Winslow Academy Crew Assignment

a fantastical, colorful illustration of a diverse group of teens in a school setting, showcasing different crew dynamics and personalities

Winslow Academy Crew Assignment

Are you ready to discover your true identity in the dynamic world of Winslow Academy? Our engaging quiz will help you uncover what crew aligns with your personality! Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to find out where you fit in at school and what traits make you unique.

  • Assess your social tendencies.
  • Explore your academic interests.
  • Reveal your hidden strengths.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by JumpingStar47
It's your first day of school! What are you doing?
Worry about whether I'll be popular.
Making new friends.
Making sure I get all the best classes.
Introducing myself to people who seem like fun.
Finding the library.
Signing up for extracurricular activities.
How well do you do in your classes?
I manage, but I am usually watching the clock.
I get very good grades and do exceptionally well.
I pay attention and am interactive with the teacher and other students.
I am in the back, sleeping or goofing off.
Which of the following would you most hate for people to call you?
How would you describe your ideal weekend?
Staying in and spending time with my family.
Going on a weekend trip.
Spending time alone, reading or watching television or gaming.
Hanging out with friends, gossiping and planning.
Partying and sneaking drinks and generally having a good time.
Catching up on schoolwork or taking a class in something that interests you.
What would you say is your favorite subject? [select three]
It's Friday night and one of the teens from the other Crew is throwing a huge party. It's all anyone has been talking about all week. But, your parents said you cannot go because you have a school project due on Monday. What do you do?
Sneak out and go anyway, it's just one night.
Try and reason with your parents.
Your project was finished weeks ago, what are your parents talking about?
Stay home, you didn't really want to go anyway.
Get your friends to help try and convince your parents.
Convince your parents it's a group project and you are going to your friends house to work on it, but you go to the party anyway.
You are on the playground with some other kids your own age. You see one of the boys from the opposite crew picking on a girl. What do you do?
Mind your own business. They are not from your crew anyway.
Stand up for the girl, even if she isn’t from your crew.
Invite both of them to come play and hope you can all be friends.
Confront the boy and make him stop.
Tell one of the teachers about what is happening.
Round up some friends and come back to give the boy a taste of his own medicine.
It is not our abilities that make us who we are, but our choices. What type of person would you choose to be?
Which of these sentences best describes how you would relate to the world?
I take as much pleasure in my own success as the success of my friends.
The best times I have are with my friends, and with my books, in roughly that order.
I tend to be skeptical of other peoples’ intentions.
I’m a self-starter, but I am often happier when I am on a team.
People sometimes underestimate me, which is a big mistake.
I am driven by a strong desire to understand the world around me.
I am easy-going and surround myself with like-minded people.
You are walking down the street and find a wallet laying in the grass. It has money and identification in it. What do you do?
Take the money and ditch the wallet.
Turn it into the authorities.
Bring it back to the person, maybe there will be a reward.
Return the wallet, but without the money. They can't prove it was you that took it.
What pair of traits best describes you?
Curious and determined
Patient and self-reliant
Creative and perceptive
Reliable and righteous
Individual and inquisitive
Self-confident and resourceful
What is your favorite time of the year?
Winter - Competitive snowball fights, sipping hot cocoa by the fire with frozen fingers and pink cheeks. Rolling eyes at holiday cookies but sneaking tastes of the batter. Dark nights and Christmas music and the occasional sniffle from the cold.
Spring - The first hint of warmth and sunlight after the cold. Gardening and new life, self-growth. Being outside, slow bike rides and strolls. Dancing in the rain.
Summer - Midnight adventures and spontaneous ice cream runs. Wheeling your friends around the grocery store in the shopping cart. Blasting your favorite song and letting your hands out the window. Enjoying the salty mix of warm sand and the ocean in your hair. Roadtrips and sunburns and pool parties.
Autumn - Warm tea and hot applie cider in enamel mugs. Overstuffed armchairs and your favorite pet. Layers of clothes and books. Scarves and fall leaves and humming under your breath.
Do you have a crew preference?
Surprise me!
What color speaks most to you?
Red - Bold, daring, passionate
Blue - Calm, cool, collected
White - Pure, whimsical, carefree
Purple - Intuitive, loyal, smart
Yellow - Kind, funny, trusting
Green - Witty, successful, power
Black - Moody, ambitious, independent
What is your dream job?
Ballerina or princess
A firefighter or police officer
A doctor or a nurse
A teacher
An astronaut or pilot
Business Owner
Community Leader
No job for me!
Military Career
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