Protocol Analysis Test

1. The purpose of a TCP/IP port number is to identify which aspect of a system's operation for incoming and outgoing protocol data?
Network layer protocol in use
Transport layer protocol in use
Sending or receiving application process
None of the other answers
1. Which of the following terms is a synonym for a dynamically assigned port address' used to service a temporary TCP/IP coincorrectection for data exchange?
Protocol number
Well-known port address
Registered port address
Socket address
1. How many bits of addressing does IPv6 use?
128-bit addresses
64-bit addresses
256-bit addresses
512-bit addresses
1. Why is promiscuous mode important for protocol analysis?
It isn't.
It allows the protocol analyzer to capture and inspect all traffic on the network medium' including errors and malformed packets.
It bypasses normal packet-level security on a network.
It enables the protocol analyzer to gather statistics.
1. A packet filter that's applied to incoming data in a protocol analyzer may be called a ___________ . (Choose all that apply.)
Capture filter
Data filter
1. Which of the following activities may occur during the protocol analysis process? (Choose all that apply)
Tapping into network communications
" capturing packets ""off the wire"""
Gathering statistics
Decoding packets into readable form
Retransmitting captured packets for testing
1. The process of combining multiple outgoing protocol streams at the Transport and Network layers in TCP/IP is called ___________
1. Which of the following items represent design goals that motivated the development of TCP/IP? (Choose all that apply)
Robust network architecture
Reliable delivery mechanisms
Ability of dissimilar systems to exchange data
Support for long-haul connections
High performance
1. Which of the following TCP/IP network model layers maps most nearly to single layers in the ISO/OSI network reference model?
TCP/IP Network Access layer
TCP/IP Internet layer
TCP/IP Transport layer
TCP/IP Application layer
1. What functions does the Session layer provide?
Segmentation and reassembly
Session setup' maintenance' and teardown
Checkpoint controls
Data format conversions
1. Which of the following statements represent benefits of a layered approach to networking? (Choose all that apply
Takes a big problem and breaks it into a series of smaller interrelated problems
Allows individual layers to be insulated from one another
Permits expertise to be applied from different disciplines for different layers
Permits hardware issues to be kept separate from software issues
1. Which of the following features are typical for most protocol analyzers? (Choose all that apply
Packet filters may be applied to incoming data before capture or to store data after capture.
Decodes may be applied to packets in the trace buffer.
Alarms may be set to flag unusual network events or conditions.
Packet filters display various statistical reports and graphs based on traffic analysis.
Packet filters include built-in trend analysis and capacity-planning tools.
1. In UNIX terminology' a listener process that operates on a server to handle incoming requests for services is called a ___________
1. Which of the following organizations manages Internet domain names and network addresses?
1. Which of the following milestone events for TCP/IP occurred in 1983? (Choose all that apply
NSF launches the NSFNET.
" The Department of Defense mandates TCP/IP as the ""official ARPANET protocol."""
TCP/IP appears in the 4.2BSD UNIX distribution.
Initial development of name server technology occurs.
1. Which of the following organizations develops and maintains RFCs
1. What is the title of RFC 5000
Index of Official Protocols
Index of Internet Official Protocols
Internet Official Protocol Standards
The Internet Standards Process
1. What is the common name for PDUs at the Data Link layer
Data Link PDUs
1. Which of the following two TCP/IP protocols operate at the TCP/IP Transport layer? (Choose all
1. Which of the following steps must a Standard RFC go through to become an official standard? (Choose all that apply)
Draft Standard
Historic Standard
Proposed Standard
" Standard (sometimes called ""Internet Standard"""
1. Which of the following terms represent parts of a PDU that are always present in any PDU? (Choose
1. Which of the following components operate at the Physical layer? (Choose all that
Network interface controllers (NICs)
