ITIL® Continual Service Improvement Exam

You are the IT service manager for a national company and you are planning a major proœss improvement programme. You have adopted the CSI approach and have started to plan the “where are we now?” step in order to create a baseline for future comparison. You have invited the lT senior management team to a meeting to discuss the scope of the assessment to establish this baseline.

The requirement for the improvements has been initiated because the business believes that the 'lT organization' is not responsive to its needs.

As the meeting progresses it becomes obvious that the managers hold different opinions about the scope of the assessment. Some of the group suggest that it is the processes that are the reason for the issues identified by the business and therefore the processes are all that need to be assessed.

Others feel that the assessment needs to go deeper and also include people and technology — as there may be gaps in the skills required and the tools needed to support the processes. A few feel that the processes and technology are not the issue but that there are much deeper issues within the organization and the assessment should consider ail aspects of IT.

Many reasons were given to support the differences of opinion, including:

o The majority of the supporting technology is less than two years old and is causing no apparent issues

o There is limited cooperation between the various IT groups

o Nearly three quarters of the IT staff have been with the company for more than 15 years. Some of the managers, those who have achieved ITIL Foundation certification, believe that they are the appropriate ones to conduct the assessment. However. Others who have not achieved ITIL Foundation certification feel this is neither necessary nor relevant to the exercise.

 Which one of the following options BEST represents the scope cf the assessment for the company at this time?

A. The scope of the assessment should cover only the processes. The technology does not need to be included as it is less than two years old and is not causing any issues. Since most IT employees have been with the company for more than 15 years, it is understandable that there will be some relationship and co-operation issues In order to view whether the processes are aligned with lTlL, the assessment should include process governance and management information
B. The scope of the assessment should cover people, process, and technology. Although the technology is less than two years old, it may not have been implemented correctly and may not be delivering the appropriate value. The business is complaining about the responsiveness cf IT. This could be an indication that the proœsses and people are misaligned. The assessment should look at process governance, technology issues, and management information
C. The scope should only cover people and processes The technology can ha excluded since it is less than two years old and is not causing any issues. It would however, be appropriate to allow only those managers who have achieved the ITlL foundation certitîcate to participate in the process assessment, as they will have an appreciation cf ail the proœsses and will, therefore. Have a greater understanding cf the standards required
D. The assessment needs to be a full assessment and should therefore extend beyond people, process, and technology to include other factors that may impact process effectiveness Knowledge of lTlL is not a prerequisite for lT staff performing the assessment, as long as they have an appropriate understanding of the assessment process. The assessment should include any cultural issues which can have an impact on the success of an improvement program, the business and lT alignment, process governance and management information

During an internal review meeting/the service owner of a critical service reported that the business regularly complains et service review meetings about the deterioration in the quality of the service. 

Within the IT organization, service management is at a mixed level of maturity. The change, incident, problem, service asset and configuration, and supplier management processes are between maturity levels three and four. The remaining processes are generally between maturity levels two and three, with availability management only et level two. 

Evidence shows that most elements of the service lifecycle are in place but are not formally recognized. The most obvious missing element is the lack of strategic thinking taking place from a service perspective. 

Service reporting is carried out but,'owing to of the immaturity cf some parts of the process, the results are not considered accurate Component measurement is carried out by the technical and application teams but the results are only used within their own teams. There is also evidence that IT operations is not carrying out routine maintenance tasks on time. 

You are the newly appointed CSI manager and, as yet, little has been done on the introduction cf CSI into the organization. You have a policy which has been signed off by senior management, a vision statement that you are communicating,"and you are now starting ta formulate a plan cf action. You want your plan to include some quick wins to show the effectiveness of CSI and win over some sceptics from IT and the business.

Which one of the following options gives the MOST suitable next steps for CSI activities?

