Fundamentals Study Guide 1

A nurse is caring for a client who decides not to have surgery despite significant blockages in his coronary arteries. The nurse understands that this client's choice is an example of which of the following ethical princple?
A nurse is preparing to perform endotracheal suctioning for a client. Which of the following are appropriate guidelines for the nurse to follow? (SATA)
Apply suction while withdrawing the catheter
Perform suctioning on a routine basis, every 2 to 3 hrs
Maintain medical asepsis during suctioning
Use a new catheter for each suctioning attempt
Limit suctioning to two to three attempts
A nurse is caring for a client who is having difficulty breathing. The client is lying in bed and is already receiving oxygen therapy via nasal cannula. Which of the following interventions is the nurse's priority?
Increase the oxygen flow
Assist the client to Fowler's postiton
Promote removal of pulmonary secretions
Obtain a specimen for arterial blood gases
A nurse is assessing a client who has an acute respiratory infection that puts her at risk for hypoxemia. Which of the following findings are early indications that should alert the nurse that the client is developing hypoxemia? (SATA)
A nurse offers pain medication to a client who is post-op prior to ambulation. The nurse understands that this aspect of care delivery is an example of which of the following ethical principles?
A nurse is instructing a group of nursing students about the responsibilities involved with organ donation and procurement. When the nurse explains that all clients waiting for a kidney transplant have to meet the same qualifications, the students should understand that this aspect of care delivery is an example of which of the following ethical principles?
A nurse questions a medication prescription as too extreme in light of the client's advanced age and unstable status. The nurse understands that this action is an example of the following ethical principles?
A nurse is instructing a group of nursing students about how to know and what to expect when ethical dilemmas arise. Which of the following situations should the students identify as an ethical dilemma?
A nurse on a med-surg unit demonstrates signs of chemical impairment
A nurse overhears another nurse telling an older adult client that if he doesn't stay in bed, she will have to apply restraints
A family has conflicting feelings about the initiation of enteral tube feedings for their father, who is terminally ill
A client who is terminally ill hesitates to name her spouse on her durable power of attorney form
A nurse observes an AP reprimanding a client for not using the urinal properly. The AP tells him she will put a diaper on him of he does not use the urinal more carefully next time. Which f the following torts is the AP committing?
False imprisonment
Invasion of privacy
An adult client who is competent tells the nurse that he is thinking about leaving the hospital against medical advice. The nurse believes that this is not in the client's best interest, so she administers a PRN sedative med the client has not requested. Which of the following types of tort has the nurse committed?
False imprisonment
Breach of confidentiality
Which of the following statements by the client indicates to the nurse that he understands advance directives?
"I'd rather have my brother make decisions for me, but I know it has to be my wife"
"I know they won't go ahead with the surgery unless I prepare these forms""I
"I plan to write that I don't want them to keep me on a breathing machine"
"I will get my regular doctor to approve my plan before I hand it in at the hospital"
A client is about to undergo an elective procedure. Which of the following actions are appropriate for the nurse who is providing pre-op care regarding informed consent? (SATA)
Make sure the surgeon obtained the client's consent
Witness the client's signature on the consent form
Explain the risks and benefits of the proceudure
Describe the consequence of choosing not to have the surgery
Tell the client about alternatives to having the surgery
A nurse has noticed several occasions in the past week when another nurse on the unit seemed drowsy and unable to focus on the issue at hand. Today, she found the nurse asleep in a chair in the break room when she was not on a break. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Remind the nurse that safe client care is a priority on the unit
Ask others on the team whether they have observed the same behavior
Report her observations to the nurse manager on the unit
Conclude that her coworker's fatigue is not her problem to solve
A nurse is caring for a client who has a tracheostomy. Which of the following actions should the nurse take each time he provides tracheostomy care? (SATA)
Apply he oxygen source loosely if the SpO2 decreases during the procedure
Use surgical asepsis to remove and clean the inner cannula
Clean the outer surfaces in a circular motion from the stoma site outward
Replace the tracheostoomy ties with new ties
Cut a slit in guaze squares to place beneath the tube holder
A provider is discharging a client with a prescription for home oxygen therapy via nasal cannula. Client and family teaching by the nurse should include which of the following instructions? (SATA)
Apply petroleum jelly around and inside the nares
Remove the nasal cannula during mealtimes
Check the position of the cannula frequently
Report any nasal stuffiness, nausea, or fatigue
Post "no smoking" signs in a prominent location
A nursing instructor is explaining the various stages of the lifespan to a group of nursing students. The nurse should offer which of the following behaviors by a young adult as an example of accomplishing Erikson's tasks for psychosocial development during middle adulthood?