Segmentation and reassembly
1. Which of the following services perform address hiding? (Choose all that apply.)
1. An IPv6 unicast address is made up of which of the following?
A 32-bit interface ID and a 96-bit network portion
A 64-bit interface ID and a 64-bit network portion
A 96-bit interface ID and a 32-bit network portion
" a 64-bit interface ID, a 32-bit network portion, and a 32-bit broadcast address"
1. What does IPv4 renumbering involve
Assigning new IP addresses to all boundary devices
Assigning new IP addresses to all routers
Assigning new IP addresses to all servers and routers
Assigning new IP addresses to all network interfaces
1. How large is the IPv6 address space
32 bits
64 bits
128 bits
256 bits
1. Which of the following is an 8-bit number that denotes various portions of an IPv4 address
Dotted decimal
Bit string
1. Which of the following represents an improvement of IPv6 over IPv4? (Choose all that apply.)
Larger address space
Better security
Improved broadcast support
Better support for mobile IP
1. Which of the following types of IPv4 addresses includes the most host addresses
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
1. Which of the following protocols translates a numeric IP address to a physical numeric address
1. A Class A network address of is written as in prefix notation
1. For an IPv6 multicast address, how many bits are assigned to the group ID
1. A default gateway is ___________ .
Any IP router
An IP router attached to the Internet
An IP configuration element that names the router/gateway for a particular subnet
An IP configuration element that names the boundary router to the Internet
1. For an IPv6 aggregatable global unicast address, the FP or Format Prefix field contains how many bits in the identifier?
1. IPv6 requires each device on the network to have its own unique address or identifier, with one exception:
Mobile devices may use multiple identifiers because they frequently move from one network zone to the next.
A host with multiple interfaces providing dynamic load balancing can use a single identifier for all interfaces.
" Network devices in a multicast group all use a single, unique identifier for their interfaces."
Multiple devices on a local network may share the same anycast identifier.
1. The first byte or 8 bits of an IPv6 multicast address must be set to which of the following values?
1. The loopback address for a network interface using IPv4 is and lets the computer user test the interface. What is the loopback address using IPv6?
1:00 AM
1. Which address is used to identify the sender and receiver in an IP packet header?
Domain name
Symbolic name
Numeric IP
1. Which of the following address types are supported by IPv6? (Choose all that apply
1. Which RFC covers Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR
1. Which kinds of devices require public IP addresses? (Choose all that apply
any device attached directly to the Internet
any server whose services should be available to the Internet
every client on an internal network
every server on an internal network
1. Which of the following address types are used for local network communications in IPv6? (Choose all that apply
1. Native IPv6 addresses in a URL use which of the following characters to enclose the literal IPv6 address, according to RFC 2732?
Two colons
Two braces
Two brackets
Two forward slashes
1. To which of the following limitations are private IP addresses subject to? (Choose all that apply
May not be routed on the Internet
May not be used without permission from ICANN or an ISP
Will not work with NAT software
May not work with protocols that require secure end-to-end connections
1. Which of the following terms is a synonym for a physical numeric address
Hardware address
MAC layer address
PROM address
RIPL address
1. Zero compression is a method that allows a a word containing contiguous zeros in an IPv6 address to be replaced by double colons
1. What basic function does the IPv4 Header Checksum field perform?
It provides error detection on the contents of the IP header, minus the Checksum field.
It provides error detection on the contents of the entire IP packet, including the header.
It provides error detection on the contents of the IP header, including the Checksum field itself.
It provides error detection on the contents of the entire IP packet, minus the Checksum field.
1. The Next Header field in the IPv6 header points to the first extension header for the packet if the packet possesses one or more extension headers. If more than one extension header exists, how is this extension header identified?
The Next Header field points to the first extension header and then, if others exist, points to the subsequent extension headers.
The Next Header field points to the first extension header and, if others exist, the first extension header uses its own Next Header field to point to the next extension header.
The Next Header field points to the first extension header and, if others exist, they aincorrectounce themselves using values in their own Next Header fields.
The Next Header field points to the first extension header and, if others exist, the encapsulated higher-level protocol contains a reference to all subsequent extension headers.
1. RFC 2460 defines the recommended order in which extension headers should appear. Which extension header should appear first if it is present
Destination Options
Hop-by-Hop Options
1. The IPv4 header's Fragment Offset field is used, if the packet is a fragment, to show where to place the packet's data when the fragments are reconstructed
1. The IPv4's Time to Live (TTL) field indicates the remaining lifetime of the packet defined as distance or as in hops through routers
1. The IPv4 header's Options field provides additional IP routing controls. What is the boundary where the options must end?
