Municipal Law

A detailed illustration representing municipal law, including symbols of justice, city government buildings, and a police officer in front of a cityscape, vibrant colors, modern design.

Municipal Law Quiz

Test your knowledge of municipal law with our comprehensive quiz. This quiz covers various aspects of local laws, ordinances, and regulations to enhance your understanding.

  • 32 Questions on Municipal Law
  • Multiple Choice Format
  • Ideal for Law Students, Professionals, and Enthusiasts
32 Questions8 MinutesCreated by EnforcingRules254
All local laws, ordinances, By-laws and rules/regulations are
Felony Class
Civil Class
What provides police with right of arrest for violation of city ordinance?
MGL c. 272 s. 49
MGL c. 272 s. 69
MGL c. 272 s. 89
MGL c. 272 s. 59
Ordinance Violation must be
In presence or from another PO
Not in presence or from another PO
Presence or from another Supervisor
Presence or from another violator
Right of Arrest must be exercised with?
A. Prudence b. juridication c. Commonsense
A. Knowledge b. Intelligence c. Commonsense
A. Prudence b. Intelligence c. Commonsense
A. Presence b. Intelligence c. Commonsense
7. Many MGLs are duplicated by City Ordinances – why should you use MGL over city ordinance?
A. MGL takes precedence and easier to write
A. MGL takes precedence and easier to prove
A. MGL takes charge and easier to prove
A. MGL takes precedence and harder to prove
Can we arrest a Juvenile for a City Ordinance Violation?
No longer able to arrest, OR apply for criminal complaint, against juveniles who violate a municipal law. Officers can ONLY issue civil citation (money fine)
Yes we can arrest, OR apply for criminal complaint, against juveniles who violate a municipal law. Officers can issue civil citation (money fine)
No longer able to arrest, OR apply for criminal complaint, against juveniles who violate a municipal law. Officers can NOT issue civil citation
No longer able to arrest, BUT WE CAN apply for criminal complaint, against juveniles who violate a municipal law. Officers can ONLY issue civil citation (money fine)
Is Smoking prohibited in parks ?
NO- inhaling, exhaling, burning any lighted cigar, cigarette, other lighted or vaporized substance.
YES- inhaling, exhaling, burning any lighted cigar, cigarette, other lighted or vaporized substance.
NO TO inhaling, BUT YES FOR exhaling, burning any lighted cigar, cigarette, other lighted or vaporized substance.
Regulating Access – Roof Decks: No person shall occupy a roof deck from city of Boston unless issued a permit by ISD (Inspectional service department) when:
A. 3 residential units b. If no permit, must have a LOCK or ALARM c. No permit or Lock/Alarm, Officer shall order the roof vacated and contact ISD
A. 3 or more residential units b. If no permit, must have a LOCK or ALARM c. No permit or Lock/Alarm, Officer shall order the roof vacated and contact ISD
A. 3 or few residential units b. If no permit, must have a LOCK or ALARM c. No permit or Lock/Alarm, Officer shall order the roof vacated and contact ISD
A. 3 or more residential units b. If permit, must have a LOCK or ALARM c. No permit or Lock/Alarm, Officer shall order the roof vacated and contact BPD
Permits for street work issued by
Commissioner of Dept. of Parks Department
Commissioner of Dept. of Public Service
Commissioner of Dept. of Public Works
City Hall
Restraining Dogs Leash Should be:
Dangerous / Vicious dog – only animal control officer can deem dog this:
A. Has bitten or attacked any person b. Attempt to bite or attack any person c. Known tendency or disposition to attack, cause injury, or threaten safety to domestic animals
A. Has bitten or attacked any person b. Attempt to bite or attack any person c. Known tendency or disposition to attack, cause injury, or threaten safety to wild animals
A. Has lick or attacked any person b. Attempt to bite or attack any person c. Known tendency or disposition to attack, cause injury, or threaten safety to domestic animals
A. Has bitten or attacked any person b. Attempt to bite or attack any person c. Known tendency or disposition to attack, cause injury, or threaten feelings of domestic animals
Dog Officer May Permit Dog Off Owner’s Premises if:
A. MUZZLED b. Approved lead or chain NOT EXCEEDING 3 FT c. Under control of an ADULT
A. 10 Feet Leash b. Approved lead or chain NOT EXCEEDING 3 FT c. Under control of ABLE-BODIED ADULT
