Points Test #2

Huan Zhong is located
Midway between GB30 & DU2
1 cun above SP10
The tender spot about 2 cun below ST36
On the tip of the ulnar olecranon when the elbow is flexed
Point combination to clear Liver Fire is?
LI11 + LI4
LI11 + GB34
LI4 + LV3
LI11 + LV2
Pam, 62 years of age, presents with blood in her urine for 2 weeks. She has been on blood pressure medications and an anxiety medication for 10 years. She says she has no appetite. Her complexion is withered and slightly yellow. Her tongue is pale and her pulse is thin and weak. What point prescription would you choose?
UB48, UB49, UB64, KID5, GB34
PC6, HT7, REN14, REN4, REN3
ST36, SP3, SP6, REN12, UB20
ST36, SP3, SP6, REN12, UB20, SP10, UB17
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, edema, hernia, anuria, enuresis, amenorrhea, morbid leucorrhea, uterine bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage are indications of which point?
Jaundice, cough, asthma, stiffness of the back and pain in the chest and back are indications of which point?
When setting the mountain on fire how many times is the needle thrusted and lifted at each level?
The point combination to clear heat from the Heart is?
HT8 + LI11
HT8 + LI4
PC8 + LI11
HT9 + LI4
Sara has severe PMS after the birth of her first child. Her children are ages 4 and 8. She says she has always had some irritability during her period ever since she started menstruating but after her children she not only gets irritable but irrational and cries for days. She says she also gets palpitations and her breasts become very tender. Her pulse is thin and slightly string-taut in the left middle position and weak in the left front position. Her tongue is pale and slightly orange on the sides. Which point prescription would you use?
HT7, REN14, SP6, HT6,LV8, ST36, SP6
LV8, UB18,LV3, GB34, HT7, REN14, UB17, UB20
HT7, REN14, REN4, LU7, KID6
LV3, GB34, PC6
For malaria with a high fever with delirium you would?
Prick ErJian
Bleed LI4 and LI11
E-stim SP10 and ST44
Prick the 12 Jing Well points
ST36 is used for?
Excess diarrhea
Deficiency diarrhea
Damp Heat diarrhea
All types of diarrhea
Clears heat from the lung and descends rebellious qi, regulates water passages, activates the channel, relaxes sinews and alleviates pain are functions of which point?
Which point is the entry point of the Large Intestine?
Which point clears heat from the Stomach channel and alleviates pain, harmonizes the intestines and clears damp heat and calms the spirit?
A function of Moxa is?
Reduce excess conditions
Induce the smooth flow of Qi and Blood
Nourish Yin
Diminish swellings
How many cun from the level of the superior border of the symphysis pubis and the medial epicondyle of the femur?
The extraordinary point for acute lumbar sprain is?
The Luo connecting point of the extra vessel Ren channel is located
A. 1 cun below the xiphoid process, 7 cun above the umbilicus, located in supine position with arms uplifted
B. On the midline of the abdomen, 6 cun above the umbilicus, located in supine position with arms uplifted
C. On the anterior midline level with the 4th intercostal space
D. 1 cun below the xiphoid process, 8 cun above the umbilicus, located in supine position with arms uplifted
The points for the Sea of Qi are
A. UBll, ST36, DU14, REN17
B. ST36, DU14, REN17
C. ST9, DU14, DU15, REN17
D. ST9, DU15, DU16, REN17
The Front Mu of the hand Yang Ming channel is located
.5 cun lateral to center of the umbilicus
3 cun lateral to REN9
2 cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus
2 cun lateral to REN2
Sue says she is having very heavy periods. They are flooding for 10 days. The blood is bright red. She has no pain, the cycle is regular, she is very tired and has no appetite. She tells you she is hot and sweating at night especially during her period, she is thirsty at night, she has low back achiness and occasional tinnitus. What point prescription would you choose?
SP3, ST36, SP6, REN12, LU7,KD3, KD6, KD10, REN7, UB17, SP1
KD3, KD6, GB39, KD13
KD3, LU7, KID6, KD10, REN7
ST36, SP6, SP3, SP10, UB17, SP1
The point combination to move Qi and Blood in the Lower Jiao is?
ST29 + ST27
REN17 + ST36
SP10 + REN17
ST25 + REN17
Which extra point is indicated for dizziness, ophthalmagia, stuffy nose, common cold, H/A, conjuctivitis and appoplectic stroke?
Which point is best to nourish the whole body yin?
Shu-stream point of the Foot Tai Yin
Intersecting point of Spleen, Liver & Kidney
Xi-cleft point of the Foot Tai Yin
Major Luo-connecting point of the Foot Tai Yin
Warms the lower jiao, regulates menses and benefits the genital region, regulates blood inthe lower jiao for flood stasis are functions of what point?
Releases exterior and expels wind, promotes descending function of lung, pacifies wind and phlegm, benefits head and nape, opens and regulates conception vessel, regulates water passages, activates the channel and alleviates pain are functions of which point?
He-sea point of the Hand Tai Yin
Entry point of the Hand Tai Yin
Luo-connecting point of the Hand Tai Yin
Xi-cleft point of the Hand Tai Yin
Which is not an action of cupping?
Warming and promoting the free flow of Qi and Blood
Dispelling cold dampness
Prevent diseases and keep healthy
Diminishing swelling and pains
The He-sea of the Foot Tai Yang is how many cun from the Jing River of the Foot Tai Yang?
The Shu-stream of the Hand Shao Yang channel is located
In the depression proximal to the margin of the web between the ring and small fingers
Between the 3rd & 4th metacarpal bones, in the depression proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint
Posterior and inferior to mastoid process, on posterior border of m. sternocleidomastoideus
Between the 4th & 5th metacarpal bones, in the depression proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint
The point combination to regulate and tonify blood is?
