Earlier this year, the ANUSA SRC sent the National Union of Students (NUS) a list of conditions to be met for ANUSA to accredit (pay money to and endorse) to the NUS this year.
Do you agree with these conditions?
Agree with these conditions
Want stricter conditions
Want less strict conditions
Want to accredit unconditionally
Don't want to accredit at all
Do you support mandatory payment of SSAF fees? (The $144 a semester which funds ANUSA, PARSA etc.)
Somewhat Support
Somewhat Oppose
Strongly Support
Strongly Oppose
Do you support free university education?
Somewhat Support
Somewhat Oppose
Strongly Support
Strongly Oppose
Do you support deregulation of university fees?
Somewhat Support
Somewhat Oppose
Strongly Support
Strongly Oppose
Do you have a preference for a certain ticket/tickets?
Ignite for ANUSA
Reform ANUSA
Refresh ANUSA
Don't know/care
Independent Candidates
Do you want candidates from any campus political groups?
Labor Students Club
Greens on Campus
ANU Labor Left
Liberal Club
Don't care/doesn't matter
I actively don't want candidates from any political groups
Are there any demographics you would value in someone representing you?
International Student
Off-Campus Student
Student from regional/remote Australia
On-Campus student
What experience do you value in Gen Rep candidates?
Attending ANUSA meetings
Student club experience
Resident's Committee Experience
Going to protests
SR/RA position
Previous ANUSA position
Position in political group
What kind of events should ANUSA be spending money and time on?
Casual social events & de-stress activities
Active social events e.g. parties
BBQs & free food for students
Minority and disadvantaged student representation e.g. Themed weeks
Higher education protests/political campaigns
Q&A/consultation sessions with ANU Admin (e.g. Pizza with Schmidt)
Careers/Networking Events
What issues should Gen Reps be spending their time on?
International student engagement and support
Better residential hall policies and support
Low SES student involvement & support
Rural/regional/remote student involvement & support
Scrutinising the Executive and holding them accountable
Supporting student-run clubs
Mental health advocacy & support
Mature age student involvement & support
Advocacy for group(s) with a Department (eg women, ethnoculturally diverse students)
Safety on campus & sexual assault advocacy
Higher Education funding and welfare advocacy
Governance and structural reform
This is not a perfect quiz. It won't tell you anything about the character, competence or commitment of any of the candidates, and there are certainly great differences between candidates in all those areas. What it can tell you is which candidates agree with you on some of the most contentious issues facing ANUSA, and give an insight into how much their priorities match yours.
You shouldn't vote based on this survey. Our recommendation is that you look at the top few results, and go check out their pages yourself, and see what you think.
Thank you to all the candidates who gave us your info!
Press 'Finish' to see your results.
This is not a perfect quiz. It won't tell you anything about the character, competence or commitment of any of the candidates, and there are certainly great differences between candidates in all those areas. What it can tell you is which candidates agree with you on some of the most contentious issues facing ANUSA, and give an insight into how much their priorities match yours.
You shouldn't vote based on this survey. Our recommendation is that you look at the top few results, and go check out their pages yourself, and see what you think.
Thank you to all the candidates who gave us your info!
Press 'Finish' to see your results.
{"name":"Which Gen Rep Candidate Best Represents You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you have a preference for a certain ticket?, Do you want Gen Reps who have previously attended ANUSA meetings\/events?, Are there any demographics you would value in someone representing you?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/32-1099052/gen-rep-quiz.png?sz=1200-00000003221000005300"}
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