The client evaluates his behavior after a social interaction
The client states he is learning to trust others
The client wishes to find meaningful friendships
The client expresses concerns about the next generation
A nurse is collecting data to evaluate a middle adult's psychosocial development. The nurse should expect middle adults to demonstrate which of the following capabilities? (SATA)
Develop an acceptance of diminished strength and increased dependence on others
Feel frustrated that time is too short for attempting to start another life
Welcome opportunities to be creative and productive
Commit to finding friendship and companionship
Become involved with community issues and activities
A nurse is reviewing the CDC's immunization recommendations with a middle adult client. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse include in this discussion? (SATA)
Haemophilus influenzae type b
Herpes zoster
Human papilloma virus
Seasonal influenza
A nurse is counseling a middle adult who describes having difficulty dealing with several issues. Which of the following problems the client verbalized should the nurse identify as the priority for further assessment and intervention?
"I am struggling to accept that my parents are aging and need so much help"
"It's been so stressful for me to think about having intimate relationships"
"I know I should volunteer my time for a good cause, but maybe I'm just selfish"
"I love my grandchildren, but my son expects me to relive my parenting days"
A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with severe acute resp. syndrome (SARS). The nurse is aware that health care professionals are required to report communicable and infectious diseases. Which of the following illutrate the rationale for reporting? (SATA)
Planning and evaluating control and prevention strategies
Determining public health priorities
Ensuring proper medical treatment
Identifying endemic disease
Monitoring for common-source outbreaks
A nurse is contributing to the plan for a client who is being admitted to the facility with a suspected diagnosis of pertussis. Which of the following should the nurse include in the plan of care? (SATA)
Place the client in s room that has negative air pressure of at least six exchanges per hour
Wear a mask when providing care within 3 ft of the client
Place a surgical mask on the client if transportation to another department is unavoidable
Use sterile gloves when handling soiled linens
Wear a gown when performing care that may result in contamination from secretions
A nurse is caring for a client who presents with linear clusters of fluid-containing vesicles with some crustings. Which of the following should the nurse suspect?
Allergic reaction
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Herpes zoster
A nurse is caring for a client who reports a severe sore throat, pain when swallowing, and swollen lymph nodes. The client is experiencing which of the following stages of infection?
A nurse educator is reviewing with a newly hired nurse the difference in clinical manifestations of a localized versus a systemic infection. The nurse indicates understanding when she states that which of the following are clinical manifestations of a systemic infection? (SATA)
Pain or tenderness
Increase in pulse and respiratory rate
By the second post-op day, a client has not achieved satisfactory pain relief. Based on this evaluation, what should the nurse do next according to the nursing process?
Reassess the client to determine the reasons for unsatisfactory pain relief
See whether tha pain lessens during the next 24 hr
Change the plan to ensure that the client achieves adequate pain relief
Teach the client about the plan of care for managing his pain
A nursing instructor is reviewing the steps of the nursing process with a group of nursing students. The students should identify which of the following data as objective? (SATA)
Respiratory rate of 22/min with even, unlabored repirations
"I can only walk three blocks before my legs start to hurt"
Pain level 3 on a scale of 0 to 10
Skin pink, warm, and dry
Urine output of 300 mL/8 hr
Dressing clean, dry, and intact
A nursing instructor is reviewing which actions nurses can initiate without a provider's prescription with a group of nursing students. The students should identify which of the following interventions as nurse-initiated? (SATA)
Give morphine sulfate 1 to 2 mg IV every 1 hr as needed for pain
Insert an NG tube to relieve a client's gastric distention
Show a client how to use progressive muscle relaxation
Perform a daily bath after the evening meal
Reposition a client every 2 hr to reduce pressure ulcer risk
During evaluation, the nurse must gather info about the client to
Identify whether the client outcomes have been met
Organize resources to proceed with implementing interventions
Establish client-centered outcomes that are measurable and realisitc
Determine the priority of care and appropriate interventions
A nursing student is reporting to the clinical instructor about the care she gave to a client. She states: "The client said his leg pain was back, so I checked his medical record, and he last received his pain medication 6 hr ago. The prescription reads every 4 hr PRN for pain, so I decided he needs it. I asked the unit nurse to observe me preparing and administering it. I checked with the client 40 min later, and he said his pain is going away." The instructor should inform the student that she left out which of the following steps of the nursing process?
