Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 23 Sep 21
[2109.10374] Junxiang Huang, James O. Cochran, Suzanne M. Fielding et al.: Shear-driven solidification and nonlinear elasticity in epithelial tissues
[2109.10395] Xuzhe Ying: Change of Corner Charge and Adiabatic Current Distribution in Two Dimensional Insulators with Inversion Symmetry
[2109.10405] Lun Jin, Danrui Ni, Xin Gui et al.: Ferromagnetic Double Perovskite Semiconductors with Tunable Properties
[2109.10407] Arthur Hernandez, Michael F. Staddon, Mark J. Bowick et al.: Geometric rigidity and anomalous elasticity of cellular tissue vertex model
[2109.10418] Mitchell M. Bordelon, Xiaoling Wang, Daniel M. Pajerowski et al.: Magnetic properties and signatures of moment ordering in triangular lattice antiferromagnet KCeO$_2$
[2109.10424] Silas Alben: Packing of elastic rings with friction
[2109.10438] Jyoti Prasad Banerjee, Rituparno Mandal, Deb Sankar Banerjee et al.: Active ploughing through a compressible viscoelastic fluid
[2109.10446] P. N. Bibikov: Thermodynamics of an Ising-like XXZ chain in a longitudinal magnetic field in the framework of the Quantum Transfer Matrix approach
[2109.10468] L. Kang, X. Du, J. S. Zhou et al.: Band-selective Holstein polaron in Luttinger liquid material A0.3MoO3 (A = K, Rb)
[2109.10494] Qi Ren, Xingyao Wang, Yingzhuo Lun et al.: Zero Poisson' s Ratio and Suppressed Mechanical Anisotropy in BP/SnSe Van der Waals Heterostructure: A First-principles Study
[2109.10496] Raghav Mishra, Tyson Philips, Gary W. Delaney et al.: Vibration Improves Performance in Granular Jamming Grippers
[2109.10519] S Rahul, Sujit Sarkar: Topological Quantum Criticality in non-Hermitian Kitaev chain with Longer Range Interaction
[2109.10527] M.M. Sharma, N.K. Karn, Prince Sharma et al.: SnAs: a 4K weak type-II superconductor with non-trivial band topology
[2109.10542] Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Takao Tsumurya, Takahiro Misawa: $Ab$ $initio$ derivation and exact-diagonalization analysis of low-energy effective Hamiltonians for $β^\prime$-X[Pd(dmit)$_2$]$_2$
[2109.10543] D. N. Yasinskaya, V. A. Ulitko, A. A. Chikov et al.: Critical behavior of a 2D spin-pseudospin model in a strong exchange limit
[2109.10556] Maksiem Erkens, Sofie Cambré, Emmanuel Flahaut et al.: Ultrasonication-Induced Extraction of Inner Shells from Double-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Characterized via In Situ Spectroscopy after Densit...
