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New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 21 Dec 21
[2112.09700] Weichen Tang, Ivan M. Khaymovich: Non-ergodic delocalized phase with Poisson level statistics
[2112.09731] Dušan Kavický, František Herman, Richard Hlubina: Model-independent determination of the gap function of nearly localized superconductors
[2112.09735] Zhi-Hao Cui, Huanchen Zhai, Xing Zhang et al.: Systematic electronic structure in the cuprate parent state from quantum many-body simulations
[2112.09740] Shengkai Li, Tianyu Wang, Velin H. Kojouharov et al.: Locomotion without force, and impulse via dissipation: Robotic swimming in curved space via geometric phase
[2112.09748] Saumitran Kasturirangan, Alex Kamenev, Fiona J. Burnell: Two parameter scaling in the crossover from symmetry class BDI to AI
[2112.09749] D. Perconte, D. Bercioux, B. Dlubak et al.: Superconducting proximity effect in $d$-wave cuprate/ graphene heterostructures
[2112.09751] C. W. Rischau, D. Pulmannova, G. W. Scheerer et al.: Isotope tuning of the superconducting dome of strontium titanate
[2112.09764] Naohiro Fujinuma, Brian L. DeCost, Jason Hattrick-Simpers et al.: Reflections on the future of machine learning for materials research
[2112.09785] A. Miano, G. Liu, V. V. Sivak et al.: Frequency-tunable Kerr-free three-wave mixing with a gradiometric SNAIL
[2112.09795] Eduardo Menéndez-Proupin, Shivani Grover, Ana L. Montero-Alejo et al.: Mixed-anion mixed-cation perovskite (FAPbI$_3$)$_{0.875}$(MAPbBr$_3$)$_{0.125}$: an ab-initio molecular dynamics study
[2112.09847] E. J. Dresselhaus, B. Sbierski, I. A. Gruzberg: Scaling collapse of longitudinal conductance near the integer quantum Hall transition
[2112.09855] Bishwajit Boruah, Bulumoni Kalita: Accentuating the Competency of $3d$ Transition Metal Doped $Mg_4$ Clusters towards Molecular Hydrogen Adsorption: A DFT Study
[2112.09856] Alexander Duthie, Sthitadhi Roy, David E. Logan: Anomalous multifractality in quantum chains with strongly correlated disorder
[2112.09857] Dominique Laniel, Florian Trybel, Yuqing Yin et al.: Aromatic Hexazine [N6]4- Anion Revealed in the Complex Structure of the High-Pressure Potassium Nitride K9N56
[2112.09862] Dong Wang, Yang Ding, Ho-Kwang Mao: Future Study of Dense Superconducting Hydrides at High Pressure
[2112.09863] Nathan J. McLaughlin, Chaowei Hu, Mengqi Huang et al.: Quantum Imaging of Magnetic Phase Transitions and Spin Fluctuations in Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Nanoflakes
[2112.09864] Oliver W. Paulin, Liam C. Morrow, Matthew G. Hennessy et al.: Fluid-fluid phase separation in a soft porous medium
[2112.09880] Riccardo Cominotti, Anna Berti, Arturo Farolfi et al.: Observation of Massless and Massive Collective Excitations with Faraday Patterns in a Two-Component Superfluid
[2112.09884] Marjan Famili, Nicolò Forcellini, Emilio Artacho: Local orbital formulation of the Floquet theory of projectile electronic stopping
[2112.09889] P. K. Shihabudeen, Mina Yaghoobi Notash, Jaber Jahanbin Sardroodi et al.: Nitrogen incorporated Zinc oxide thin film for efficient ethanol detection
[2112.09903] Ferdinand Claude, Maxime J Jacquet, Romain Usciati et al.: High-resolution coherent probe spectroscopy of a polariton quantum fluid
[2112.09910] Thomas Scheike, Zhenchao Wen, Hiroaki Sukegawa et al.: Enhanced Tunnel magnetoresistance in Fe/Mg4Al-Ox/Fe(001) Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