A nurse is caring for a client whose partner passed away 4 months ago and who has been recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. He is tearful and states, "How could you possibly understand what I am going through?" Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?
"It takes time to get over the loss of a loved one"
"You are right; I cannot really understand. Perhaps you'd like to tell me more about what you're feeling"
"Why don't you try something to take your mind off your troubles, like watching a funny movie"
"I might not share your exact situation, but I do know what people go through when they deal with a loss"
A nurse is caring for a client awaiting transport to the surgical suite for a coronary artery bypass graft. Just as the transport team arrives, the nurse takes the client's vital signs and notes an elevation in blood pressure and heart rate. The nurse should recognize this response as which part of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?
Exhaustion stage
Alarm reaction
Resistance stage
Recovery reaction
A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following nursing interventions for stress, coping, and adherence to the treatment plan would be appropriate at this time? (SATA)
Suggest coping skills for the client to utilize in this situation
Allow the client to provide input in the treatment plan
Assist the client with time management, and address the client's priorities
Provide extensive instructions on the client's treatment regimen
Encourage the client in the expression of feelings and concerns
A nurse is caring for a client who has left-sided hemipelgia resulting from a cerebrovascular accident. The client works as a carpenter and is now experiencing a situational role change based on physical limitations. The client is the primary wage earner in the family. Which of the following best describes the client's role problem?
Role conflict
Role overload
Role ambiguity
Role strain
Which of the following approaches should the nurse use when working with a family using am open structure for coping with crisis?
Prescribing tasks unilaterally
Delegating care to one member
Speaking to the primary client privately
Convening a family meeting
A nurse is caring for a client who is at high risk for aspiration. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention?
Give the client thin liquids
Instruct the client to tuck her chin when swallowing
Have the client use a straw
Encourage the client to lie down and rest after meals
Which of the following is the body's priority energy source?
A nurse is caring for a client who is on a low-residue diet. The nurse should expect to see which of the following foods on the client's meal tray?
Cooked barely
Pureed broccoli
Vanilla custard
Lentil soup
A nurse in a senior center is counseling a group of older adults about their nutritional needs and considerations. Which of the following info should the nurse include? (SATA)
Older adults are more prone to dehydration than younger adults are
Older adults need the same amount of most vitamins and minerals as younger adults do
Many older men and women need calcium supplementation
Older adults need more calories than they did when they were younger
Older adults should consume a diet low in carbs
A nurse is caring who has terminal lung cancer. The nurse observes the client's family assisting with all ADLs. Which of the following rationales for self-care should the nurse communicate to the family?
Allowing the client to function independently will strengthen her muscles and promote healing
The client needs to be given privacy at times for self-reflecting control of certain areas of her life
Performing ADLs I required prior to discharge from an acute care facility
A nurse is caring for a client who has stage 4 lung cancer and id 3 days post-op following a wedge resection. The client states, "I told myself that I would go through and quit smoking, if I could just live long enough to attend my daughter's wedding." Based on Kubler-Ross' Five Stages of Grief, which stage is the client experiencing?
A nurse is consoling the partner of a client who just expired after a ling battle with liver cancer. The partner is displaying grief and states, "I hate him for leaving me." Which of the following statements by the nurse successfully facilitate mourning for the grieving partner? (SATA)
"Would you like me to contact the chaplain to come speak with you?"
"You will feel better soon. You have been expecting this for a while now."
"Let's talk about your children and how they are going to react."
