EDI Baseline Assessment Tool for the Board
{"name":"EDI Baseline Assessment Tool for the Board", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q1IOQZ6ON","txt":"Governance Solutions Inc. (GSI) has developed this proprietary tool for Board members to reflect on and assess their organization’s current practices in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. We have a different version of this tool for staff members who are more familiar with the workforce and workplace. The results will give you a sense of where you are on your EDI journey, and identify potential next steps. For each of the questions below, please use this scale to indicate to what extent: 1 … not at all 2 … low extent 3 … moderate extent 4 … large extent 5 … significant extent What we mean by these: Equity: creating and accommodating equal opportunity to achieve fair outcomes for individuals in the workplace (including the board) Diversity: creating a workplace (including the board) that supports the unique, inherent and acquired diversity of its people. Inclusion: creating a workplace (including the board) where people feel a sense of belonging, are valued for their differences, and are empowered to freely participate and succeed., Name:, Email:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}