A. MUZZLED b. Approved lead or chain NOT EXCEEDING 3 FT c. Under control of ABLE-BODIED ADULT
A. MUZZLED b. Approved lead or chain NOT EXCEEDING 3 FT c. Under control of young ADULT
Mandatory to Dispose of Feces Exception:
18. No person shall hawk or peddle any fruits or vegetables until he has obtained a license UNLESS:
The pursuit of agriculture, product of the vendor’s labor or labor of his family
Product of the vendor’s labor or labor of his family, Farmers Market product
Pursuit of agriculture, Family products from Start Market
Defacement of Property and Possession of Certain Items:
Under 17 years ,carry or use any paint or marker not water-soluble surface in EXCESS of one-half inch
Be under 18 years of age, carry or use any paint or marker which is not water-soluble (permanent) and has a point/writing surface in EXCESS of one-half inch
Under 17 years ,carry or use any paint or marker not water-soluble surface in EXCESS of one inch
Be under 18 years of age, carry or use any paint or marker which is not water-soluble (permanent) and has a point/writing surface in EXCESS of one inch
Graffiti Removal
Remove graffiti within 30 days
Remove graffiti within 10 days
Remove graffiti within 20 days
Remove graffiti within 60 days
Removal of Snow and Ice:
Snow: cannot remain for more than 2 hours between sunrise and sunset, ICE must make the ice level and cover it with sand
Snow: cannot remain for more than 3 hours between sunrise and sunset, Ice: must make the ice level and cover it with snow
Snow: cannot remain for more than 3 hours between sunrise and sunset,b. Ice: must make the ice level and cover it with sand
Unlawful Games
No person shall expose any table or device to play any games of hazard/chance or play any such game or any other unlawful game in any street
Person shall/ will expose any table or device to play any games of hazard/chance or play any such game or any other unlawful game in any street
No person shall expose any table or device to play any games of hazard/chance or play any such game or any other game in any house
Unlawful for any person to ride a skateboard, roller blades, roller skates, and stunt type bicycles upon public property; includes:
A. Stairs b. Rail Areas c. Plazas d. Any area under the care, custody and control of the city
A. Stairs b. Fountain Areas c. Picnic d. Any area under the care, custody and control of the city
A. Steps b. Fountain Areas c. Plazas d. Any area under the care, custody and control of the city
A. Stairs b. Fountain Areas c. Plazas d. Any area under the care, custody and control of the city
What 2 things does the operator of a Pedicab need?
A. Hackney License b. Valid Driver’s Permit
A. Hackney Decal b. Valid Driver’s License
A. License b. Valid Driver’s License
A. Hackney License b. Valid Driver’s License
Parking in Marked Bike Lane: no driver shall stand or park any MV in a marked bike lane, EXCEPT:
Avoid conflict with other traffic or pedestrians, lawful direction of a PO or official traffic sign, under existing regulations
Avoid conflict with other traffic or pedestrians,lawful direction of a PO or official traffic sign,under landlord regulations
Avoid conflict with other traffic or pedestrians,lawful direction of a PO or official traffic sign, under expired regulations
Gypsy cab :
Drivers that are authorized by Hackney – this is the only violation that a police officer can arrest without a warning
Drivers that are not authorized by Hackney – this is the only violation that a police officer can arrest without a warning
Drivers that are not authorized by Hackney – this is the only violation that a police officer can NOT arrest without a warning
Taxicab Licensed Outside the City of Boston ONLY Allowed to do 3 things:
A. Drive though said city b. Pick up passengers if called by phone c. Pick up passengers if stuck
A. Drive though said city b. Pick up passengers if FLAG DOWN c. Pick up passengers if dispatched
A. Drive though said city b. Pick up passengers if called by phone c. Pick up passengers if dispatched
A. Drive though said city b. Pick up passengers if called by phone c. Pick up passengers if Seen
Unreasonable Noise:
NO amp device: 300 feet, b. Amplification Device: 200 feet
NO amp device: 300 feet, b. Amplification Device: 100 feet
NO amp device: 300 feet, b. Amplification Device: 200 feet