"You know, it is quite normal to feel anger toward your husband at this time."
"Tell me more about how you are feeling."
A nurse is caring for a client who has a terminal illness. Death is expected within 24 hr. The client's family is at the bedside and asks the nurse what are anticipated clinical findings at this time. Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?
Regular breathing patterns
Warm extremities
Increased urine output
Decreased muscle tone
A nurse assisting a newly licensed nurse with postmortem care of a client. The family wishes to view the body. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicate an understanding of the procedure? (SATA)
"I will remove the dentures from the body."
"I will make sure the body is lying completely flat."
"I will apply fresh linens and place a clean gown on the body."
"I will remove all equipment from the bedside."
"I will dim the lights in the room."
A nurse is caring for a client who recently has a cerebrovascular accident and has aphasia. Which of the following interventions should the nurse use to promote communication with this client? (SATA)
Speak fast and loudly
Minimize background noise
Write down what the client does not understand
Allow plenty of time for the client to respond
Use brief sentences with simple words
A nurse is caring for a client who had an amphetamine overdose and has sensory overload. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement?
Immediately complete a thorough assessment
Put the client who is hearing impaired
Provide a private room, and limit stimulation
Talk loudly to the client, and encourage ambulation
A nurse is caring for a client who reports difficulty hearing. Which of the following assessments findings indicate a sensorineural hearing loss in the left ear? (SATA)
Weber test showing lateralization to the right ear
Light reflex at 10 o'clock in the left ear
No signs of obstruction in the left canal
Rinne test showing length of time is decreased for air and bone conduction
Rinne test showing air conduction less than bone conduction in the left ear
A nurse is reviewing instructions with a client who is hearing impaired and has just started wearing hearing aids. Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of the instructions?
"I use a damp cloth to clean the outside part of y hearing aids."
"I clean the ear molds of my hearing aids with rubbing alcohol."
"I keep the volume of my hearing aids turned up so I can hear better."
"I take the batteries out of my hearing aids when I take them off at night.
A nurse is caring for a client who has several risk factors for hearing loss. As the nurse reviews the client's med history, which of the following meds the client takes should the nurse to a further risk for ototoxicity? (SATA)
Furosemide (Lasix)
Ibuprofen (Advil)
Cimetidine (Tagamet)
Simvastatin (Zocor)
Amiodarone (Cordarone)
A nurse is caring for a cient who has been sitting in a chair for 3 hr. Which of the following problems is the client at risk for developing?
Stasis of secretions
Muscle atrophy
Pressure ulcer
Fecal impaction
A nurse is caring for a client who is on bed rest. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement to maintain the patency of the client's airway?
Encourage isometric exercises
Suction every 8 hr
Give low-does heparin
Promote incentive spirometer use
A nurse is caring for a client who is post-op. Which of the following nursing interventions reduces the risk of thrombus development? (SATA)
Instruct the client not use the Valsalva maneuver
Apply elastic stockings
Review lab values for total protein level
Place pillows under the client's knees and lower extremities
Assist the client to change position often
A nurse is instructing a client who is post-op about the sequential compression device the provider has prescribed. Which of the following client statements should indicate to the nurse that the client understands the teaching?
"This device will keep me from getting sores on my skin."
"This thing will keep the blood pumping through my leg."
"With this thing on, my leg muscles won't get weak."
"This device is going to keep my joints in good shape."
To promote the safe use of a cane for a client who is recovering from a minor musculoskeletal injury of the left lower extremity, which of the following instructions should the nurse provide? (SATA)
Hold the cane on the right side
Keep two points of support on the floor
Place the cane 15 inches in front of the feet before advancing
After advancing the cane, move the weaker leg forward
Advance the stronger leg so that it aligns evenly with the cane
A nurse is assessing the pain level of a client who has come to the emergency department reporting severe abdominal pain. The nurse asks the client whether he has nausea and has been vomiting. The nurse is assessing which of the following?
