Advanced Threat Readiness Survey 
Advanced Threat Readiness Survey 1

Where do you see the biggest number of threats coming from?
Corporate Network
Web Surfing
For the threats that get into your network or computers, what do you do with them?
My security solution detected and prevented all of them
My security solution detected and prevented some of them, I have to use other tools to remove them.
My security solution detected some but they were not threats.
My security solution did not detect any threats.
How would you rate your current environment in term of securing you from malware?
Our environment is secure, but malware does get in sometimes due to web surfing or infection on network
Our environment is secure, but my users do get infected due to unwanted or phishing emails.
Our environment is secure and I am not aware of malware that is affecting us.
Our environment is affected by malware often
How do you protect your users when they are working outside the office?
They use anti malware product that comes with Windows operating system
They use a cloud proxy server that my company uses
They use the company’s proxy server
They connect directly to the Internet
What type of malware do you see often on your network/computers?
Advertisement/Toolbar infection/Misleading application
If you were under a ransomware attack, do you think you should pay for your information?
Not Sure
If you were under a cyber-attack, what do you think is the potential cost/impact to your company?
Reputation loss
Operational downtime
Loss of Profit
Not Sure
{"name":"Advanced Threat Readiness Survey", "url":"","txt":"Where do you see the biggest number of threats coming from?, For the threats that get into your network or computers, what do you do with them?, How do you protect your users when they are working outside the office?","img":""}
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