What's your Body Image?

Do you identify as male or female?
Which age group are you in (years)?
Under 16
30 and up
When I look in the mirror, I:
Like what I see ("flaws" and all).
Would like what I see if I could just lose weight, firm up, or get rid of these stretch marks.
Avoid looking at myself, because I know I look terrible.
In my mind, the definition of a healthy weight is:
Somewhere within the healthy range of a healthy body mass index.
A specific number, which happens to correspond with fitting into a certain size.
Whatever I weigh when I’m living a reasonable life.
When I flip through beauty magazines, I:
Compare myself to the models and feel bad because I don’t measure up.
Remind myself that it’s all airbrushing, lighting and make-up, and I know that no one really looks like that.
In my mind, a "perfect" body is one that:
Is free of excess weight, cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, and scars.
Allows me to live a healthy and satisfying life.
True or False: I believe that others would like me more if I looked differently.
I exercise primarily because:
I’m trying to burn calories, manage my weight and/or change my appearance.
It makes me feel more energetic, stronger, healthier and/or happier.
I spend the majority of my emotional energy on:
Enjoying family, friends, work/school, hobbies and life.
Longing for and pursuing the perfect body.
Most of the time, I eat when I’m _______.
Bored, depressed, lonely, stressed and/or worried
Most of the time, I stop eating when I'm _____.
Uncomfortably full
Sick and overwhelmed with guilt about what I ate
When I'm invited to go swimming, I:
Immediately decline--there's no way anyone is seeing me in a bathing suit.
Hesitate, feeling nervous about being seen in a bathing suit.
Accept and start planning for the pool party!
When I realize I no longer fit into my jeans, I:
Chide myself, then resolve to make healthier choices.
Take inventory of my lifestyle to determine whether I've been making reasonable choices lately.
Immediately start a strict diet and exercise program.
{"name":"What's your Body Image?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you identify as male or female?, Which age group are you in (years)?, When I look in the mirror, I:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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