What is the agreement between France and Great Britain for taking territories of the former Ottoman Empire?
Sykes – Picot agreement.
UN charter
Versailles treaty
Ankara pact
Which territories from the former Ottoman Empire were divided between France and Great Britain?
The British held the control of the Mesopotamia Province (Iraq) and the southern part of the Ottoman province of Syria (Palestine and Jordan).
The French controlled the south of Sinai.
The French controlled the rest of the Ottoman Syria (modern Syria, Lebanon and part of Turkey).
What happened on the 29 of September of 1923?
Great Syria got its independence.
France was assigned the mandate of Syria, including the modern Lebanon.
Lebanon got its independence.
Palestine got its independence.
The French mandate lasted until?
When was the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon?
14 March 1978
12 of July 1982
12 of July 2006
14 of February 2005
What was the aim of the 1978 Israeli invasion?
The aim was to destroy Hezbollah´s strongholds.
The aim was to push Syrians troops back to the north of Beirut.
The aim was to drive PLO out of Lebanon.
The aim was to create a security zone from LAF.
Who received the control of the Israeli occupied territory after their withdrawal on 1978?
Christian militias
South Lebanese Army.
Druze militias.
Israeli border control units.
What was the decision taken from the UN regarding the 1978 invasion?
To create the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)
To enhance UNSCR 425 and 426.
To create a Multinational Force.
To enhance UNSCR 73.
When did the operation “Peace for Galilee” take place?
10 March 1982
25 of July 1978
06 of June 1982
29 of September 1978
What was the trigger for the operation “Peace for Galilee”?
The declaration of PLO against Israel
The Hezbollah activities in the south of Lebanon the previous year
The intervention of the Multinational Force
The assassination attempt against Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom
Which forces made up the Multinational Force in 1982?
US Marines
When did the Sabra and Chatila massacre take place?
Between the 16 and the 18 of September 1982
Between the 10 and the 12 of May 1982
10 June 1982
14 of March 1978
Which main groups were involved in the Sabra and Chatila massacre (directly and indirectly involved)?
Lebanese Phalangist Militia
Druze Militia
What was the main objective of the Multinational Force in 1982?
To protect Beirut against the Syrian intrusion
To ensure the departure of the PLO and to protect civilians
To ensure the departure of the diplomatic staff
To protect Beirut from the IDF advance
The Multinational Force in 1982, lasted until?
February 1984
February 1983
March 1982
October 2000
Where was the Israeli security zone located between 1985 ant 2000?
Bekaa valley
South of Lebanon, and western Bekaa valley
From Beirut to the south
How and when did Hezbollah emerge in Lebanon?
As a militia to resist the Syrian intrusion in Lebanon in 1976
As a militia to conquer the political power in Lebanon
As a militia to fight the PLO in Lebanon
As a movement to resist the Israeli occupation in Lebanon in 1982 and to establish an Islamic state
When was Hezbollahs existence formally announced?
What was the main activity of Hezbollah between 1985 and 2000?
To get the popular support
To engage the IDF in a guerrilla warfare throughout the southern Lebanon
To conquer the political power in Lebanon
To suppress other guerrilla groups in whole Lebanon
When did “Operation Accountability” take place?
May 1985
From 12 to 20 June 1993
May 1993
From 25 to 31 of July 1993
According to the source (The UNMO Information Booklet) how many Lebanese and Palestinians civilians had to migrate towards Beirut and other places on the north of the country during the “Operation Accountability”
Approx. 100,000 people
Approx. 10,000 People
Approx. 300.000 people
More than 500,000
What was the code name for the IDF operation carried out from the 11 to 27 of April 1996?
Operation Grapes of Wrath
Operation Accountability
Operation Litani
Operation Cast Lead
Between which dates did the “Second Lebanon War” take place?
From the 12 of March to the 14 of August 2006
From the 12 of July to the 14 of August 2006
From the 10 of May to the 23 of June 2006
From the 12 of June to the 01 of August 1993
What was trigger of the “Second Lebanon War”?
The open aggression from Hezbollah against Israel
The attack on two armored HMMWVs and subsequent kidnapped of two IDF soldiers
The speech on Hassan Nasrallah held in Bint Jubayl, so called “The Spider Web Speech”
The constant rocket attacks over northern Israelis cities
Name three key incidents of the “Second Lebanon War”
14 JUL, Hezbollah attack to INS “Hanit”
20 JUL, First cease fire
25 JUL, IDF attack to OP Khiam
12 AUG, IDF launched the “Litani Offensive”
What was UNSCR 1701 called for?
Establishment of a new international force.
Withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon
New demarcation of the Blue Line
Deployment of Lebanese soldiers and an enlarged UNIFIL in the south
What is one of the main features of the expanded mandate UNIFIL has received after the “Second Lebanon War”?
The ability to conduct investigations in the AO
The ability to use force to ensure that their area of wasn´t used for hostile activities
The freedom of movement in whole the AO
The ability to use force on the south of the Blue Line
Why was the incident that occurred on the 03 of August 2010 so important?
Is the first time the LAF and the IDF have exchanged fire across the Blue Line and led to casualties from both sides
UNIIL change of structure
Last relevant incident between Hezbollah and the IDF
The last election in Lebanon
What is the main feature of a confessional frame work as the Lebanese Republic?
Every confession is allowed
There are only two confessions allowed, Christians Maronite and Muslim Shia
Only one confession, Muslim Sunni, can work on the public services
The highest offices are proportionately reserved for representatives from certain religious communities
Which positions are chosen by direct elections?
Supreme court members
Parliament members
Prime Minister
Who elects the president?
The Parliament
The population (direct voting)
The supreme court
Majors and Mukhtars
How are the Constitution of 1926 and the National Pact of 1943 are considered?
Part of the legacy of the Ottoman Empire
The two pillars were the political structure of modern Lebanon is based
They don’t have so much importance now a days
They are under revision
Which document modified the Constitution of 1926 and the National Pact of 1943?
The “National Reconciliation Charter” (also known as Taef Accord)
They haven’t been modified
They are still under revision
There are a new constitution since 2005
The National Pact of 1943, stipulated the proportionately division of the public offices among
President, Sunni / Prime Minister, Maronite / Speaker of the Chamber, Shia
President, Maronite / Prime Minister, Sunni / Speaker of the Chamber, Shia
President, Shia / Prime Minister, Sunni / Speaker of the Chamber, Maronite
President, Shia / Prime Minister, Maronite / Speaker of the Chamber, Sunni
Who formed the Tripartite Committee who drafted what would eventually be known as the “Taef Accord”
The king of Saudi Arabia
The president of Turkey
The king of Morocco
The president of Algeria
What was the main aim of the Tripartite Committee?
To find a resolution of the Lebanese civil war
To force Israel to withdraw of Lebanon
To find a solution of the situation between Syria, Lebanon and Israel
To solve the situation in the Middle East
What was the main outcome of the Taef Accords?
The withdraw of the Syrian troops from Lebanon
The creation of UNIFIL
Was a power shift from the Maronite president to the Sunni Prime Minister and also to the Shia Speaker of the Parliament
The implementation of the “Blue Line”
What was the change of the Speaker of the Parliament term after the Taef Accords?
The term changes from 2 years to 4 years
The term changes from 1 years to 2 years
The term changes from 1 years to 3 years
The term changes from 1 years to 4 years
What was the composition of the seats of the Parliament after the Taef Accords?
64 for Christians, 64 for Sunnis and 64 for Shias
64 and 64 for Christians and Muslims
50 for Christians and 60 for Muslims
50 for Muslims and 60 for Christians
What does the acronym “AMAL” mean in English?
The Party of God
Lebanese Forces for Freedom
Lebanese Free Movement
Lebanese Resistance Detachment
Which year was AMAL formed?
Who is the present leader of AMAL movement and which position does he have?
Samir Kuntar, Secretary General
Nabi Berri, Speaker of the Parliament
Amine Gemayel, Secretary General
Musa Al Sadr, President
Which confession is AMAL?
Muslim Shia
Muslim Sunni
No confession
When was Rafik Hariri assassinated?
14 of February 2000
14 of February 2005
14 of February 2006
14 of February 2002
What does Hezbollah mean?
The Party of God
Lebanese Resistance Detachment
The Regiment of God
Movement of Allah
Who is the current Secretary General of Hezbollah?
Husein Al – Alhayadd
Samir Kuntar
Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
Hijazi Abdul-Youssef
When did Hezbollah take part in the government for the first time?
September 2000
June 1990
May 1982
July 2005
Which of these parties now belong to the alliance named March 8?
Free Patriotic Movement
Which parties now belong to the alliance named March 14?
Future movement
Lebanese Forces
Phalangist Party
When were the Syrian troops sent into Lebanon?
May 1975
June 1982
June 1976
August 1978
When did the Syrian military presence end?
26 of April 2005
June 2006
15 April 1990
2000, after the Israeli withdrawal
What was the trigger of the “Cedar Revolution”?
The assassination of Rafik Hariri
The Israeli intervention in 1982
The withdrawal of the Syrian troops
The presidential vacuum
What were the primary goals of the “Cedar Revolution”?
The withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon
The withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon
The replacement of the government heavily influenced by Syrian interests
What is the “Special Tribunal for Lebanon”?
The tribunal formed to investigate the violations of the UNSCR 1701
The tribunal formed to investigate the crimes committed during the Civil War
The tribunal formed to investigate the assassination of Rafik Hariri
The tribunal formed to investigate the activities of Hezbollah
What is the Lebanese point of view about the Shebaa Farms?
The Lebanese government insists that Israel is still occupying Lebanese land
No official position
The Lebanese government insists that is a situation between citizens of both countries
The Lebanese government insists that is Syria who has to solve the situation
What is the main fact behind the problem of the division of Ghajar?
The intension of Lebanon of retake the village
The UNSCR 1701
The inconsistent mapping prior to 1967 war, were the village can be found in both sides of the border between Syria and Lebanon
The differences between the population of the village
The main features of 2009 Hezbollah manifesto are:
Contains language more focused on integration in their community
Calls for the elimination of the sectarian system in place in Lebanon and calls for it replacement by a secular modern system
States that US and Israel are still Hezbollah’s prime enemies
What are the five pillars of Islam?
In the following Hezbollah flag, the upper inscription (marked with red) means:
The Islamic resistance in Lebanon
The party of Allah
The party of Allah shall be triumphant
The party of Allah never give up
In the following Hezbollah flag, the lower inscription (marked with red) means:
The Islamic resistance in Lebanon
The party of Allah never give up
The party of Allah
The party of Allah shall be triumphant
In the following Hezbollah flag, the middle inscription (marked with red) means:
The party of Allah shall be triumphant
The party of Allah
The Islamic resistance in Lebanon
The party of Allah never give up
In the following Hezbollah flag, the rifle (marked with red) means:
Revolution in Lebanon
Hezbollah´s commitment against globalization
Hezbollah commitment with an armed struggle
Hezbollah´s international activities
In the following Hezbollah flag, the globe (marked with red) means:
Hezbollah´s commitment against globalization
The international support to Hezbollah
Hezbollah´s international activities
Hezbollah commitment with the study of the religion
In the following Hezbollah flag, the book or Quran (marked with red) means:
Hezbollah´s goal to establish an Islamic state
Education to the population
Hezbollah commitment with the study of the religion
Hezbollah´s international activities
Free Patriotic Movement
Future Movement
Phalangist Party
Free Patriotic Movement
Future Movement
Democratic Party
Lebanese Forces
People movement
Democratic Party
Future Movement
Lebanese Forces
Liberal movement
Lebanese Movement
Phalangist Party
Lebanese Forces
Communist Party
Progressive Social Party
Lebanese Movement
Liberal Movement
Phalangist Party
Communist Party
Future Movement
Free Patriotic Movement
Lebanese Army
General Security Services
Defense Ministry
Lebanese Armed Forces
Nabi Berri
Ali Wafik
Nadim Hamdan
Walid Jumblatt
Samir Geagea
Ali Nasser
Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
Abu Mnatash
Abbas Al-Musawi
Abu Mntash
Rafik Hariri
Tammam Salam
Mohammad Serhan
Imad Mughneih
Hijazi Abdul-Youssef
Walid Jumblatt
Nabi Berri
Husein Al – Alhayadd
Nadim Handam
Musa Al Sadr
Ali Nasser
Shiek Ragheb Harb
Jawad Banna
Sayyid Nadim Hamdan
Rafik Hariri
Imad Mughneih
Ali Wafik
Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
Ali Nasser
Nadim Hamdan
Tammam Salam
Ali Hoseyni Khamenei
Samir Geagea
Abu Mnatash
Imad Mughneih
Nabi Berri
Husein Al – Alhayadd
Tammam Salam
Walid Jumblatt
Ali Wafik
Nabi Berri
Amine Gemayel
Nadim Hamdan
Samir Geagea
Gen Jean Kahwagi
Gen Imad Mnatash
Gen Nadim Wafik
Gen Jawad Alhayadd
Nadim Hamdan
Abu Mnatash
Hijazi Abdul-Youssef
Maj Gen Abbass Ibrahim
Imad Mughneih
Sleiman Frangieh
Samir Geagea
Ali Nasser
During which Operation did the Cana Massacre occur?
Operation Accountability
Operation Litani
Operation Grapes of Wrath
Operation Cast Lead
Al Marada Movement
Social Democratic Movement
South Lebanese Militia
Free Lebanese Party
Amine Gemayel
Samir Geagea
Hussein Al - Alhayadd
Tammam Salam
Maj Gen Abu Nasser
Maj Gen Nadim Wafik
Maj Gen Imad Mnatash
Maj Gen Shawki Masri
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