How do you experience literacy?

What is literacy?
Literacy is the ability to read and write.
Literacy is being able to academically read and write, and do so well.
Literacy is all forms of reading and writing, whether it be for fun or for academics
Uhhh... No clue
What is your reading life like?
What reading life?
I only read what is required from me by my school.
Cliff notes, please!
I LOVE reading, every single type. You hardly find me without my nose in a book.
I love reading, but only what I choose to, not what school asks me to read.
What is your writing life like?
I can't stand writing.
I only write for my English or Science classes.
I only like to write for news articles or scientific reports. Only the facts for me, please!
I only like to write for fun and artistic purposes. (Poetry, Song-writing, Novels, Blogs)
You won't catch me without a pen, I love all types of writing!
How do you think the media portrays millennial literacy?
Completely unfairly, completely untrue.
I believe the media gives an accurate representation of millennials and our low literacy skills.
I haven't done research on this, so I can't answer .
I have no opinion.
Do you think American education is teaching literacy correctly?
Absolutely, yes.
If you were a literacy teacher, how would you structure your classes?
I would have a high emphasis on creativity in literacy, and not so much on strict academic writing.
Similar to what it is now, highly emphasized on academics.
I think I would try to have a balance between creativity and academy, both are extremely important.
{"name":"How do you experience literacy?", "url":"","txt":"What is literacy?, What is your reading life like?, What is your writing life like?","img":""}

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