[2112.09913] P. Farkašovský: Itinerant ferromagnetism in narrow-band metals
[2112.09916] A. V. Khomenko, D. T. Logvinenko: Time series analysis of friction force at self-affine mode of ice surface softening
[2112.09919] V. I. Kovalchuk: Phase separation dynamics in aqueous solutions of thermoresponsive polymers
[2112.09926] R. Sáez-Blázquez, A. Cuartero-González, J. Feist et al.: Plexcitonic quantum light emission from nanoparticle-on-mirror cavities
[2112.09928] R. Yang, X. Gao, F. Wu et al.: Investigations on Cmc2$_1$-Si$_2$P$_2$X structures and physical properties by first-principles calculations
[2112.09936] W. H. Zhao, L. L. Ding, B. W. Zhou et al.: Phase diagrams of superconducting topological surface states
[2112.09940] M. Radjai, A. Bouhemadou, D. Maouche: Structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of the half-Heusler ScPtSb and YPtSb compounds under pressure
[2112.09942] A. P. Moina: Influence of external field direction on polarization rotation in antiferroelectric squaric acid H$_2$C$_4$O$_4$
[2112.09946] S. Amrani, M. Berber, M. Mebrek: DFT based investigation of the structural, magnetic, electronic, and half-metallic properties of solid In$_{1-x}$Ti$_{x}$Sb solutions
[2112.09953] V.I. Yukalov, E.P. Yukalova: Zeroth-Order Nucleation Transition under Nanoscale Phase Separation
[2112.09956] S. Sajad Dabiri, Hosein Cheraghchi: Engineering of topological phases in driven thin topological insulator: Structure inversion asymmetry effect
[2112.09958] S. Sajad Dabiri, Hosein Cheraghchi, Ali Sadeghi: Light-induced topological phases in thin films of magnetically doped topological insulators
[2112.09980] A. G. de Figueiredo, M. R. Cantarino, W. R. da Silva Neto et al.: Orbital Localization and the Role of the Fe and As $4p$ Orbitals in BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ Probed by XANES
[2112.09987] L. Messee Goulefack, A. Cheage Chamgoue, C. Anteneodo et al.: Stability analysis of the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron under electromagnetic induction
[2112.10002] Anthony Yoshimura, Michael Lamparski, Joel Giedt et al.: QED theory of electron beam-induced electronic excitation and its effect on sputtering cross sections in 2D crystals
[2112.10004] Jan Wahl, Philipp Haizmann, Christopher Kirsch et al.: Impact of the Ligand Shell on Structural Changes and Decomposition of All-Inorganic Mixed-Halide Perovskite (CsPbX3) Nanocrystals under ...
[2112.10036] Fengliang Liu, Yiqing Hao, Jinyang Ni et al.: Pressure-induced charge orders and their coupling to magnetism in hexagonal multiferroic LuFe2O4
[2112.10045] Julia M. Link, Igor F. Herbut: p-wave superconductivity in Luttinger semimetals
[2112.10051] Kazumi Suematsu, Haruo Ogura, Seiichi Inayama et al.: Branched Polymers with Excluded Volume Effects/ Configurations of Comb Polymers in Two- and Three-dimensions
[2112.10054] Subhayan Roychoudhury, Leonardo A. Cunha, Martin Head-Gordon et al.: Changes in polarization dictate necessary approximations for modeling electronic de-excitation intensity: an application t...
[2112.10076] Zeeshan Ali, Zhen Wang, Andrew O Hara et al.: The origin of insulating and non-ferromagnetic SrRuO3 monolayers
[2112.10090] S. Villa-Cortés, O. De la Peña-Seaman: Superconductivity on ScH$_{3}$ and YH$_{3}$ hydrides: Effects of applied pressure in combination with electron- and hole-doping on the electron-phonon c...
