How lucky of a ducky are you?

What's your attitude about money?
I feel decently stable and in control
I'm alright, could use some help
I'm a mess
I don't care.
Do you live paycheck-to-paycheck?
Yes, and I hate it
Yes, and I'm fine with it
No, but I barely have enough between paychecks
No, I have plenty of funds between paychecks
What assets do you have? (Select all that are applicable)
None, and I wish I had some
None, but I don't need anything beyond the cash I have
Other Investments
How do you use your credit card in terms of spending?
Don't have a credit card
I don't know how I use it. I just use it.
I use it a lot; the utility is over 30%, but not maxed out
Credit cards are maxed out
I keep the utility below 30%
Do you pay your bills on time?
Yes, on time, every month
Sometimes. I forget; things happen
I'm regularly or often late
What's your credit score?
Don't have one
Don't know; don't care
Do you put away money to save or invest?
Yes, every month
When I can
I don't, and I wish I did
I don't really worry about saving
How are your spending habits? Do you typically spend more than you earn?
No, I always keep myself in check and spend less than what I bring in
I spend a little much, but I do show restraint if it's about to go over my means
Um, sometimes I go a little over
I'm a mess. I buy what I want, when I want, and frequently spend beyond my means.
No idea. I just spend. I seem to be doing fine
How do you handle debt?
Haven't had any debt
I ignore it, or just pay the minimum due
I pay what I can, when I can
I make the monthly payments on time each month
{"name":"How lucky of a ducky are you?", "url":"","txt":"What's your attitude about money?, Do you live paycheck-to-paycheck?, What assets do you have? (Select all that are applicable)","img":""}
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