SS Quiz Week of May 21

The definition of an industrial revolution is dramatic changes in the way people worked and lived in the 1800s as a result of the shift of ______ labor to _______ labor and human and animal power to ________ power and steam engines.
Hand, car, fire
Hand, machine, water
Arm, leg, machine
Computer, machine, water
How would you notice a mill area in Andover today?
Name the factors needed for industrialization.
Who provided the capital for New England to be able to industrialize?
The president
Sports players
Wealthy merchants
Who provided the labor and market demand in New England?
Large states
Small towns and cities like Andover and Lowell
What provided the power for industrialization in New England?
Fast moving streams
Air currents
Sunny days
Human labor
Wool from farms and cotton from Southern plantations provided what?(New England)
Artificial resources
Natural resources
What made great advances in communication?(New England)
The telegram
The phone
The telephone
The telegraph
What provided the transportation? (New England)
Horse and buggy
Canals and railroads
The plans stolen by Samuel Slater and later individual innovation provided what? (New England)
The new technology
Housing spaces
Pond areas near New England
What provided the favorable government?(New England)
Tariffs and the Quota system
Tariffs and the Embargo Act
Free land
No tax
What does the word standardized mean?
What does the word customized mean?
What does mass production mean?
What does the word productivity mean?
Why was there a spike in immigration from 1840-1860?
Wars in the middle east
Unfavorable government
Potato famine
Lack of education
Why was there a spike in immigration from 1860-1880?
Educational purposes
Wars in their home
Gold rush
To start a new family
What restrictions were put in place from 1900-1920?
Was there a drop or a spike of immigration during WWI?
Create a story or many sentences using these words: Assimilation, immigration, emigration, greenhorn, legal immigrant, migration, naturalization, quota system.
Was a famine a push or a pull?
Was freedom a push or a pull?
Name two more pushes. (Could be anything that makes sense, but doesn't have to be on our list)
Name two more pulls. (Could be anything that makes sense, but doesn't have to be on our list)
Why did Irish immigrants come to America?
The potato famine, and they could get jobs in the industrial revolution
Unjust treatment of religion and the potato famine
Jobs in the industrial revolution and unjust treatment of religion
Wanted to start a new life
Irish immigrants were allowed in but there was a lack of acceptance because many Americans distrusted the ______ and ___________.
Priest, Christians
Color of their hair, their different accent
Pope, Catholics
Irish and French
What developed to cut back on immigration?
Catholicism was still an issue up to ____________.
Why did Chinese immigrants come to America?
The Chinese immigrants were allowed in but racism and prejudice developed quickly because of their physical and _________ differences.
This backlash led to first immigration restrictions in the US law which was the Chinese _______ Act and it cut back on numbers dramatically.
Nativists "___________ for America" pushed for more restrictions
What were the goals of the care for mental illness movement?
Who was the most important person in the mental illness reform?
Dorothea Dix persuaded most legislatures to treat mentally ill people as ________ rather than criminals.
Sick people
What was the goal of the prison reform?
Who was involved in the prison reform movement?
Horace Mann
Dorothea Dix
Laura Bridgman
What progress was made in the prison reform?
Cruel punishment banned
1 or 2 inmates to a cell
Debtors were not treated as criminals
A, B, & C
What were the goals of the temperance movement?
Who was involved in the temperance movement?
Mostly men
Mostly children
Mostly women
All of the above
What were the goals of the education reform?
To have public school people get a better education
To educate African Americans and to help kids with disabilities get an education
To pay teachers more
A & B
Who was involved in the education reform?
Thomas Gallaudet
Horace Mann
Samuel Gridley Howe
All of the above
What progress was made for public schools?
What progress was made for African Americans?
What progress was made for special needs children?
Did women have many rights during and before the 1800's?
Susan B. Anthony fought for women's __________ rights, worked for women's equal rights and helped create a women political movement. She also helped establish a powerful force within Washington to petition for an ________________ recognizing women's rights.
Voting, suffrage
Suffrage, change
Voting, amendment
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the leading critic of legal and cultural forms of women's ______________ and demanded for women to have the right to vote.
Bad treatment
Sojourner Truth fought to abolish slavery and to emancipate _______.
African Americans
Describe what this excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments means and say if it has been redressed. "He has not ever permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise. He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice."
Describe what this excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments means and say if it has been redressed."He has not ever permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise. E has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice."
Describe what this excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments means and say if it has been redressed. "He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty remuneration."
Describe what this excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments means and say if it has been redressed. "He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education—all colleges being closed against her."
Describe what this excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments means and say if it has been redressed. "He has created a false public sentiment by giving to the world a different code of morals for men and women..."
{"name":"SS Quiz Week of May 21", "url":"","txt":"The definition of an industrial revolution is dramatic changes in the way people worked and lived in the 1800s as a result of the shift of ______ labor to _______ labor and human and animal power to ________ power and steam engines., How would you notice a mill area in Andover today?, Name the factors needed for industrialization.","img":""}
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