[2112.10104] C. Lupo, J. Andzane, D. Montemurro et al.: Quantitative infrared near-field imaging of suspended topological insulator nanostructures
[2112.10105] Wencheng Ji: Toward understanding the depletion of two-level systems in ultrastable glasses
[2112.10126] Kacper Wrześniewski, Ireneusz Weymann, Nicholas Sedlmayr et al.: Dynamical quantum phase transitions in a mesoscopic superconducting system
[2112.10129] Svitlana Kondovych, Maksim Pavlenko, Yurii Tikhonov et al.: Vortex states in a ferroelectric cylinder
[2112.10162] Sheng Fang, Da Ke, Wei Zhong et al.: Backbone and shortest-path exponents of the two-dimensional $Q$-state Potts model
[2112.10176] A. Haykal, R. Tanos, N. Minotto et al.: Decoherence of V$_{\rm B}^{-}$ spin defects in monoisotopic hexagonal boron nitride
[2112.10187] Gianluca Teza, Ran Yaacoby, Oren Raz: Relaxation shortcuts through boundary coupling
[2112.10188] Giuliano Orso, Manpreet Singh: Formation of bound states and BCS-BEC crossover near a flat band: the sawtooth lattice
[2112.10215] Dan Sun, Dmitry A. Sokolov, Richard Waite et al.: Heisenberg spins on an anisotropic triangular lattice: PdCrO2 under uniaxial stress
[2112.10226] Pankaj Bhalla, Giovanni Vignale, Habib Rostami: Pseudo-Gauge Field Driven Acoustoelectric Current in 2D Dirac Materials
[2112.10231] Kamal Choudhary, Taner Yildirim, Daniel Siderius et al.: Graph Neural Network Predictions of Metal Organic Framework CO2 Adsorption Properties
[2112.10240] Abhay Kumar Nayak, Aviram Steinbok, Yotam Roet et al.: Visualization of Topological Boundary Modes Manifesting Topological Nodal-Point Superconductivity
[2112.10266] Chen-Huan Wu: Prediction and theoretical study for the experimental detectable Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev physics in multilayered type-II Weyl semimetal WTe$_2$ through optical SHG technique
[2112.10276] Alex Gómez Salvador, Clemens Kuhlenkamp, Livio Ciorciaro et al.: Optical signatures of periodic magnetization: the moiré Zeeman effect
[2112.10291] F.A. Buot, A.R. Elnar, G. Maglasang et al.: A Mechanical Implementation and Diagrammatic Calculation of Entangled Basis States
[2112.10294] Yuri D. Glinka, Tingchao He, Xiao Wei Sun: Two-photon IR pumped UV-Vis transient absorption spectroscopy of Dirac fermions in the 2D and 3D topological insulator Bi2Se3
[2112.10301] Akiko Masaki-Kato, Yuichi Motoyama, Naoki Kawashima: Universal and Non-Universal Correction Terms of Bose Gases in Dilute Region: a Quantum Monte Carlo Study
[2112.10336] Yixuan Huang, D. N. Sheng: Topological chiral and nematic superconductivity by doping Mott insulators on triangular lattice
[2112.10363] Kun Bu: Unambiguous detection of topological nodes via Berry monopole indicators
[2112.10386] Rebecca Kraus, Titas Chanda, Jakub Zakrzewski et al.: Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices
[2112.10397] Václav Janiš, Jiawei Yan: Failure of the mean-field description of magnetic fluctuations in the superconducting quantum dot
[2112.10399] Thi-Nga Do, Po-Hsin Shih, Danhong Huang et al.: Generalized Peierls substitution for the tight-binding model of twisted multilayer graphene in a magnetic field
[2112.10406] Suvidyakumar Homkar, Elodie Martin, Benjamin Meunier et al.: Spin current transport in hybrid Pt / multifunctional magnetoelectric Ga0.6Fe1.4O3 bilayers
[2112.10420] Alexander H. O. Wada, José A. Hoyos: Adaptive Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group study of the disordered antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain
[2112.10421] Mikheil Tsitsishvili, Titas Chanda, Matteo Votto et al.: Phase diagram of Rydberg-dressed atoms on two-leg square ladders: Coupling supersymmetric conformal field theories on the lattice
