Economics Quiz!

Q.1. When a market is in equilibrium with no external influences and no external effects, it is said to be in a state of _____________ optimality.
A: Community
C: Efficient
B. Pareto
D: Producer
E: Consumer
Q.2. When examining the topic of market failure, the supply curve can be referred to as the:
€� A. Marginal social benefit
€� B. Community surplus
€� C. Marginal social cost
€� D. Producer surplus
€� E. Consumer surplus
When are, profits maximized?
€� A. When AR = MC
€� B. When MC=MR
€� C. When MR=AR
€� D. When LRAC = SRAC
€� E. When MC=MPC
A demerit good may be characterized by:
€� Negative externalities.
People ignoring the risks associated with consumption.
€� C. People being unaware of the risks of using the product.
€� D. High government taxes to discourage, reduce or control use.
€� E. All the above
A good is non-rivalrous when:
A: • One person consuming it does not prevent another person from consuming it as well.
B. One person consuming it does prevent another person from consuming it at the same time.
C. One person using the product or service tries to stop somebody else from using the product.
D. It does not suffer from the free rider problem
E. Options B & C.
1. Draw the graph of Negative Production Externality. (Open paint app, draw the graph, save the file in your computer and attach it here)
2. Draw the graph of Consumer & Producer surplus
3. Draw the graph of Positive production externality
4. Draw the graph of specific tax
A UK doctor has suggested that chocolate should be taxed like alcohol and cigarettes if the UK is to deal with its obesity epidemic. Excessive consumption of chocolate is leading to very high rates of heart disease and diabetes. Some people eat their entire daily calorie requirement in chocolate. A chocolate tax would make people healthier. Revenues from the chocolate tax could be used to help pay for the treatment of diseases resulting from obesity. There is a lot of negative publicity about other junk food, but an exception is made for chocolate, which has not been identified as responsible for a big part of poor health and additional health care costs that burden society. Opponents to the tax say there is no evidence that such ‘fat taxes’ would work in practice. Some people point to the health benefits of eating chocolate. A Cadbury spokesperson said, ‘We’ve known for a long time that there’s good stuff in chocolate.’ (SAVE THIS TEXT IN A NOTEPAD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE IN NEXT QUESTION) Q1) 1. Explain what kind of externality the article is referring to
Q2) Explain how a tax on chocolate might correct the externality. (Refer to case study which you previously saved)
Q3) Evaluate the desirability of a tax on chocolate.
Q4) Draw a graph for the following externality
{"name":"Economics Quiz!", "url":"","txt":"Q.1. When a market is in equilibrium with no external influences and no external effects, it is said to be in a state of _____________ optimality., Q.2. When examining the topic of market failure, the supply curve can be referred to as the:, When are, profits maximized?","img":""}
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