Presence of associated symptoms
Location of the pain
Pain quality
Aggravating and relieving factors
A nurse is assessing a client who is reporting pain despite analgesia. The nurse can best assess the intensity of the client's pain by
Asking what precipitates the pain
Questioning the client about the location of the pain
Offering the client a pain scale to measure his pain
Using open-ended questions to identify the sensation
A nurse is obtaining a history from a client who has pain. The nurse's guiding principle throughout this process should be that
Some clients exaggerate their level of pain
Pain must have a identifiable source to justify the use of opioids
Objective data are essential in assessing pain
Pain is whatever the client says it is
A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving morphine via PCA infusions device after abdominal surgery. Which of the following statements indicates that the client knows how to use the device?
"I'll wait to use the device until it's absolutely necessary."
"I'll be careful about pushing the button so I don't get an overdose."
"I should tell the nurse if the pain doesn't stop after I use this device."
"I will ask my son to push the dose button when I am sleeping."
A nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving opioid analgesic for adverse effects of the meds. Which of the following effects should the nurse anticipate? (SATA)
Urinary incontinence
Orthostatic hypotension
A nurse in a provider's office is caring for a client who states that, for the past week, she has felt tired during the day and cannot sleep at night. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask when collecting data about the client's difficulty sleeping? (SATA)
Does your lack of sleep interfere with your ability to function during the day?
Do you feel confused in the late afternoon?
Do you drink coffee, tea, or other caffeinated drinks? If so, how many cups per day?
Has anyone ever told you that you seem to stop breathing for a few seconds while you are asleep?
Tell me about any personal stress you are experiencing
A nurse is talking with a client about ways to help him sleep and rest. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse give to th client to promote sleep and rest? (SATA)
Practice muscle relaxation techniques
Exercise each morning
Take an afternoon nap
Alter the sleep enviroent for comfort
Limit fluid intake at least 2 hr before bedtime
A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has been following the facility's routine and bathing in the morning. However, at home, she always takes a warm bath just before bedtime. Now she is having difficulty sleeping at night. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?
Rub her back for 15 in before bedtime
Offer her warm milk and crackers at 1200
Allow her to take a bath in the evening
Ask the provider for a sleeping medication
A nurse is preparing a presentation about sleep hygiene. When explaining rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Which of the following characterisitics should the nurse include? (SATA)
REM sleep provides cognitive restoration
REM sleeps lasts about 90 min
It is difficult to awaken a person in REM sleep
Vivid dreams are common during RM sleep
Sleepwalking occurs during REM sleep
A nurse is instructing a client who has a new diagnosis of narcolepsy about measures that might help with self-management. Which of the following client statements understanding of the instructions?
"I'll add plenty of carbs to my meals"
"I'll take a short nap whenever I feel a little sleepy"
"I'll make sure I stay warm when I am at my desk at work"
"It's okay to drink alcohol as long as I limit it to one drink per day"
A nurse is caring for a client who is 1 day post-up following a total knee arthroplasty. The client states his pain level is 10. After reviewing the client's medication administration record, which of the following meds should the nurse administer?
Meperidine (Demerol) 75 mg IM
Fentanyl 50 mcg/hr transdermal patch
Morphine 2 mg IV
Oxycodone 10 mg PO
A nurse is teaching a client about taking multiple oral meds at home to include time-release capsules, liquid meds, enteric-coated pills, and narcotics. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?
"I can open the capsule with the beads in it and sprinkle them on my oatmeal"
"If I am having difficulty swallowing, I will add the liquid med to a batch of pudding"
"The pills with the coating on them can be crushed"
"I will eat two crackers with the pain pills"
A nurse is teaching a client how to administer meds through a jejunostomy tube. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?
"Flush the tube before and after each medication"
"Administer your medications with your enteral feeding"
"Administer tablets through the tube slowly"
"Mix all the crushed meds prior to dissolving in water"
A nurse educator is teaching a module on pharmacokinetics to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following statements by a newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the first-pass effect?
"Some meds block normal receptor activity regulated by endogenous compounds or receptor activity caused by other meds"
"Some meds may have to be administered by a nonenteral route to avoid inactivation as they travel through the liver"
"Some meds leave the body more slowly and thereafter have a greater risk for med accumulation and tocicity"
"Some meds have a wide safety margin, so there is no need for routine serum medication level monitoring"
A nurse is teaching an adult client how to administer ear drops. Which of the following statements by the client indicates understanding of the proper technique?
