War of 1812

The British __ and the __ Continental System were __ blockades that prevented the United States from trading with __ without extreme risk to ships, goods, and sailors
Royal Navy, Spanish, paper, France
Orders in Council, French, paper, Europe
Monarchy, French, merchant, Europe
Royal Orders, Spanish, merchant, France
Navy, German, salt, France
What battle inspired Francis Scott Key to write the words that later became "The Star Spangled Banner"
Battle of Fort McHenry
Battle of Plattsburg
Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of York
Battle of Fort Duquesne
The United States declared war on _ on June 18, 1812
Great Britain
General __ led the United States forces during the Battle of New Orleans.
Andrew Jackson
Oliver Hazard Perry
William Henry Harrison
Richard Mentor Johnson
Robert E. Lee
What law replaced the Embargo Act?
Macon's Bill No. 1
The Non-Intercourse Act
The New Embargo Act
Macon's Bill No. 2
Genova Convention
Which of the following statements about the War of 1812 is false?
The British increased their forces in the U.S. Once they defeated Napolean
The Creek Indians lost the battle of Horseshoe Bay and, coincidentally, gave up much of their land
The British blockaded many of the U.S ports and burned Washington, D.C
The United States won the War of 1812 after the Battle of Lake Erie
America didn't win the War of 1812, but claimed they did.
All of the following domestic issues influence Madison's decision to ask Congress for a declaration of war, EXCEPT
Conflicts with the native tribes in the Northwest territory
Economic depression
The annexation of Spanish Florida
Pressure from the "war hawks"
Boats being stolen
Why did the H.M.S Leopard attack the U.S frigate Chesapeake
The British believed the United States was working with France
The guns on board the Leopard accidentally discharged
The Chesapeake was in path of the Leopard
There were four deserters from the Royal Navy hiding on the Chesapeake
They didn't like them.
The Embargo Act hurt the United States in all of the following ways EXCEPT
It increased umemployment
Many businesses went bankrupt
It disrupted the development of the frontier
The Europeans were able to take over markets previously dominated by the U.S
They lost money!
When Great Britain blocked direct trade between France and the French colonies, United States merchants dodged regulations by making what kind of voyages?
Full transports
Broken voyages
Part-time tours
Random corssings
Which two countries were involved in the Chesapeake-Leopard affair
France and Great Britain
France and the US
US and Great Britain
Italy and the US
Italy and Great Britain
Which of the following BEST defines the word impressment?
Being forced into domestic service
Being forced into military service
Being forced to follow a law
Being forced to break a law
Being forced to leave a country
What was Jefferson's alternative to going to war with Great Britain?
The Alien and Sedition Acts
The Non-Impressment Acts
The Embargo Acts
The Prohibition Acts
The Intolerable Acts
What was Jefferson hoping to accomplish with the Embargo Acts
He felt that depriving Europe of U.S goods would force Britain and France to negotiate with the U.S and allow the U.S to remain neutral in the Napoleonic Wars
He felt putting pressure on both Britain and France would end the war with Napolean
He felt that depriving Europe of US resources would end the war
He felt that cutting the resources to Europe would force other nations to get involved and end the war quickly
He felt that Europe would eventually turn against America and use their resources against them
Who was President during the war of 1812
Andrew Jackson
George Washington
James Madison
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Which of the following is NOT true about the Embargo Acts
They were not repelled until a few days before Jefferson left office
They were very popular in the US
They eventually prohibited the export of all US goods by land and sea
They prohibited US traders to dock in foreign countries
The embargo acts were made by Thomas Jefferson
Which U.S city was burned during the War of 1812?
New York
Washington D.C
Which of the following is another term of the implementation of the Embargo Acts
Peaceable coericion
Defensive coericion
Objective coericion
Subjective coericion
What is a war hawk?
Someone who protests war
Someone who understand the complexity of war
Someone who rallies for war
Someone who is neutral towards war
A bird used for war
Which of the following statements BEST describes the overall goal of Tecumsah and his brother Tenskwatawa
They wanted to unify Native American tribes and restore native culture in North America
They wanted to partenr with the british in the northwest territory
They wanted to remove all Europeans from North America
They wanted to creat a Native American empire to rival all European empires
They wanted to become allies with the Americans
{"name":"War of 1812", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The British __ and the __ Continental System were __ blockades that prevented the United States from trading with __ without extreme risk to ships, goods, and sailors, What battle inspired Francis Scott Key to write the words that later became \"The Star Spangled Banner\", The United States declared war on _ on June 18, 1812","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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