Are you ready to date after your divorce or break-up?

I put myself out there by trying online dating sites, or am willing to be introduced to someone.
Yes, definitely.
No, not comfortable with people checking me out.
I’m waiting for him to come to me, he will just ‘show up’ out of the blue.
If I were to date again it's because...
I'm lonely and bored.
I want to be entertained and have fun.
I am looking for a meaningful relationship.
When I think about my ex, I
Feel angry and resentful.
Don’t think him/her often but get annoyed when I do.
Wish her/her well with their life.
I spend my alone time…
Feeling depressed and/or lonely.
Busy with hobbies, not feeling alone.
Anxious, trying to stay busy to avoid feeling alone.
When I think about my first date I…
Expect to have chemistry right away or I’m not interested.
Look for mutual interests and whether I like his personality.
Think about how silly this feels, what would people think, or ‘I’m too old for this.’
When I think about a first date I…
Expect him to pay, no matter what.
Offer to split the check, no matter what.
If I like him, I expect him to pay, if I don’t like him, I offer to split the check.
When I’m not that interested in him and he asks me out again I…
Say yes, because I’m bored or I don’t have other plans.
Say ‘no thank you, the chemistry isn’t there’ and move on.
Avoid saying 'no', say ‘I’ll think about it,’ and then never respond to him.
When I am really interested and he doesn't ask me out again I...
Wonder what went wrong, obsess over it, and question if I’m good enough.
Don’t give it much thought and continue dating others.
I reach out to him, asking where the disconnect was or, I ask him out.
When we both really hit it off, there’s mutual chemistry, and he asks me out the following day I…
Say yes right away, without even checking if I have plans.
Say I will have to think about it and get back to him within a reasonable time.
Won’t respond at all until 2 or 3 days after the first date, so that he doesn’t think I’m desperate.
After the second or third date and we begin talking about our exes (or former relationship), I…
Hold back from revealing too much.
Match the same amount of information that he gives me about his ex.
Bash my ex, especially when he bashes his, and we have a good laugh or vent session about them.
After the second or third date, and he begins to get physical by kissing or touching, I…
Go for it and respond to his every touch, or enjoy long, amazing kisses in the car.
Enjoy the physical attention but only in small doses.
Freeze and don’t know what to do or how to respond.
Should I continue dating him and we are in the courting phase, I ….
Date other people until he makes a verbal commitment to me.
Don’t make him a priority, and spend time on myself or with my kids before I commit to more dates.
Take it slow and steady, on my terms.
When I get into an argument with the new person I'm dating, I
Shut down or get triggered by what my ex used to do.
Cut them off and never date them again.
Give myself some time to regroup, and then reach out to talk it out.

When I go to weddings…

I am happy for the couple but want to tell them to stay single.
I am happy for the couple and excited for when I get married (again or first time).
I feel resentful that love never works out for me.
{"name":"Are you ready to date after your divorce or break-up?", "url":"","txt":"A partner who dresses well - classy, well manicured, You go out for date nights, A sense of mystery - always keeps you on your toes, in a good way","img":""}
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