"I will straighten my ear canal by pulling my ear down and back"
"I will gently apply pressure with my finger to the tragus of my er after putting in the drops"
"I will insert the nozzle of the ear drop bottle snug into my ear before squeezing the drops in"
"After the drops are in, I will place a cotton ball all the way into my ear canal"
A nurse prepares an injection of morphine (Duramorph) to administer to a client who reports pain. Prior to administering the meds, the nurse is called to another room to assist another client onto a bedpan. She asks a second nurse to give the injection. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Offer to assist the client needing the bedpan
Administer the injection prepared by the nurse
Prepare another syringe and administer the injection
Tell the client needing the bedpan she will have to wait for her nurse
A nurse is preparing to administer a med to a client. The med was scheduled for administration at 0900. Which of the following are acceptable administration times for this medication?
A nurse is working with a newly hired nurse who is administering meds to clients. Which of the following actions by the newly hired nurse indicates an understanding of med error prevention?
Taking all meds out of the unit-dose wrappers before entering the client's room
Checking with the provider when a single dose requires administration of multiple tablets
Administering a med, then looking up the usual dosage range
Relying on another nurse to clarify a med prescription
A nurse educator is teaching a module on safe med administration to newly hired nurses. Which of the following statements by a newly hired nurse indicates understanding of the nurse's responsibility when implementing medication therapy? (SATA)
"I will observe for medication side effects"
"I will monitor for therapeutic effects"
"I will prescribe the appropriate dose"
"I will change the does if adverse effects occur"
"I will refuse to give a medication if I believe it is unsafe"
A nurse is preparing to administer digoxin (Lanoxin) to a client who states, "I don't want to take that mediation. I don not want one more pill." Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate in this situation?
"Your physician prescribed it for you, so you really should take it"
"Well, let's just get it over quickly then"
"Okay, I'll just give you your other meds"
"Tell me your concerns with taking this medication"
A nurse is caring for an 82-year-old client in the emergency department who has an oral body temp of 101F, a pulse rate of 114/min, and a resp rate f 22/min. He is restless and his skin is warm. Which of the following are appropriate nursing interventions for this client? (SATA)
Obtain culture specimens before initiating antimicrobials
Restrict the client's oral fluid intake
Encourage the client to limit activity and rest
Allow the client to shiver to dispel excess heat
Assist the client with oral hygiene frequently
A nurse is instructing an AP in caring for a client who has a low platelet count as a result of chemotherapy. Which of the following is the nurse's priority instruction for measuring vital signs for this client?
"Do not measure the client's temp rectally"
"Count the client's radial pulse for 30 sec and multiply it by 2"
"Do not let the client know you are counting her respirations"
"Let the client rest for 5 min before you measure her blood pressure"
A nurse is instructing a group of nursing students in measuring a client's respiratory rate. Which of the following guidelines should the nurse include? (SATA)
Place the client in semi-Fowler's position
Have the client rest an arm across the abdomen
Observe one full resp cycle before counting the rate
Count the rate for 1 min if it's regualr
Count and report any signs the client demonstrates
A nurse who is admitting a client who has a fractured femur obtains a BP reading of 140/94. The client denies any history of hypertension. Which of the following actions should the nurse take next?
Request a prescription for an antihypertensive med
Ask the client if she is having pain
Request a prescription for an anti-anxiety med
Return in 30 min to recheck the client's BP
A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client. When measuring her vital signs, the nurse finds that her radial pulse rate 68/min and her simultaneous apical pulse rate is 84/min. What is the client's pulse deficit?
A nurse is caring for a client who will perform fecal occult blood testing at home. Which of the following info should the nurse include when explaining the procedure to the client?
Eating more protein is optimal prior testing
One stool specimen is sufficient for testing
A red color change indicates a positive test
The specimen cannot be contaminated with urine
A nurse is talking with a client who reports constipation. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend?
