon as engines have begun
At rotation or when lift begins
When observing an aircraft from behind, the circulation of vortices off the right wingtip is __________ and __________ off the left wingtip. (Select the correct answer.)
Counterclockwise, clockwise
Clockwise, counterclockwise
Down, outward
Vortices from larger aircraft will sink approximately 300 to 500 feet per minute and level off approximately __________ feet below the flight path. (Select the correct answer.)
100 to 300
500 to 1000
1000 to 2000
With no wind, vortices within 100 to 200 feet of the ground will move ____________knots laterally across the ground. (Select the correct answer.)
10 to 30
5 to 10
2 to 3
Why would extra spacing be necessary when smaller aircraft are following larger aircraft at a terminal environment? (Select the correct answer.)
To prevent obstructed sight of the runway
To avoid the aircraft’s wake turbulence vortices
To clear a path for larger aircraft to maneuver
Counter control is most effective and roll is minimal when the wingspan and the ailerons extend beyond the __________ of the vortex. (Select the correct answer.)
End of vortex
Inside edges
Outer edges
A hovering helicopter creates a downwash from its main rotors that can travel how far? (Select the correct answer.)
Five times the diameter of its rotors
Three times the diameter of its rotors
Two times the diameter of its rotors
When do helicopters generate wingtip vortices? (Select the correct answer.)
Must be in forward flight
While parked on a helipad
In a stationary hover
Why is the controller NOT responsible for anticipating the existence or effects of wake turbulence? (Select the correct answer.)
Increased separation and delays
Resources and staffing
Because it is unpredictable
Wake turbulence has the greatest impact on ATC in the areas of __________. (Select the correct answer.)
Damage and money
Resources and delays
Increased separation and traffic delays
Which weight class would be used to categorize an aircraft capable of 300,000 pounds of takeoff weight, but currently only having a takeoff weight of 225,000 pounds? (Select the correct answer.)
What is the maximum certificated takeoff weight of an aircraft in the small weight class? (Select the correct answer.)
41,000 pounds or less
12,500 pounds or less
More than 41,000 pounds
More than 12,500 pounds
What would the weight class be for an aircraft having a 250,000-pound maximum certificated takeoff weight? (Select the correct answer.)
Match the description to the correct category or weight class.
A large multi-engine turbojet aircraft
Category III
Small aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less, singleengine, propeller-driven, and all helicopters
Category II
Small aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or less, twinengine, and propeller-driven
Category I
Match the description to the correct category or weight class.
AIRBUS A-380-800 and ANTONOV An-225 (A225)
Aircraft weighing more than 41,000 pounds maximum certificated takeoff weight, up to, but not including, 300,000 pounds
Aircraft weighing 41,000 pounds or less, maximum certificated takeoff weight
Aircraft capable of takeoff weights of 300,000 pounds or more whether operating at that weight or not
Match the description to the correct category or weight class.
Aircraft normally operating at 10,000 feet MSL and below, speed between 100-160 knots with a climb rate of 1,000 feet per minute or less.
Aircraft normally operating at FL 240 and below, speed between 160-250 knots with a climb rate of 1,000-2,000 feet per minute.
Aircraft normally operating at FL 450 and below, speed between 300-550 knots with a climb rate of 2,000-4,000 feet per minute.
Designators may have as many as ________ characters, but no less than ________. (Select the correct answer.)
8; 4
6; 3
4; 2
3; 1
What is generally the first character in an aircraft designator? (Select the correct answer.)
Letter or number
Which engine types have propellers? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
What category are turbojet aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
Category I
Category II
Category III
Which features are used to identify aircraft? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Landing gear
What are the three basic wing placement positions? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
What are the three basic wing shapes or configurations? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
What are the basic tail configurations? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Horizontal stabilizer above the fuselage
Forward slant vertical stabilizer
“T” (straight)
What are the basic types of landing gear? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Which class of airspace does NOT require an ATC clearance? (Select the correct answer.)
Class A
Class B
Class C
The airspace that generally extends from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL and surrounds a busy airport is designated as _______ airspace. (Select the correct answer.)
Class A
Class B
Class C
Which class of airspace is uncontrolled? (Select the correct answer.)
Class D
Class E
Class G
Which class of airspace is generally that airspace from the surface to 2,500 feet above the airport elevation? (Select the correct answer.)
Class E
Class D
Class G
Which airspace has NO defined vertical limit? (Select the correct answer.)
Class D
Class E
Class B
Why are TFRs issued? (Select the correct answer.)
To restrict all aircraft from operating within a defined area on a permanent basis
To restrict certain aircraft from operating within a defined area on a temporary basis
To restrict certain aircraft from operating within a defined area on a permanent basis
The SUA that is necessary to confine activities considered hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft is called a _______ Area. (Select the correct answer.)
