What Type of Trader are You?
In two minutes and ten crypto-related questions, 3Commas can help you find out.
We can help you learn how to make money in the cryptocurrency market with tools that will help you profit when trading on the exchange. Leave your email at the end of the survey and receive personalized suggestions and recommendations.

How do you rate the cryptocurrency market?
Have you previously traded on a cryptocurrency exchange?
What is the Value of your portfolio?
Are you familiar with money-making strategies? (Please answer from 1 to 5, where 1 - I do not know what it is, and 5 - I know everything about money-making)
Evaluate your level of proficiency in technical analysis tools (Please answer from 1 to 5, where 1 is no experience, and 5 is an expert-level user)
Have you studied trading before?
How long have you been following the cryptocurrency market?
What is your goal in trading?
{"name":"What Type of Trader are You? In two minutes and ten crypto-related questions, 3Commas can help you find out. Then, maybe we can help you learn how to make money in the cryptocurrency market with tools that will help you profit when trading on the exchange", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q1JCIHY","txt":"How do you rate the cryptocurrency market?, Have you previously traded on a cryptocurrency exchange?, What is the Value of your portfolio?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/51-1752863/logo-04.png?sz=1200-00000018121000005300"}
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