2-byte boundary
4-byte boundary
8-byte boundary
16-byte boundary
1. IPv6 packet headers are much larger in size than IPv4 packet headers, even though the IPv6 header structure is less complex. What is the main cause of the size increase?
The larger IPv6 address space
The addition of extension headers
Mandatory checksum calculations for IPv6 packet headers using the UDP upper layer protocol
The Hop Limit fieldâ s measurement of hops as distance rather than time
1. What is the purpose of the Precedence bits in the IPv4 header's "Type of Service" field?"
Precedence is used by routers to prioritize traffic through router queues.
Precedence is used by MTU Discovery to adjust packet size for link MTUs.
Precedence is used by routers to follow a specified path type.
Precedence is used by upper-layer protocols for error checking.
1. Of the following, which extension header can appear more than once for an IPv6 packet?
Destination Options
Hop-by-Hop Options
1. How does the Authentication extension header specify the true origin of an IPv6 packet
By containing an encrypted copy of the sending hostâ s username and password
By preventing address spoofing and coincorrectection theft
By possessing a true copy of the IPv6 host address in binary format
By inhibiting data corruption of the ESP extension header
1. The IPv4 Protocol field contains the value of the protocol that is coming next. Of the following, which are valid protocols for this field? (Choose all that apply
1. Which address type can the Source Address field of an IPv4 packet header contain
1. When is the Fragment extension header used
When the transmitting device needs to send packets smaller than the PMTU
When the transmitting device needs to send packets larger than the PMTU
When the transmitting device needs to send packets consistent with the PMTU
When the transmitting device needs to send a â Do Not Fragmentâ message to forwarding routers
1. Which fields in an IPv6 header do packet classifiers use to identify a packet's flow if it is part of a flow? (Choose all that apply.)
Destination Address
Flow Label
Hop Limit
Source Address
1. Currently, the Routing extension header is designed to use only one option. Which option can it use?
Routing Address
Routing Next Hop
Routing Preference
Routing Type
1. What is a valid proposed option for the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options extension header?
Jumbogram large payload options
Intermediary addresses options
Hop limit options
Minimum fragment size option
1. The Flags field in an IPv4 header can be set to different values, depending on fragmentation requirements. Of the following, which is correct about the options that can be set in this field
The values can be set to allow more fragmentation but not to prohibit fragmentation.
The values can be set to prohibit more fragmentation but not to allow further fragmentation.
The values can be set to allow more fragmentation or prohibit more fragmentation, depending on the networkâ s requirements.
The value can only be set to Reserved (Bit O), with no other available options.
1. When is the Destination Options extension header encrypted
When it appears earlier in the packet
When it appears later in the packet
When its value is more than O
When it appears before the Hop-by-Hop Options field
1. In an IPv4 Packet header, the Identification field contains a unique identifier for each packet; however, packets are sometimes fragmented further by routers to transverse a network that supports a smaller packet size. What happens to the value of the Identification field in a packet header if the packet is further fragmented?
The unique ID for the packet is maintained, but for each fragment, a suffix is added to the original value.
The unique ID for the packet is maintained, but for each fragment, a prefix is added to the original value.
The unique ID is discarded, and completely new IDs are inserted in the Identification field for each of the fragments of the original packet.
Each fragment of the original packet maintains the original ID value in the header Identification field.
1. For the IPv6 header Traffic Class field, what function does the Precedence field serve
It allows an application to differentiate traffic types based on priorities.
It allows forwarding routers to distinguish different flows of packets.
It allows upper-layer protocols to insert a value in the Traffic Class field.
It reserves the last 4 bits of the Traffic Class field for Differentiated Services.
1. A network node that understands the Jumbo Payload option will process a packet as a jumbogram under what condition?
The packetâ s header Payload Length field is set to greater than O.
The Next Header field is set to greater than O.
The Link-Layer framing indicates that additional octets exist beyond the IPv6 header.
The Fragment extension header is present.
1. Once PMTU Discovery sets the MTU size for IPv6 packets and begins sending, how do forwarding nodes manage packets if a link MTU in the path reduces or becomes too small for the packet MTU size
The forwarding node drops the packet and sends an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message to the sending node.
The forwarding node drops the packet and sends an ICMPv6 Resend Packet
The forwarding node performs PMTU Discovery to locate a path that will accommodate the current MTU size, and then forwards the packet along that path.