A. Review the lT operations function. Audit the team for compliance against procedures to ascertain if the evidence of them not performing routine operational activities on time is true. If it is, take actions to correct this. Review the component measurement activities of the technical and application management functions to identify if the data can be used more widely.
B. Discount the service quality information. As there is no accurate information on the service delivery, the issues with the service are only the perception cf the business. The lack cf information needs te be rectified so there should be a concentrated effort to identify and procure the appropriate monitoring tools ta deliver accurate information requirements. When the monitoring tools are in place, the resulting information can be analysed to identify why the critical service is failing.
C. Ldentify if the service actually meets business needs. It is highly likeiy that the reason the business is unhappy with the service is that it does net meet their requirements as service strategy is not effective. Looking into the deticiencies in the service iifecycie would ha a good starting point for CSI to tînd out what is wrong and to avoid a similar situation in any future services. By monitoring the outputs of the service Iifecycie stages any issues can be identified and improvements impiemented.
D. As the service is critical it should ha selected as a good starting point for the implementation cf CSI activities to help gain credibiiity. Although accurate service information is not available, some evidence cf what might be causing the faiiure may be obtained by enlisting the assistance of problem management and change management to look et incident and change trends. The technical and application teams may also ha able to help by consolidating all cf the component information and using the CMS to identify which components are used to deliver the service; it may then be possible to identify any unreliable components.

The internal IT provider in your company has traditionally monitored and reported on service achievements by using component level performance information and presenting this in a monthly service report for business stakeholders. The business tries to make sense of this information but the reports have proved meaningless in demonstrating the performance cf IT to the business. The reports are too technical and have rarely been used to identify any opportunities for improvement. 

Business managers have shown a particular interest in adopting a scorecard approach and have encouraged the lT provider to create a new framework that will align to their needs. Some progress has been made over the last couple of months. As service management has matured, the requirements for consolidating the component information into a more meaningful measurement have been met. Service level management has reached an acœptable level of maturity: SLAs are in place, as are monthly service reviews.

A recent meeting of the business relationship managers in the organization concluded that the current methods cf measuring and reporting performance to stakeholders have delivered improvement, but are in need cf further improvement. Ail parties agree that a suitable measurement framework has to be put in place in order to fully address the scorecard approach, but there are a variety of differing opinions on how best to approach this.

Which one of the foliowing options gives the MOST suitabie next steps for CSI activities?

A. Ensure that the component measurements are used to feed end-to—end system measurements and support the guidelines defined for the system. This will form the basis for creating a balanœd scorecard (point-in-time information) and a system dashboard (real-time information). The Framework should be cost-effective and SMART. Changes to the framework should only ha initiated when any relevant business changes are recognized.
B. Ensure that the process measurements are used to feed end-to-end service measurements and support the CSFs defined in the service porrfolio. This will form the basis for creating an SLA (point- in-time information) and an OLA (real-time jnformation),The framework should be integrated into service operation and able to withstand change. The framework should be designed in the service design stage of the Iifecycle and updated only as an operational service change.
C. Ensure that the component measurements are used to feed end-to—end service measurements and support the targets defined in the SLA for the service. This will form the required information needed for creating a bale (point-in-time information) and a service scorecard (real-time information). The framework should be integrated into IT planning and ha balanced in its approach te what is measured. Adjustments to the framework must ha coincident with service review meetings.
D. Ensure that the component measurements are used to feed end—to—end service measurements and will support the KPIs defined for the end-to—end service measurements. This will form the basis for creating a service scorecard (point-in-time information) and a service dashboard (real—time information). The framework should be integrated into the business planning and change cycle, There may be a need for trial and error in setting up the framework te fine—tune if to what is required.

An IT provider organization is having difñculty demonstrating service achievement to their customers. Many service management processes are in place and many improvements have been made. However, no further progress can be made until improvements are made to the service management tools.

The organization already has many tools including an IT serviœ management suite that supports incident management, problem management, change management and integrates with the organization’s configuration management system (CMS). Lt also provides workflow support to the service management process. Individual tools are available for component monitoring and these provide reliable data and information about the components cf the services. 

The need to improve the tools is due to a number cf limitations cf the existing tools; which the organization wishes to overcome. These are as follows.

  • The organization cannot provide reports that indicate end—to—end achievement of service levels
  • The organization is unable to link details of incidents to outages detected by other tools
  • The organization is unable to provide information regarding trends for incidents and problems o A large amount cf data processing is performed manually

A decision has been made to acquire tools to provide functionality that will address the current limitations. As an input to the tool selection process, you have been asked to compile an overview cf the most urgently required functionality cf the new tools.

Which one of the following options is the BEST description of the tool functionality that will help resolve the issues? 

