Crazy Christian Quiz

A vibrant and thought-provoking illustration representing the intersection of faith, science, and personal beliefs, featuring symbols like the Bible, a globe, and diverse human figures engaged in conversation.

Crazy Christian Quiz

Test your beliefs and knowledge with the Crazy Christian Quiz! This engaging quiz explores a variety of thought-provoking topics ranging from science and history to morality and spirituality. Are you ready to see how your views compare with others?

  • 11 Multiple Choice Questions
  • Explore diverse perspectives
  • Learn something new!
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by QuestioningFaith72
How old is the earth?
Very nearly 6000 years old
Less than 10,000 years old
Probably very old but I don't know
Billions and billion of years old
About 4.5 billion years old
How old is the universe?
Very nearly 6000 years old
Less than 10,000 years old
Probably very old but I don't know
Billions and billion of years old
About 13.8 billion years old
Human use of fossil fuels contributes significantly to global warming and climate change
Strongly disagree
Not sure how that works
Of course it does, next question
Can humans live again after dying?
Yes, and there is only one way to get there
Yes, and we should take steps in this life to prepare for the after-life
Probably, but I'm just trying to do my best in this life
I don't know and it may not be possible to know
One life and only one for me, as far as I know
Humans share common ancestry with other primate species
No, the origianl human ancestors were Adam and Eve
Yes, but god made us special
Yes, but god played a role is the evolution of homo sapien
I think so
Of course they do, next question
The event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs was...
A flood that covered the whole earth less than 5000 years ago
A world-wide flood sometime in the distant past
I don't know
They were just poorly adapted and died out gradually
Impact of an asteroid or comment about 66 million years ago that affected the whole world's ecosystem
Homosexual couples...
Are not legitimate couples under the law of god and should not have marriage rights under the law of the land
Are doing something wrong, but I won't cast the first stone
Are wrong in the eyes of god, but should still have legal rights because we live in a pluralistic society
That's fine, just keep it to yourself
Deserve equal rights under the law and deserve respect like anyone else
Should women speak and lead in church?
No, Paul said so
Women can make a valuable contribution, but there is still a hierarchy with men above women
Women yes, so long as they are heterosexual
Churches should be more inclusive of women and other minorities, including gay people
I don't go to chuch, but if I did I would expect equal standing for women
The book of Revelation...
Is a prediction of the future and end times are near
Is a vision of the future
Is an allegory or metaphor with great wisdom
Has some weird stories, I'm not sure how it relates to today
Was written by ancient people mostly to describe their own views of what was going on at the time
The authorship of the Bible is
Written by god, through the work of men, who reproduced god's intent perfectly
Inspired by god and true through-out
Written by men who were guided by god. Some details may pertain more to their time than to ours
penned by men with inspiration from some higher power
Written by men such as Mark, Paul, etc. Who were fallible humans like every one else
{"name":"Crazy Christian Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your beliefs and knowledge with the Crazy Christian Quiz! This engaging quiz explores a variety of thought-provoking topics ranging from science and history to morality and spirituality. Are you ready to see how your views compare with others?11 Multiple Choice QuestionsExplore diverse perspectivesLearn something new!","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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