[2112.10455] Manuel Fernández López, Jaime Merino: Bad topological semimetals in layered honeycomb compounds
[2112.10466] Mi Wang, Lishuai Jin, Yibin Fu: Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar-Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching
[2112.10475] Dmitry Mylnikov, Dmitry Svintsov: A place for two-dimensional plasmonics in electromagnetic wave detection
[2112.10476] Annika Ott, Svend-Age Biehs: Topological near-field heat flow in a honeycomb lattice
[2112.10479] Zeying Zhang, Gui-Bin Liu, Zhi-Ming Yu et al.: Encyclopedia of emergent particles in type-IV magnetic space groups
[2112.10490] A.N. Korshunova, V.D. Lakhno: Charge Motion along Polynucleotide Chains in a Constant Electric Field Depends on the Charge Coupling Constant with Chain Displacements
[2112.10507] O.A. Lukianova, V. Kulitckii, Z. Rao et al.: Self-diffusion in carbon-alloyed CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys
[2112.10521] Prakash Chanda Gupta, Rajendra Adhikari: Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of $Be_2X(X=C, Si, Ge, Sn)$: First Principle Study
[2112.10595] Marija Avramovska, Jakob Nachtigal, Jürgen Haase: Temperature independent pseudogap from $^{17}$O and $^{89}$Y NMR and the single component picture
[2112.10628] Fadis F. Murzakhanov, Georgy V. Mamin, Sergei B. Orlinskii et al.: Electron-nuclear coherent coupling and nuclear spin readout through optically polarized VB- spin states in hBN
[2112.10639] Sharath Kumar C, Amal Sebastian, Athira S et al.: One-dimensional magnetism in a facile spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with a low saturation field
[2112.10648] Christopher Oliver, Aaron Smith, Thomas Easton et al.: Bloch Oscillations Along a Synthetic Dimension of Atomic Trap States
[2112.10649] Amir Eskandari-asl, Adolfo Avella: Local properties of the t-J model in a two-pole approximation within COM
[2112.10662] Adam Griffin, Giorgio Krstulovic, Victor L'vov et al.: Energy spectrum of two-dimensional acoustic turbulence
[2112.10676] Han Yan, Johannes Reuther: Low energy structure of spiral spin liquids
[2112.10687] Zhihong Yuan, Jingjing Meng, Rui Liu et al.: Computational design of a new layered superconductor LaOTlF2
[2112.10689] Michele Ruggeri, Kyle Reeves, Tzu-Yao Hsu et al.: Multi-scale simulation of the adsorption of lithium ion on graphite surface: from Quantum Monte Carlo to Molecular Density Functional Theory
[2112.10710] M. Sekania, M. Melz, N. Sedlmayr et al.: Directional scrambling of quantum information in helical multiferroics
[2112.10713] Frank Hohls, Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs, Friederike Stein et al.: Controlling the error mechanism in a tunable-barrier non-adiabatic charge pump by dynamic gate compensation
[2112.10721] Miquel Royo, Massimiliano Stengel: Lattice-mediated bulk flexoelectricity from first principles
[2112.10723] S. W. Lovesey, G. Van der Laan: Ligand-metal covalency effects in resonance enhanced x-ray Bragg diffraction
[2112.10733] R. Pełka, P. Konieczny, Y. Miyazaki et al.: Study of thermodynamic properties of substitutional mixture of Co(II)- and Fe(II)-based octacyanoniobates
[2112.10758] Emily M. Been, Kuan H. Hsu, Yi Hu et al.: On the nature of valence charge and spin excitations via multi-orbital Hubbard models for infinite-layer nickelates
[2112.10760] Jeong Min Park, Yuan Cao, Liqiao Xia et al.: Magic-Angle Multilayer Graphene: A Robust Family of Moiré Superconductors
[2112.10763] Felix A. Palm, Sam Mardazad, Annabelle Bohrdt et al.: Snapshot-based detection of $\frac{1}{2}$-Laughlin states: coupled chains and central charge
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 21 Dec 21","img":""}
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