WRG Geography/Europe/Russia

Lattitude and Longitude lines (in order)
Round equator, up and down prime meridian
Up and down equator, round prime meridian
How many plate Tectonics are there? What is the Pacific plate called
12, The Ring of fire
13, Pacific Plate
How many millionaires were in the world (1997,2011) and where were they
5.2 million, 10 million, Europe, America
5.3 million, 7 million, India, Austrailia
What are Europe's mountain ranges?
Alps, Apennines,and Pyrenees
Urals, Alps, Apennines, Andes
What percent of the world is land/water
29%, 71%
32%, 68%
What are the 3 climate zones in Europe
Subtropic, Ocean, and Continential
Climate hot, dry, and cold
What was Germany called since it was reunited?
The Grand Germany Republic
The Federal Republic of Germany
Name the 4 sub regions of the UK
Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England
British America, Wales, Ireland
Which Country utilizes the American potato as a stable crop
Republic of Ireland
What extends from west to east from southern England to southern Poland
A Coalfield
A mountain range
Europe occupies what percent of the Earth's surface? How much does the area take up in the world?
5%, 1/5
3%, 1/6
Define Nation State. What 4 countries were once nation states?
Common language/culture. Italy, Britain, Spain, France
A full combined nation. Portugal, France, UK, Spain
What happened during the European Unification?
US and The Marshal plan gave money in assistance to counter dislocation and create a stable political condition
US and The Marshal plan got together to form the EU.
How many EU members were there in 2013?
How many EU members (of the 15) began to use the Euro in 2002?
Who required bailouts in the "Euro Crisis"?
Greece (2x), Ireland, Portugal
Ablania, Bulgaria, Montenegro
Stats of the East and West of Germany post reunification.
10 of West high GDP, the rest on East low GDP
10 of East high GDP, the rest on West low GDP
Who is the 2nd largest export economy in the world?
What has become a self/standing international business center in France?
What country has the highest per capita gross national income and is only 1,000 sq/ml in Europe
What is the "Acona Line"?
An imaginary line splitting Italy from the North and South
A mountain range that has split Italy from the North and South
Define Shatter Belt. Who denotes the recurrent division of the Balkans Region?
A zone of persistent splintering/fractioning. Balkanization
The split up of the Balkan region. Balklands
What did Yugoslavia consist of?
Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro
Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia
What is the main religion in the discontinuous North (minus Lithuania)?
Roman Catholic
Is Norway part of the EU?
What is Denmark called?
Singapore of the Baltic
What is the core area, and the main industrial district/agricultural area?
What country is a glacier studded island?
Romania was accepted into the EU even though it had...
A weak economy, high poverty, and was communist
No economy, high poverty, and was barely getting by
What is the poorest country in the EU?
What was the vote percentage for the Ukraine 2010 election?
46% pro, 49% Victor
49% pro, 49% Victor
Whats the size of Russia? How many time zones does it have?
2x Canada, 3x Europe. 9
2x US, 4x Europe. 7
Name Russia's port problems. (Pacific, Arctic, Baltic, and Black Sea Ports)
Too far away, seasonal, far from ocean, have to navigate
The Urals, seasonal, far from ocean, too long of a travel
Russia's population is less than...
Nigeria and Bangladesh
Nigeria and Bulgaria
Where do the Ural Mountains extend?
From the Arctic Ocean southward to Kazakhstan
From Finland southward to Romania
What is Russia's Mississippi?
Volga River
Ob River
What river runs North?
Volga River
Ob River
What's so special about the Kamchatka Peninsula?
It has one of the largest mountain ranges
It has 70 volcanoes
When did Russia obtain Sakhalin Island?
During WW2
After WW2
What's so special about Lake Baykal?
It is the deepest tectonic trough in the world
It contains so much salt you can float in it
{"name":"WRG Geography\/Europe\/Russia", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Lattitude and Longitude lines (in order), How many plate Tectonics are there? What is the Pacific plate called, How many millionaires were in the world (1997,2011) and where were they","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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