Vote On Public Policy Since our “elected public servants” do not have a clue, let’s tell them what to do.

1. 50% PAY CUT: for all elected public servants.
2. VETERAN'S HEALTH CARE: The Veterans ID card will pay for whatever treatment is needed at whichever medical facility shall be chosen. All VA hospitals, clinic, administration buildings, retirement facilities will be sold to the highest bidder that shall operate the medical facility in the open market providing service for both public citizens and veterans. The incoming funds will go directly to the Veterans Health Fund. Veterans are only 7% of the population.
3. FERS: Federal Employee Retirement System: This is a better than social security retirement system just for hired employees of the government. This will be discontinued immediately and the “hired public servants” can have the same social security program that the public has. All “hired public servants” will have their salaries/hourly wages cut in half not to go lower than $15.00 per hour. The “elected public servants” from President on down will have their $174,000 (Reps & Senators) yearly compensation cut in half. Their “special healthcare package” will vanish. Past presidents on down will lose any secret service protection and any and all “freebies” erroneously granted to themselves; (blatant act of theft). There will not be any type of retirement program for “elected public servants”; most of them are millionaires anyway. It is recommended that all past “elected public servants” from past presidents on down volunteer to repay the public every penny fraudulently taken as they sure didn’t earn it as evidenced by the pitiful conditions that now exist in the United States.
4. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: All law-abiding tax paying illegal immigrants will be given the opportunity to provide employment documentation. The longer here will be evidence of good citizenship. These people will be given the opportunity to take the citizenship test. All immigration will immediately be put on hold until the computer system to register fingerprints and retina scans can be implemented. Illegal Immigrants will be given a 90 day grace period to register and self-deport upon which they will be issued a registration number to apply for legal immigration. Illegal immigrants discovered after the self-deportation grace period will suffer prison and then deportation never being allowed to apply for legal immigration. The rule of law is why this country exists!
5. NON-RADICAL ISLAMIST/MUSLIMS: Need to deal with the people who have hijacked their religion.
6. GUN CONTROL: An armed society is, indeed, a polite society.” Anonymous. If the majority are carrying a self-defense weapon then the few criminals will shrink in number.
7. ABOLISH THE DEPT. OF EDUCATION: They have committed atrocities against the children and their families of the United States. Look around, you will see the proof. Education is best handled on the “State of” level.
8. ABORTION: Is an “individual decision” that should be handled by the “State of’ so that abortions are not forced upon the people that do not want to have such occurring in their communities.
9. ONE LANGUAGE: All federal and state government forms, signs, books and telephone recordings will be in English only.
10. DUAL CITIZENSHIP ELIMINATED: Loyalty to America only. Leave if you choose.
11. CEASE & REVOKE ALL POLITICAL ASYLUM: The Federal gov. Admits that 74% of political asylum immigration is fraudulent. Immediately revoke all past political asylum granted; confiscate all fraudulently obtained grants, loans and gifts; deport these people and their families and relatives that they brought with them.
12. CLEAN ENERGY: All providers of electricity or gas will be required by law to purchase renewable clean energy (sun, wind, and water) at 50% value of their respective retail rate.
{"name":"Vote On Public Policy Since our “elected public servants” do not have a clue, let’s tell them what to do.", "url":"","txt":"1. 50% PAY CUT: for all elected public servants., 2. VETERAN'S HEALTH CARE: The Veterans ID card will pay for whatever treatment is needed at whichever medical facility shall be chosen. All VA hospitals, clinic, administration buildings, retirement facilities will be sold to the highest bidder that shall operate the medical facility in the open market providing service for both public citizens and veterans. The incoming funds will go directly to the Veterans Health Fund. Veterans are only 7% of the population., 3. FERS: Federal Employee Retirement System: This is a better than social security retirement system just for hired employees of the government. This will be discontinued immediately and the “hired public servants” can have the same social security program that the public has. All “hired public servants” will have their salaries\/hourly wages cut in half not to go lower than $15.00 per hour. The “elected public servants” from President on down will have their $174,000 (Reps & Senators) yearly compensation cut in half. Their “special healthcare package” will vanish. Past presidents on down will lose any secret service protection and any and all “freebies” erroneously granted to themselves; (blatant act of theft). There will not be any type of retirement program for “elected public servants”; most of them are millionaires anyway. It is recommended that all past “elected public servants” from past presidents on down volunteer to repay the public every penny fraudulently taken as they sure didn’t earn it as evidenced by the pitiful conditions that now exist in the United States.","img":""}
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