ITIL® Continual Service Improvement Exam
{"name":"ITIL® Continual Service Improvement Exam", "url":"","txt":"You are the IT service manager for a national company and you are planning a major proœss improvement programme. You have adopted the CSI approach and have started to plan the “where are we now?” step in order to create a baseline for future comparison. You have invited the lT senior management team to a meeting to discuss the scope of the assessment to establish this baseline. The requirement for the improvements has been initiated because the business believes that the 'lT organization' is not responsive to its needs. As the meeting progresses it becomes obvious that the managers hold different opinions about the scope of the assessment. Some of the group suggest that it is the processes that are the reason for the issues identified by the business and therefore the processes are all that need to be assessed. Others feel that the assessment needs to go deeper and also include people and technology — as there may be gaps in the skills required and the tools needed to support the processes. A few feel that the processes and technology are not the issue but that there are much deeper issues within the organization and the assessment should consider ail aspects of IT. Many reasons were given to support the differences of opinion, including: o The majority of the supporting technology is less than two years old and is causing no apparent issues o There is limited cooperation between the various IT groups o Nearly three quarters of the IT staff have been with the company for more than 15 years. Some of the managers, those who have achieved ITIL Foundation certification, believe that they are the appropriate ones to conduct the assessment. However. others who have not achieved ITIL Foundation certification feel this is neither necessary nor relevant to the exercise. Which one of the following options BEST represents the scope cf the assessment for the company at this time?, During an internal review meeting\/the service owner of a critical service reported that the business regularly complains et service review meetings about the deterioration in the quality of the service. Within the IT organization, service management is at a mixed level of maturity. The change, incident, problem, service asset and configuration, and supplier management processes are between maturity levels three and four. The remaining processes are generally between maturity levels two and three, with availability management only et level two. Evidence shows that most elements of the service lifecycle are in place but are not formally recognized. The most obvious missing element is the lack of strategic thinking taking place from a service perspective. Service reporting is carried out but,'owing to of the immaturity cf some parts of the process, the results are not considered accurate Component measurement is carried out by the technical and application teams but the results are only used within their own teams. There is also evidence that IT operations is not carrying out routine maintenance tasks on time. You are the newly appointed CSI manager and, as yet, little has been done on the introduction cf CSI into the organization. You have a policy which has been signed off by senior management, a vision statement that you are communicating,\"and you are now starting ta formulate a plan cf action. You want your plan to include some quick wins to show the effectiveness of CSI and win over some sceptics from IT and the business. Which one of the following options gives the MOST suitable next steps for CSI activities?, The internal IT provider in your company has traditionally monitored and reported on service achievements by using component level performance information and presenting this in a monthly service report for business stakeholders. The business tries to make sense of this information but the reports have proved meaningless in demonstrating the performance cf IT to the business. The reports are too technical and have rarely been used to identify any opportunities for improvement. Business managers have shown a particular interest in adopting a scorecard approach and have encouraged the lT provider to create a new framework that will align to their needs. Some progress has been made over the last couple of months. As service management has matured, the requirements for consolidating the component information into a more meaningful measurement have been met. Service level management has reached an acœptable level of maturity: SLAs are in place, as are monthly service reviews. A recent meeting of the business relationship managers in the organization concluded that the current methods cf measuring and reporting performance to stakeholders have delivered improvement, but are in need cf further improvement. Ail parties agree that a suitable measurement framework has to be put in place in order to fully address the scorecard approach, but there are a variety of differing opinions on how best to approach this. Which one of the foliowing options gives the MOST suitabie next steps for CSI activities?","img":""}
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