APUSH Affluent Society Quiz

Who was the scientist who introduced a vaccine against Polio?
Neil Armstrong
Jonas Salk
Dr. Spock
Charles Lindbergh
This act forced communist groups to register with the government
McCarran Internal Security Act
Taft-Harley Act
Employment Act of 1946
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Who was the first American man on the moon?
John Glenn
Sally Ride
Jim Lovell
Neil Armstrong
Who Won the election of 1952?
This civil rights leader believed in peaceful protest
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King Jr.
Malcom X
Earl Warren
Which part of the country grew most in the 1950s and 1960s?
This type of music represented the rebellious spirit of the new generation
Hip Hop
Rock and Roll
How did the Korean War begin?
China declared they would help North Korea
Vietnamese military invaded South Korea
North Korea invaded South Korea
The United States invaded North Korea
This parallel is where Vietnam is divided
17th parallel
18th parallel
37th parallel
38th parallel
Who was the United States leader of the fight against communism?
Truman's domestic policy was called
Square Deal
New Deal
Fair Deal
Truman Doctrine
What was a major purpose of the Taft-Hartley Act?
Extend human rights abroad
Try and put an end to the cold war
Stop the spread of communism
Limit labor unions
Both the beats and rock and roll
Fought for more inclusion in American Society
Were supporters of organized society
Became the basis of youth rebellion
Tried to resist conformity in the 1950s
{"name":"APUSH Affluent Society Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Who was the scientist who introduced a vaccine against Polio?, This act forced communist groups to register with the government, Who was the first American man on the moon?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}

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