The forwarding node changes the value in the Fragment extension header from â Do Not Fragmentâ to â Fragment Type
1. In an IPv4 packet header, what does the value in the Internet Header Length signify?
The length of the IPv4 packet
The length of the IPv4 header
The length of the IPv4 header minus options
The length of the IPv4 packet minus options
1. Using the differentiated service code point (DSCP) identifier, IPv4 traffic can be prioritized by an end node or boundary device, such as a router, and queued and forwarded according to this value. DSCP expedited forwarding (EF) ensures that routers expedite the packet forwarding and donâ t lower the priority value. Of the following, which service most requires DSCP EF
Instant messaging
Web browsing
1. When ruincorrecting UDP over IPv6, the checksum is mandatory and a pseudo-header is used to imitate the actual IPv6 header. If the Routing extension header is present, what is the result in the pseudo-header?
The address in the Destination Address field is the final destination address.
The address in the Destination Address field is the one in the IPv6 packet.
The Next Header field contains the value of the upper-layer protocol.
The Upper-Layer Packet Length field contains the length of the upper-layer header plus the associated data.
1. Which of the following mechanisms is part of TCP's error-detection and error-recovery capabilities?
Sequencing and reassembly
Retransmission timer
Explicit acknowledgment
Congestion control
1. Which of the following services are characteristic of a connectection-oriented protocol? (Choose all that apply.)
Connection handling
Delivery guarantees
Segmentation and reassembly
Message-level checksum in header
Explicit transmission acknowledgment
1. What range of addresses corresponds to the registered port numbers
0 to 1023
1024 to 65535
1024 to 47999
1024 to 49151
1. What range of addresses corresponds to the dynamic port numbers?
0 to 1023
1024 to 49151
49152 to 65535
49152 to 64000
1. What makes TCP preferable for reliable delivery requirements?
Error recovery
End-to-end reliability
Use of the handshake process
1. In an IPv6 header with five extension headers and a UDP pseudo-header, which Next Header field points to the UDP pseudo-header?
The Next Header field in the IPv6 header
The Next Header field in the first extension header
The Next Header field in the last extension header
The Next Header field in the UDP pseudo-header
1. What is the initial size of the TCP congestion window?
Twice the maximum receiver buffer size
Twice the maximum transfer unit size
Twice the sender's MSS
Twice the receiver's MSS
1. The TCP process used to maintain an active coincorrectection between peers is called.
TCP start-up coincorrectection
TCP coincorrectection termination
Congestion control
1. What makes up the value in the UDP Length field of the IPv6 pseudo-header when using UDP for the transport protocol?
The length of the UDP header
The length of the UDP header plus the data
The length of the UDP header plus the checksum value
The length of the UDP header minus the length of the IPv6 header1
1. What does TCP use to track the transfer of data and its successful delivery? (Choose all that apply.)
Logical coincorrectection between peers
Sequence numbers
Retry mechanism
1. Which of the following TCP/IP protocols are Transport layer protocols? (Choose all that apply
1. Identical UDP and TCP port numbers always map to the same TCP/IP protocol or service.
1. Which of the following values are valid TCP Flag settings? (Choose all that apply.)
1. Where is TCP data stored when it is received?
On the receiverâ s network interface controller
Inside the TCP window
In the TCP buffer area
Inside the network window
1. The current TCP window size is always the greater of what the network and the receiver can handle at any given moment.
1. How many steps occur in the TCP handshake process?
None of the other answers
1. What range of addresses traditionally defines a well-known port address?
O to 1023
1 to 512
10 to 4097
O to 65535
1. Which of the following statements best defines a half-open connection
The handshake process does not end with a final SYN.
The handshake process does not end with a final ACK.
The handshake process does not end with a final FIN.
The handshake process does not end with a final RST.
{"name":"Protocol Analysis Test", "url":"","txt":"1. The purpose of a TCP\/IP port number is to identify which aspect of a system's operation for incoming and outgoing protocol data?, 1. Which of the following terms is a synonym for a dynamically assigned port address' used to service a temporary TCP\/IP coincorrectection for data exchange?, 1. How many bits of addressing does IPv6 use?","img":""}
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