[2109.10562] D. N. Yasinskaya, V. A. Ulitko, Yu. D. Panov: Critical properties of a 2D frustrated magnet with non-magnetic impurities
[2109.10565] Takuya Eguchi, Satoshi Oga, Hosho Katsura et al.: Energy Scale Deformation on Regular Polyhedra
[2109.10566] Tatu Pinomaa, Matti Lindroos, Paul Jreidini et al.: Multiscale analysis of crystal defect formation in rapid solidification of pure aluminium and aluminium-copper alloys
[2109.10585] D. N. Yasinskaya, V. A. Ulitko, Yu. D. Panov: Specific Features of Phase States of a Diluted 2D Magnet with Frustration
[2109.10597] J. S. Harms, R. A. Duine: Theory of the dipole-exchange spin wave spectrum in ferromagnetic films with in-plane magnetization revisited
[2109.10603] Étienne Fodor, Anton Souslov: Optimal power and efficiency of odd engines
[2109.10635] Haedong Park, Sang Soon Oh: Sign ambiguity of non-Abelian topological charges in phononic and photonic topological insulators
[2109.10644] D. N. Yasinskaya, V. A. Ulitko, Yu. D. Panov: Nontrivial Ground State Degeneracy of the Spin-Pseudospin Model of a Two-Dimensional Magnet Near the Frustration Point
[2109.10651] Abhiroop Lahiri, Shazia Janwari, Swapan K Pati: Repesentation of general spin-$S$ systems using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine with Softmax Regression
[2109.10677] Jens Grauer, Falko Schmidt, Jesus Pineda et al.: Active droploids
[2109.10706] Shohei Masuda, Masaaki Nakamura: Relationship between the electronic polarization and the generalized winding number in non-Hermitian systems
[2109.10712] Shinibali Bhattacharyya, Andreas Kreisel, X. Kong et al.: Superconducting gap symmetry from Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference analysis on {Sr}$_2${RuO}$_4$
[2109.10726] Yuichi Itto, Christian Beck: Weak correlation between fluctuations in protein diffusion inside bacteria
[2109.10728] C. Q. Xu, B. Li, L. Zhang et al.: Superconductivity in PtPb$_{4}$ with Possible Nontrivial Band Topology
[2109.10740] Y. Liu, J. J. Bao, C. Q. Xu et al.: Coupling between Antiferromagnetic and Spin Glass Orders in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Iron Telluride TaFe$_{1+x}$Te$_3$ ($x$=0.25)
[2109.10745] Matteo Colangeli, Adrian Muntean: Reduced Markovian descriptions of the Brownian oscillator. Towards an exact theory
[2109.10746] Joakim Hagel, Samuel Brem, Christopher Linderälv et al.: Exciton landscape in van der Waals heterostructures
[2109.10758] Zulfidin Khodzhaev, Emrah Turgut: Hopfion Dynamics in Chiral Magnets
[2109.10769] Fangyang Zhan, Baobing Zheng, Xiaoliang Xiao et al.: Magnetic field induced Valley-Polarized Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Ferromagnetic van der Waals Heterostructures
[2109.10783] Min-Hsuan Peng, Ching-Yang Pan, Hao-Xuan Zheng et al.: Dynamic Behaviors and Training Effects in TiN/Ti/HfO$_x$/TiN Nanolayered Memristors with Controllable Quantized Conductance States: Impl...
[2109.10791] E. Nieto-Valeiras, S. Haouala, J. LLorca: On the effect of slip transfer at grain boundaries on the strength of FCC polycrystals
[2109.10798] Arun Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, Maria K.Y. Chan: Data-Driven Design of Novel Halide Perovskite Alloys
[2109.10799] E. L. Spevak, A. S. Moskvin, Yu. D. Panov: Critical Temperatures of Hard-Core Boson Model on Square Lattice within Bethe Approximation
[2109.10809] Kun Jiang, Tao Wu, Jia-Xin Yin et al.: Kagome superconductors AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=K, Rb, Cs)
[2109.10829] X. Viader Godoy, C. R. Pulido, B. Ibarra et al.: Cooperativity-Dependent Folding of Single-Stranded DNA
[2109.10837] Michele Coppola, Emanuele Tirrito, Dragi Karevski et al.: Growth of entanglement entropy under local projective measurements
[2109.10851] Xinlei Zhao, Fengjie Ma, Zhong-Yi Lu: First-principles study on the electronic structure of CaKRu$_4$P$_4$
[2109.10858] Bruno Focassio, Gabriel R. Schleder, F. Crasto de Lima et al.: Amorphous Bi$_2$Se$_3$ structural, electronic, and topological nature by first-principles
[2109.10878] J.E. Hirsch, F. Marsiglio: Absence of evidence of superconductivity in sulfur hydride in optical reflectance experiments
[2109.10890] S. Wei, S. Baek, H. Yue et al.: Machine-Learning Enabled Search for The Next-Generation Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
[2109.10901] Zenan Liu, Jun Li, Rui-Zhen Huang et al.: Bulk and edge dynamics of a 2D Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 23 Sep 21","img":""}