NO amp device: 300 feet, b. Amplification Device: 100 foot
Unreasonable Noise-Making Automobile Safety Devices
200 feet , within 5 minutes
200 feet , within 10 minutes
100 feet , within 5 minutes
300 feet , within 5 minutes
Regulation of Construction Hours:
Of 5:00am and 6:00pm, on weekdays
Of 6:00am and 6:00pm, on weekdays
Of 7:00am and 7:00pm, on weekdays
Of 7:00am and 6:00pm, on weekdays
Abandonment of Automobiles:
Keep 1 or more ,6 OR fewer residential units,i. 1st violation: warning to register, insure or remove vehicle within 10 business days
Keep more than 1 ,6 OR fewer residential units,i. 1st violation: warning to register, insure or remove vehicle within 30 business days
Keep more than 1 ,6 OR fewer residential units,i. 1st violation: warning to register, insure or remove vehicle within 10 business days
SALE of Dangerous Instruments:
I. Knife with a blade length of 2 inches or more ii. Ice Pick iii. Straight Edge Razor
I. Knife with a blade length of 2 inches or more ii. Ice Pick iii. Edge Razor
I. Knife with a blade length of 2 inches or more ii. Ice Picker iii. Straight Edge Razor
I. Knife with a blade length of 2.5 inches or more ii. Ice Pick iii. Straight Edge Razor
Carrying of Weapons Prohibited:
B. Any knife with a blade in excess of 2 inches UNLESS: I. Hunting, fishing, trade, or culinary employment OR ii. Going to/from such activity OR iii. Transported from purchase, sharpening, repair, etc. And packaged properly
B. Any knife with a blade in excess of 2.5 inches UNLESS: I. Targeting , fishing, trade, or culinary employment OR ii. Going to/from such activity OR iii. Transported from purchase, sharpening, repair, etc. And packaged properly
B. Any knife with a blade in excess of 2.5 inches UNLESS: I. Hunting, fishing, trade, or culinary employment OR ii. Going to/from such activity OR iii. Transported from purchase, sharpening, repair, etc. And packaged properly
B. Any knife with a blade in excess of 2.5 inches UNLESS: I. Hunting, fishing, trade, or culinary employment OR ii. Going to/from such activity OR iii. Transported from purchase, sharpening, repair, etc. And not packaged
After Hours Party:
Ii. After 11pm iii. Money Collected iv. Alcohol Served ,b. Host fined for each and every infraction: I. Being Host: $300 ii. Procuring Alcohol: $300 iii. $300 fine for each person working
Ii. After 12pm iii. Money Collected iv. Alcohol Served ,b. Host fined for each and every infraction: I. Being Host: $300 ii. Procuring Alcohol: $300 iii. $300 fine for each person workin
Ii. After 10pm iii. Money Collected iv. Alcohol Served ,b. Host fined for each and every infraction: I. Being Host: $300 ii. Procuring Alcohol: $300 iii. $300 fine for each person workin
Ii. After 11pm iii. Money Collected iv. Alcohol Served ,b. Host fined for each and every infraction: I. Being Host: $300 ii. Procuring Alcohol: $300 iii. $250 fine for each person workin
Non-Emergency Repair of Vehicles:
A. All person shall in or on any public areas, do the following: I. Install/remove parts ii. Repair/service iii. Put parts, fluids (except water), or containers on such lands
A. No person can in or on any public areas, do the following: I. Install/remove parts ii. Repair/service iii. Put parts, fluids (except water), or containers on such lands
A. No person shall in or on any public areas, do the following: I. Install/remove parts ii. Repair/service iii. Put parts, fluids (except water), or containers on such lands
Laser Pointer:
A. No person 21 AND under b. Shall possess a laser pointer on school premises for a valid instructional, school-related or employment purpose, with direct supervision of school staff/authorized instructor or parent
A. No person 16 AND under b. Shall possess a laser pointer on school premises for a valid instructional, school-related or employment purpose, with direct supervision of school staff/authorized instructor or parent
A. No person 17 AND under b. Shall possess a laser pointer on school premises for a valid instructional, school-related or employment purpose, with direct supervision of school staff/authorized instructor or parent
A. No person 18 AND under b. Shall possess a laser pointer on school premises for a valid instructional, school-related or employment purpose, with direct supervision of school staff/authorized instructor or parent
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