Nutrition quiz

According to the Australian guide to healthy eating,how many serves of Vegetables and legumes/beans should be consumed daily?
5 serves each day
3 serves each day
2 serves each day
4 serves each day
What is the recomended amount of water per day?
8 glasses/ 2 liters
4 glasses/ 1 liter
2 glasses/ 500 milliliters
6 glasses/ 1.5 liters
What is one example of a single serve of fruit?
One medium fruit
Three cups of berries
Four cups of tinned fruit
Half a medium fruit
What are some examples of foods that could be consumed sometimes in small amounts?
Potato chips, pizza, chocolate
White bread, pasta, cereals
Fish, tofu, chicken
Milk, yoghurt, cheese
Grain foods are an important part of our diet because...
They are a source of energy, protein and fibre
They are full of vitamins and minerals
They are the best source of calcium
They are not an important part of our diet
Strawberries, mango and pineapple are all examples of...
Milk youghurt and cheese
Grain foods
A balanced diet includes food from...
All of the food groups
At least 3 of the food groups
None of the food groups
At least 1 of the food groups
{"name":"Nutrition quiz", "url":"","txt":"According to the Australian guide to healthy eating,how many serves of Vegetables and legumes\/beans should be consumed daily?, What is the recomended amount of water per day?, What is one example of a single serve of fruit?","img":""}

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