Which "Never Forgive, Never Forget" character are you?

A vibrant illustration showcasing diverse characters from a fictional narrative, each reflecting different traits and colors that symbolize personality, with an abstract background that suggests mystery and adventure.

Discover Your Character in 'Never Forgive, Never Forget'

Have you ever wondered which character from 'Never Forgive, Never Forget' resonates with you the most? Take our fun and engaging quiz to find out! This quiz consists of 6 thought-provoking questions designed to reveal your character traits and preferences.

  • Choose your favorite color!
  • What's your go-to food?
  • Where would you escape for a vacation?
  • How do you value your friendships?
  • Select a quote that inspires you!
  • Identify your favorite character!
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CuriousCloud101
What color out of these is your favorite?
Dark red
Light yellow
Dark purple
Dark green
Light blue
I can't pick just one
What's your favorite food?
Anything with alcohol
Sweets, like cookies
Something fancy, maybe a nice pasta dish
Fries, no question
Mashed potatoes
Something to eat on the go, like granola
The souls of the weak
Anything someone makes for me, I'm not picky
Where would you go on vacation anywhere in the world?
Anywhere, as long as it’s far away from here
The middle of the ocean on a boat
The beach where no one else is around
California, like LA
Anywhere my family is
The mountains, in a cabin along for a weekend
Another dimension
Anywhere my family wants to go I’ll go
I wanna go to the big apple, it’d be real fun
How would you describe your friends, and what they mean to you?
My S/O if everything, anyone else comes second
I really only have one close friend, but I love them with all my heart
Friends can mean the world to me, and I hold them close to me
Friends, yeah I have some of those
Friends are ok as long as they’re truthful and loyal
Friends aren’t that important to me, I don’t have a lot
Friends? Ew
Friends mean the world to me, I don’t know what I would do without them
I can deal with or without friends as long as I have family
Which quote speaks to you?
€�Even roses have some thorns”
€�Breaks, stop, slow down”
€�What would you know about what I desire?”
€�I need you.”
€�I promise, and I don’t break my promises.”
€�I thought there was only good and bad, turns out I was wrong.”
€�Stupid bitch”
€�The light shines from within”
"No matter what, I'll be here"
And finally, who’s your favorite character?
Linda Rose
I love how sweet Becky is, and Lex, but Wilbur is such a cool guy
Anyone but Sam
Lex or Hannah, maybe Danny
I don’t like anyone, really
Wiggly, obviously
I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite, they’re all amazing
Becky Barnes, no question
{"name":"Which \"Never Forgive, Never Forget\" character are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which character from 'Never Forgive, Never Forget' resonates with you the most? Take our fun and engaging quiz to find out! This quiz consists of 6 thought-provoking questions designed to reveal your character traits and preferences.Choose your favorite color!What's your go-to food?Where would you escape for a vacation?How do you value your friendships?Select a quote that inspires you!Identify your favorite character!","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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