Park Street Imports - New York Salesperson Certification

What is the purpose of a Florida Salesperson License?
It allows the salesperson to give away product to consumers for free
It enables the salesperson to conduct retail sales pitch presentations, consumer tasting events, and fulfill orders
It permits the salesperson to issue discounts to retailers
As a licensed salesperson are you allowed to give out free bottles to consumers?
What prohibits salespersons from giving away a free case when making a sale?
The Brand Owner said not to
It is unlawful
Your solicitor's license doesn't allow you to carry product
Are you allowed to host consumer tasting events at licensed retail locations?
If you plan on carrying alcohol in your vehicle in Florida, you must do which of the following?
Send a letter to Park Street and attach a picture of your vehicle
Request Trucking Permit application from Park Street
You must hold a valid Florida salesperson's permit
What is the maximum number of samples a Park Street salesperson is allowed to have in their inventory at any given time?
50 bottles
10 cases
What are the requirements for a consumer tasting event at a licensed retail location?
Email your Account Manager with the retailer's liquor license number, event description, and amount of product you are requesting for the event
Email your Account Manager after the event with a breakdown of how much product was used during the event
All of the above
What information must be submited to your Account Manager to make a donation to a bona-fide non-profit or charity?
The retailer's liquor license number
Approval from the state in which the event is taking place
The charity's tax ID # or a copy of their 501(c)(3) tax exemption letter
When is the only time a salesperson can pour tastes for consumers?
To mix cocktails at a festival happy hour
At a private party in my home
During a consumer tasting event at a licensed retail location
All of the above
Can salesperson inventory be shared among licensed salespersons?
When a salesperson needs additional samples what must they submit to their Account Manager?
Sample Request and Depletion Report
Number of bottles needed
Client Testimonial
Is it permissible for a salesperson to give free bottles to a retailer that has purchased or received samples of that same product within the past 12 months.
Salespersons are permitted to give potential licensed retail customers no more than ________ of each brand of distilled spirits or wine within a 12 month period.
Any unused product(s) left over from a tasting event for consumers at a licensed retail location should be________.
Given to the retailer as a gift
Left for the consumers to take home after the event
Returned to your salesperson inventory or returned to the warehouse in unbroken (complete) cases
What do you need to attach to a delivery before fulfilling orders?
Your business card
Marketing material describing the product(s)
The order's invoice generated by your Account Manager
What does COD stand for and when does it apply?
Change of demand- When retailer no longer wants the product ordered
Collect on delivery- A check must be collected prior to releasing the product when the invoice lists the payment terms as "COD"
Change order date- When an order is delivered after the date listed on the invoice
Can you fulfill an order with product from your salesperson's inventory?
Yes, as long as it is approved by your Account Manager and is accompanied by an invoice
No, all product must come directly from the warehouse
Which of the below are the allowable uses for samples?
Consumer tasting events, salesperson presentations to retailers, and fulfillment of orders
Sponser festivals, issuance of free sample bottles to consumers, and fulfillment of orders
Salesperson presentation to retailers, private events, and giveaways
How should retail accounts remit payment for sales?
Pay cash to salesperson
Send a check directly to the brand owner
Send a check referencing the invoice # to Park Street
Salespeople are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages to consumers under the age of 21 so long as it is for an educational purpose.
If a salesperson is delivering product to fulfill a sale, the following MUST always be collected from the retailer
Reference Number
Signed Invoice (Proof of Delivery)
The signed invoice collected by the salesperson, upon delivering an order, serves as which of the following
Confirmation of payment
Proof of delivery
Contact for retail account
Salesperson must send all proof of delivery or delivery exceptions back to PSI within this time period?
Before the end of the month
Within 24 hours
You are not required to send
What information is required from a new retail customer when making a sale to them for the first time?
Retailer's name, delivery address, retail liquor license #, contact number, contact name, email address, order details, delivery instructions
Retailer's name, delivery address, order details, phone number or email address
Nothing but the order
Once a delivery is accepted by a retailer are they allowed to return the cases?
Only if the cases have not been opened
If the cases do not sell, they are allowed to return them
Retailers are not allowed to return cases
What is Park Street Import's standard turnaround time after submitting a properly completed sample request?
1/2 a business day
1 week
3 business days
Is Park Street responsible for collecting checks on behalf of a salesperson?
{"name":"Park Street Imports - New York Salesperson Certification", "url":"","txt":"What do you have to do before hosting an event or tasting?, What paperwork is required to host an event with a charity associated?, What states do your need your fingerprints taken to apply for your solicitors permit?","img":""}
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