A. IT service management suite that supports all service management proœsses o Process l workflow engine to improve the coordination cf the service management proœsses o Self-help technology to enable users te Iog requests without contacting the service desk
B. Statistical analysis tools that can be used te derive serviœ metrics from technology metrics o Statistical analysis tools that can be used to analyse incident and problem data . Tools to automate recovery from incidents by automatically restarting components
C. IT service management suite that supports all service management proœsses o Statistical analysis tools that can be used to analyse incident and problem data. Self-help technology to pubiish the service catalogue and provide reaI-time reports on the company IT web portal.
D. Statistical analysis tools that can be used ta derive service metrics from technology metrics. Statistical analysis tools that can import and analyse incident and availability data from different sources. Network management tools that can monitor end-to—end service performance and availability.
{"name":"ITIL® Continual Service Improvement Exam", "url":"","txt":"You are the IT service manager for a national company and you are planning a major proœss improvement programme. You have adopted the CSI approach and have started to plan the “where are we now?” step in order to create a baseline for future comparison. You have invited the lT senior management team to a meeting to discuss the scope of the assessment to establish this baseline. The requirement for the improvements has been initiated because the business believes that the 'lT organization' is not responsive to its needs. As the meeting progresses it becomes obvious that the managers hold different opinions about the scope of the assessment. Some of the group suggest that it is the processes that are the reason for the issues identified by the business and therefore the processes are all that need to be assessed. Others feel that the assessment needs to go deeper and also include people and technology — as there may be gaps in the skills required and the tools needed to support the processes. A few feel that the processes and technology are not the issue but that there are much deeper issues within the organization and the assessment should consider ail aspects of IT. Many reasons were given to support the differences of opinion, including: o The majority of the supporting technology is less than two years old and is causing no apparent issues o There is limited cooperation between the various IT groups o Nearly three quarters of the IT staff have been with the company for more than 15 years. Some of the managers, those who have achieved ITIL Foundation certification, believe that they are the appropriate ones to conduct the assessment. However. others who have not achieved ITIL Foundation certification feel this is neither necessary nor relevant to the exercise.  Which one of the following options BEST represents the scope cf the assessment for the company at this time?, During an internal review meeting\/the service owner of a critical service reported that the business regularly complains et service review meetings about the deterioration in the quality of the service.  Within the IT organization, service management is at a mixed level of maturity. The change, incident, problem, service asset and configuration, and supplier management processes are between maturity levels three and four. The remaining processes are generally between maturity levels two and three, with availability management only et level two.  Evidence shows that most elements of the service lifecycle are in place but are not formally recognized. The most obvious missing element is the lack of strategic thinking taking place from a service perspective.  Service reporting is carried out but,'owing to of the immaturity cf some parts of the process, the results are not considered accurate Component measurement is carried out by the technical and application teams but the results are only used within their own teams. There is also evidence that IT operations is not carrying out routine maintenance tasks on time.  You are the newly appointed CSI manager and, as yet, little has been done on the introduction cf CSI into the organization. You have a policy which has been signed off by senior management, a vision statement that you are communicating,\"and you are now starting ta formulate a plan cf action. You want your plan to include some quick wins to show the effectiveness of CSI and win over some sceptics from IT and the business. Which one of the following options gives the MOST suitable next steps for CSI activities?, The internal IT provider in your company has traditionally monitored and reported on service achievements by using component level performance information and presenting this in a monthly service report for business stakeholders. The business tries to make sense of this information but the reports have proved meaningless in demonstrating the performance cf IT to the business. The reports are too technical and have rarely been used to identify any opportunities for improvement.  Business managers have shown a particular interest in adopting a scorecard approach and have encouraged the lT provider to create a new framework that will align to their needs. Some progress has been made over the last couple of months. As service management has matured, the requirements for consolidating the component information into a more meaningful measurement have been met. Service level management has reached an acœptable level of maturity: SLAs are in place, as are monthly service reviews. A recent meeting of the business relationship managers in the organization concluded that the current methods cf measuring and reporting performance to stakeholders have delivered improvement, but are in need cf further improvement. Ail parties agree that a suitable measurement framework has to be put in place in order to fully address the scorecard approach, but there are a variety of differing opinions on how best to approach this. Which one of the foliowing options gives the MOST suitabie next steps for CSI activities?","img":""}
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