Mac and cheese
Fresh fruit and whole wheat toast
Rice pudding and ripe bananas
Roast chicken and white rice
A nurse is caring fr a client who has hd diarrhea for the past 4 days. When assessing the client, the nurse should expect which of the following findings? (SATA)
Poor skin turgor
Peripheral edeme
A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to an adult client in preparation for a diagnostic procedure. Which of the following are appropriate steps for the nurse to take? (SATA)
Warm the enema solution prior to instillation
Position the client on the left side with the right leg left flexed forward
Lubricate the rectal tube or nozzle
Slowly insert the rectal tube about 2 in
Hang the enema container 24 in above the client's anus
While a nurse is administering a cleansing enema, the client reports abdominal cramping. Which of the following is the appropriate intervention?
Have the client hold his breath briefly
Discontinue the fluid instillation
Remind the client that cramping is common at this time
Lower the enema fluid container
A nurse is preparing info for change-of-shift report. Which of the following info should the nurse include in the report?
The client's input and output for the shift
The client's blood pressure from the previous day
A bone scan that is scheduled for today
The med routine from the med administration record
A nurse enters a client's room and finds him sitting in his chair. He sates, "I fell in the shower, but I got myself back up and into my char." How should the nurse document this in the client's chart?
The client fell in the shower
The client states he fell in the shower and was able to get himself back into his chair
The nurse should not document this info in the chart because she did not witness the fall
The client fell in the shower but is now resting comfortably
A nursing instructor is reviewing documentation with a group of nursing students. Which of the following legal guidelines should they follow when documenting in a client's record? (SATA)
Cover errors with correction fluid, and write in the correct info
Put the date and time on all entries
Document objective data, leaving out opinions
Use as many abbreviations as possible
Wait until the end of the shift to document
A nurse is receiving a provider's prescription by telephone for morphine for a client who is reporting moderate to severe pain. Which of the following nursing actions are appropriate? (SATA)
Repeat the details of the prescription back to the provider
Have another nurse listen to the telephone prescription
Obtain the prescriber' signature on the prescription within 24 hr
Decline the verbal prescription because it is not an emergency situation
Tell the charge nurse that the provider has prescribed morphine by telephone
A nurse is delivering an enteral feeding to a client who has an NG tube in place for intermitttent feedings. When the nurse pours water into the syringe after the formula drains from the syringe, the client asks the nurse why the water is necessary. Which of the following is an appropriate response by the nurse?
"Water hekps clear the tube so it doesn't get clogged"
"Flushing helps make sure the tube stays in place"
"This will help you get enough fluids"
"Adding water makes the formula less concentrated"
A nurse is preparing to instill an enteral feeding to a client who has an NG tube in place. Which f the following is the nurse's highest assessment priority before performing this procedure?
Check how long the feeding container has been open
Verify the placement of the NG tube
Confirm that the client does not have diarrhea
Make sure the client is alert and oriented
A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continuous enteral feedings. Which of the following nursing interventions is the highest priority when the nurse suspects aspiration of the feeding?
Auscultate breath sounds
Stop the feeding
Obtain a chest x-ray
Initiate oxygen therapy
A nurse is caring for a client in a long-term care facility who is receiving enteral feedings via NG tube feeding? (SATA)
Auscultate bowel sounds
Assist the client to an upright position
Test the pH of gastric aspirate
Warm the formula to body temp
Discard any residual gastric contents
A nurse is preparing to insert an NG tube for a client who requires gastric decompression. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform before beginning the procedure? (SATA)
Review a signal the client can use if feeling any distress
Lay a towel across the client's chest
Obtain a Dobhoff tube for insertion
Have a petroleum-based lubricant available
{"name":"Fundamentals Study Guide 1", "url":"","txt":"A nurse is caring for a client who decides not to have surgery despite significant blockages in his coronary arteries. The nurse understands that this client's choice is an example of which of the following ethical princple?, A nurse offers pain medication to a client who is post-op prior to ambulation. The nurse understands that this aspect of care delivery is an example of which of the following ethical principles?, A nurse is instructing a group of nursing students about the responsibilities involved with organ donation and procurement. When the nurse explains that all clients waiting for a kidney transplant have to meet the same qualifications, the students should understand that this aspect of care delivery is an example of which of the following ethical principles?","img":""}
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