World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – October 11-17, 2021
{"name":"World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – October 11-17, 2021", "url":"","txt":"The WHO endorsed the world’s first vaccine for THIS disease that kills more than 400,000 people a year, mostly in the Global South, including about 260,000 children under age 5, in a move the WHO Director called a “historic moment.” [#WACquiz], The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development announced THIS “landmark deal” agreed to by 136 nations and jurisdictions, more than 90% of global GDP, that will “reallocate more than $125 billion of profits from around 100 of the world’s largest and most profitable MNEs to countries worldwide.”, The 2021 Nobel Peace Prize went to THESE two journalists who exemplified courage in the face of physical threats from repressive governments – Vladimir Putin in Russia and Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines. [#WACquiz]","img":""}