Terminal Control
What type of SUA is found over international waters? (Select the correct answer.)
Prohibited Area
Controlled Firing Area
Warning Area
Prohibited Area vertical airspace begins at _______. (Select the correct answer.)
3,000 feet
The Earth’s surface
1,500 feet
Airspace in which a high volume of pilot training takes place would be designated as a(n) ______. (Select the correct answer.)
Restricted Area
Controlled Firing Area
Alert Area
Under whose authority are Title 14 CFRs/FARs issued? (Select the correct answer.)
DOT administrator
FAA manager
FAA administrator
What is the term used to indicate aircraft operating in the air or on airport movement areas? (Select the correct answer.)
Air carriers
Air traffic
Air traffic control
What is authorization by ATC for the purpose of preventing collisions between known aircraft called? (Select the correct answer.)
ATC approval
Air traffic direction
Air traffic clearance
What is a level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of mercury known as? (Select the correct answer.)
Flight level
Aircraft altitude
Mean Sea Level (MSL) altitude
What is the control of all air traffic within designated airspace by ATC referred to as? (Select the correct answer.)
Restricted control
Precision control
Positive control
Which aircraft operating within the United States are subject to Title 14 CFR/FAR Part 91? (Select the correct answer.)
Military only
All aircraft
When may pilots of two different aircraft operate as a formation flight? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Authorization is obtained from ATC
Flight visibility is at least 3 miles
Prior arrangements are made
NO paying passengers are aboard
For approaching head-on aircraft, each pilot of each aircraft shall: (Select the correct answer.)
Alter course to the right
Alter course to the left
One will climb, one will descend
What is the maximum speed of VFR aircraft below Class B airspace? (Select the correct answer.)
180 knots IAS
200 knots IAS
300 knots IAS
What is the maximum speed for an aircraft in Class C or D airspace flying at less than 2,500 feet AGL and within 4 NM of the primary airport? (Select the correct answer.)
156 knots
250 knots
200 knots
What is the minimum safe altitude over congested areas? (Select the correct answer.)
Hat is the minimum safe altitude over congested areas? (Select the correct answer.)  1,000 feet above the highest obstacle
1,200 feet above ground level
2,000 feet above the lowest obstacle
What should the altimeter be set at in an aircraft maintaining FL 310? (Select the correct answer.)
Altimeter setting within 100 NM of the aircraft
When may a pilot deviate from an ATC clearance? (Select the correct answer.)
At the pilot’s discretion
Under NO condition
In an emergency
When should a pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance notify ATC of that deviation? (Select the correct answer.)
As soon as possible
The following day
The following week
Which direction should aircraft always turn to line up for runways in Class G airspace at airports without operational control towers? (Select the correct answer.)
Which rules apply at airports in Class C or D airspace that have designated runway usage for a noise abatement program? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
All aircraft must use runways designated for noise abatement
Large aircraft must use runways designated for noise abatement
Turboprop aircraft must use runways designated for noise abatement
Pilot may request another runway in the interest of safety
In which class of airspace are pilots NOT allowed to operate unless they have an IFR rating? (Select the correct answer.)
Class A
Class B
Class C or D
Which of the following are required before a person can act as an air traffic control tower operator? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Holds a facility rating for that control tower issued under this subpart or has qualified for the operating position at which he or she acts and is under the supervision of the holder of a facility rating for that control tower
Qualified for the operating position at which they act
Holds a valid FAA Credential with a Tower rating or a valid Control Tower Operator Certificate
Which of the following skills are required for air traffic control tower operator certification? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Flight assistance service
Weather-reporting procedures and use of reports
En route traffic control procedures
Control tower equipment and its use
An air traffic control tower operator must perform his/her duties to provide for the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic in accordance with _______. (Select the correct answer.)
His/her certificate and request of authorized officials
The control duties applicable to the position
The limitations on his/her certificate with an approved medical certificate
The limitations on his/her certificate and the procedures and practices prescribed in FAA ATC manuals
Which of the following consequences could a controller face if convicted for any federal or state statute relating to substance abuse? (Select the correct answer.)
Revocation of ATC operator’s certificate
Denial of an application for any certificate or rating for up to 1 year
Suspension of ATC operator’s certificate
All of the above
Title 14 CFR Part 91 regulations cover the airspace within how many NM of the U.S. coast? (Select the correct answer.)
Which aircraft are subject to Title 14 CFR Part 91? (Select the correct answer.)
Foreign aircraft only
Air taxi and scheduled airlines only
All aircraft, including foreign carriers operating within the United States
What is one of the reasons flight plans are filed? (Select the correct answer.)
