Is your adventure mentality safe or dangerous?

How often do you think about the possibility of you or your friends getting hurt during outdoor activities?
Never really think about it
Sometimes I think about it
Fairly Often I think about it
It's always a consideration
If someone did get hurt or sick in the wilderness, do you feel confident that you could treat the injury or illness?
Yes, I am very confident that I could
No, I do not feel confident about it
Yes, I think so
I don't really know
Where did you learn how to handle and treat injuries or illnesses in the wilderness?
Taking in-person classes
Watching and learning through experience
Self-teaching through books
Self-teaching through the internet.
Actually...I don't know so much.
Are you male or female?
Why have you not taken a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course?
it's too expensive or time consuming.
Meh, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
It's not something I think I need.
Wait, Wilderness First Aid courses exist?! I did not know that.
I did take a course and have WFA training or above, currently certified
I did take a course but I am no longer certified
Each year the amount of time I spend outdoors is about...
Less than 7 days
1 to 2 weeks
3 to 5 weeks
More than 6 weeks
My age is...
18 years old or less
19-35 years old
36-50 years old
51 years old or more
My existing level of medical training is
None :D
Some formal training (First Aid, CPR)
Certified First Responder, EMT, or Paramedic
Other medical professional
Wilderness first responder or Wilderness First Aid
What outdoor activities do you participate in? (select all that apply)
Sport/trad climbing
Backcountry skiing and snowboarding
Trail running
Ice climbing
Cross country skiing or snowshoeing
Mountain biking
Please Specify:
Do you carry a wilderness first aid kit with you when participating in outdoor activities?
Yes, always
Most of the time
No, I do not carry one but I know I probably should
No, I do not carry one and I see no value in having one
Do you know how to use a wilderness first aid kit?
Yes, I know how to use a wilderness first aid kit
I somewhat know how to use a wilderness first aid kit
I do not know how to use a wilderness first aid kit
Have you experienced a wilderness emergency?
Yes, I was the victim
Yes, I was with the victim
Yes, as a member of a rescue team
No, I have not experienced a wilderness emergency
{"name":"Is your adventure mentality safe or dangerous?", "url":"","txt":"When it comes to wilderness emergencies, are you ignorant or prepared? What is your attitude?","img":"","hash":"#climbing #emergency #outdoors #camping "}
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