SP10 + LV8
ST36 + SP4
PC6 + SP4
ST36 + LI20
Which is the location of the muscle meridian meeting point of the 3 arm yang?
0.5 cun within the hairline of the forehead, 3 cun lateral to DU24
On the mid axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun below the axilla
3 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, in the depression between the posterior border of the fibula
Directly below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space
How many cun is there fro the Xi-cleft point of Hand Tai Yin to the Luo-connecting point of the Hand Tai Yin?
. Craig went to two Christmas parties in a row. At the first party he ate lots of ribs, fries, fried chicken and cake. At the second party he couldn’t resist eating the fried appetizers, a full Christmas dinner with 2 helpings, a big slice of pumpkin pie and drank way more alcohol at both parties than he usually does. He took an Uber home and the next day woke up with a stomach ache, abdominal distention and vomiting. His pulse is rolling and slightly rapid and his tongue has a thick, sticky yellow coat. Which point prescription would you choose?
LU7, UB12, LI4, GB20, DU14
GB34, ST21, LV2, LI11, ST44, LIV3, UB18
ST37, ST25, LI11, UB25, ST27
Jason comes to you because he has insomnia. He says he never did sleep well but the last 2 years he can’t sleep at all. He says he’s been feeling manic lately too. During your intake you find out that because of his job he eats late every night, he feels thirsty but doesn’t want to drink and he has a feeling of discomfort in his stomach and points to the epigastric area. His pulse is excess, rapid and slippery. His tongue has a thick yellow coat. Which point prescription would you choose?
Anmian, ST21, ST34, REN13, ST44, LI11, LI4, REN11
Anmian, ST36, SP6, SP3, SP9, GB34
Anmian, ST21, REN10, PC6, SP4, ST44, INNER NEITING
Anmian, ST36, SP6, SP3, HT5, UB15, PC6
How many cun is there from the Luo-connecting point of the Hand Yang Ming to the Xi-cleft point of the Hand Yang Ming?
What is the location of the Source point of the Hand Shao Yin?
A. On the radial side of the tendon of m. Flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist
B. At the ulnar end of the transverse crease, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of m. Flexor carpi ulnaris
C. On the radial side of the tendon of m. Flexor carpi ulnaris, 1 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist
D. At the ulnar end of the transverse crease, in the depression on the ulnar side of the tendon of m. Flexor carpi ulnaris
Paul comes to you with right sided Trigeminal Neuralgia. What scalp acupuncture line would you use to treat him?
Right upper 1/5th of the sensory line
Left upper 1/5th of the sensory line
Right lower 2/5th of the sensory line
Left lower 2/5th of the sensory line
Your patient comes to you with night sweats. You use which combination?
KD7 + HT6
KD3 + LI4
KD3 + HT6
LU7 + KD6
Which Lung point clears any lung issue?
Which point fortifies the Spleen and harmonizes the Middle Jiao, regulates Qi and resolves dampness, calms the spirt, benefits the heart and chest and regulates the penetrating vessel?
The nature of moxa is?
Bitter, acrid, warm and enters the Spleen, Liver, Kidney channels
Bitter, acrid, warm and enters the Spleen, Stomach, Kidney channels
Neutral, warm and enters the Yang channels
Acrid, astringent, warm and enters the Spleen, Kidney channels
Brian, 85 yoa, wakes up every morning at 3am and can never fall back to sleep. The point prescription you would use is?
PC6, HT7, REN14, REN4
PC6, HT7, SP6, KID10, LIV8
GB40, UB47, UB18, REN4
LV2, LI11, LV3, GB20
Sue comes to you for insomnia. She is fidgety and says she can’t stop thinking and fretting. She also says she is always thirsty. You notice that her face is flushed. Her tongue is red with ulcerations and her pulse is rapid. What point prescription would you use?
PC6, REN14, HT7, SP6, HT6
HT9, PC5, ST40, REN12, UB20, UB15
HT8, HT9, LI11, HT7, REN15
Which auricular point is located on the scapha, medial to the Wrist point?
Shoulder Joint
The Jing-River point of the Gallbladder channel is located?
A. 5 cun directly above the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula
B. 4 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, slightly anterior to the anterior border of the fibula between m. Extenser digitorum longus and m. Pernaeus brevis
C. 3 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, in the depression between the posterior border of the fibula
D. Anterior and inferior to the eternal malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of m. Extensor digitorum longus
The Front-Mu of the Lung is located?
. In the cubital crease on the radial side of tendon m. Biceps brachii with the elbow slightly flexed.
1 cun below LU2 level with the 1st intercostal space 6 cun to the midline
On the palmar aspect of the forearm, in line jointing LU9 and LU5, 7 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist
The radial aspect, midpoint (thenar eminence) of the first metacarpal bone, junction of the dorsum and palm of the hand
The entry point of the Large Intestine channel is located?
On the radial side of the index finger, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
In the depression on the radial side of the index finger, distal to the 2nd metacarpal-phalangeal joint and the junction of the red and white skin with the finger slightly flexed
On the radial side of the thumb, 0.1 cen posterior to the corner of the nail
On the dorsum of the hand, between 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone
Your patient has back pain. To open the Du you choose which combination?
DU2 + DU20
UB23 + DU4
LI4 + UB60
SI3 + UB62
Which point can clear the 5 stagnations of the Middle Jiao (cold, qi, blood, damp/phlegm and food stagnation)?
Which extra point in indicated for opthalmalgia, nebula, optic atrophy, vomiting with diarrhea and nose bleed?
Paul comes to you after his stroke with nominal aphasia. What scalp line would you use to treat him?
Speech #1
Speech #2
Speech #3
Speech #4
{"name":"Points Test #2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Huan Zhong is located","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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