Enter restricted airspace
Provide information for search and rescue
Fly in the U.S.
Which of the following statements about a VFR flight plan is true? (Select the correct answer.)
It is mandatory for all VFR flights
It is strongly encouraged
It is required for entering all Class G airspace
When landing at an airport with an operational Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), an IFR flight plan______. (Select the correct answer.)
Must be cancelled by the pilot
Is automatically cancelled
Remains open until departure
Where can a pilot submit a flight plan? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Via the internet
The FAA headquarters
A Flight Service Station
An ATC facility
A VFR flight plan is required to include which of the following information? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Aircraft type
Names of passengers
Cruising altitude
Route of flight
A person may not operate an aircraft under VFR flight rules in which airspace? (Select the correct answer.)
Class A airspace
Class B airspace
Class C airspace
Which VFR requirements are stated in distance above, below, and horizontally from the aircraft and forward flight visibility? (Select the correct answer.)
Aircraft clearance
Cloud clearance
Airspace clearance
If the surface visibility is NOT reported during SVFR operations, flight visibility must be at least how far? (Select the correct answer.)
2 SM
1 NM
1 SM
What would be an appropriate VFR altitude on a magnetic course of 250 degrees and more than 3,000 feet above the surface? (Select the correct answer.)
What is the correct altitude for a VFR aircraft on a magnetic course of 090 degrees? (Select the correct answer.)
Even plus 500 feet
Odd plus 500 feet
Odd plus 1000 feet
Even plus 1000 feet
What is the correct altitude for a VFR aircraft on a magnetic course of 180 degrees? (Select the correct answer.)
Even plus 500 feet
Odd plus 500 feet
Odd plus 1000 feet
Even plus 1000 feet
What is the correct altitude for a VFR aircraft on a magnetic course of 360 degrees? (Select the correct answer.)
Even plus 500 feet
Odd plus 500 feet
Odd plus 1000 feet
Even plus 1000 feet
VFR-on-top is which type of clearance? (Select the correct answer.)
What is required before a person may operate aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR? (Select the correct answer.)
File an IFR flight plan
File an IFR flight plan and receive an ATC clearance
File an IFR flight plan and request a clearance
What is the minimum visibility for an IFR departure when the takeoff minimum at a civil airport is NOT prescribed for a twin-engine aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
1 ½ mile
½ mile
1 mile
An aircraft is cleared from Altus to the Enid airport by a routing other than the one filed. How will the pilot proceed if radio failure occurs? (Select the correct answer.)
By the route assigned in the last ATC clearance received
Via the route filed in a further clearance
By the direct route from the point of radio failure to the airway specified in the vector clearance
If a route has NOT been assigned, or if ATC has NOT advised that a route may be expected, what action will the pilot take in the event of radio failure? (Select the correct answer.)
Proceed by a direct route from the point of radio failure to the fix
Proceed by the route filed in the flight plan
Proceed by the route ATC advised may be expected in a further clearance
What is the fix, point, or location to which an aircraft is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance? (Select the correct answer.)
Minimum vector altitude
Direct route
Clearance limit
When there is a two-way radio failure, what is a pilot expected to do when the aircraft arrives at a clearance limit from which an approach begins? (Select all correct answers that apply.)
Commence descent as close as possible to the EFC, if one has been received
Without an EFC, commence descent and approach as close as possible to the ETA
Without an EFC, commence descent as near as possible to the ETA
Commence descent approach as close as possible to the EFC, if one has been received
Match the description of the IFR flight rule with the compliance for completing the flight rule.
Takeoff minimums from aircraft having more than two engines departing an airport without prescribed takeoff minimums
½ SM visibility
Minimum altitude required in mountainous areas where no applicable minimum altitude is prescribed
Passing designated reporting point
This report is not required by aircraft under radar control
2,000 feet above highest obstacle
Horizontal distance required in nonmountainous areas where no applicable minimum altitude is prescribed
No person may operate an aircraft in controlled airspace under IFR
Without a filed IFR flight plan and receipt of ATC clearance
What is the supplemental oxygen requirement for 15,250 feet MSL for a U.S.-registered aircraft? (Select the correct answer.)
Flight crew
Everyone aboard
Pilot and flight crew
At what duration is supplemental oxygen required on a U.S.-registered aircraft flying above 12,500 feet MSL, up to and including 14,000 feet MSL? (Select the correct answer.)
1 hour
45 minutes
More than 30 minutes
{"name":"ATC Basics - Knowledge Checks", "url":"","txt":"What are the ATO service areas? (Select all correct answers that apply.), The safe, secure, and efficient management for the NAS is the responsibility of which division? (Select the correct answer.), The ATO is managed by a(n) _____. (Select the correct answer.)","img":""}
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